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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. olossus (3) Loggers Leap (8) Nemesis Inferno (5) SAW- The Ride (5) Slammer (3) Stealth (6) Tidal Wave (5) Logger's+ Slammer-
  2. This topic is tempting me more to write Professor Drunk: The Musical.The musical telling the story of professor drunk who wants to open a brewery near Disneyland
  3. Super Saturday-hottest record in the world right now I never really seem to settle or select for one specific song when it comes to things I really enjoy listening to. Whilst I'm yet to listen to any of Bieber's latest stuff (which I hear is overwhelmingly good), I'm going to settle with Adele's latest big hit, Hello. Having been in the shadows for a while, Adele has released an amazing new album and this song doesn't fail to impress. This song feels so bold and impressive and it almost feels I'm at the top of a mountain when I hear the chorus appear. Adele triumphant star better than many crappy X-factor people like 1D, Little Mix etc. As her music is more original and she writes much of it herself too.
  4. Film Friday- favourite film soundtrack, One I've had numerous choices in mind for. I've been a big fan of the soundtracks for The Theory Of Everything, Hunger Games Mockingjay and even The Imiation game. However my choice for this one will be not quite as recent but perhaps just as relevant especially this month . My pick is Across The Stars (love theme) From Star Wars Episode II Attack Of The Clones (2002). This is a beautiful piece of music and perhaps the flagship film theme in the movie (after the main theme), which depicts the love between Anakin & Padme in the film. Whilst I shall not ruin the plot, I shall say the title does reflect the term of star crossed lovers very well. The music is lush, beginning with an oboe solo before other instruments such as harps and string taking turns which keeps it interesting despite reusing the same motif. Safe to say Willisms was influenced by the likes of Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet here and to a lesser extent Stravinsky and Wagner. My choosing of this track is not so much for the fact I'm a big fan of Star Wars, the new film being out (though ironic I still haven't seen it) but the fact I recently played this piece as part of a Star Wars at University with a film orchestra (which was fun to be involved in). Whilst I didn't get thecsolo in the piece, it was still a lovely piece to not just hear live but be involved in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM_ZWnD40aA
  5. Thumping Thursday- Dance Dance dance Time to bring out the moves on this one with some dance classics. The Nineties gave us some classic dance hits, Sandstorm, Right On Time and Fire Starter to mention a few. Another of these classic tracks I really have a liking to is Haddway's What Is Love. There's something I like about this number, whether it be the upbeat driven chorus or the build up of music texture as a whole here. A cover of this song was also done by several floppy disc drives (yes really).
  6. Dungeons booked now. Roll on Sunday! I know what you meant, but was kidding (considering I seem to get drunk in some form on half these meets ). Haven't actually had drink for a few days now, but sure that will change soon
  7. Matt 236

    ...Of The Year

    My turn,lets see how this goes. Best New ride:- Baron 1898 Worthy Mentions:- Sky Force, Heartlake City Best Movie of 2015:- Big Hero Six Worthy Mentions:- Need to see more films in 2016 Best Album of the Year: Adele 25 Best Song:- Hello Adele Worthy Mentions:- eyes wide shut Years & Years, How deep is your love- Calvin Harris TV Show of the Year:- Big Bang Theory Worthy Mentions:- I'm a celeb, Dark Rides (it's so good and I don't watch loads of TV at the mo) Best Moments - Disney Land Paris, my first ever trip there with highlights including getting to the gates, night rides on BTM, Peaj's breath getting a cast ember out of character, meeting a school mate I haven't seen for years and professor drunk on day 1. -My trip at Efteling, Polle's, Baron 1898 & Aquanura in particular were superb! Roll on 2016.
  8. No, I don't plan to be Professor Drunk this time, think I've broken enough coat hangers dancing to Thriller lately
  9. Would it be safe to say I've gone one up from last years which was Cher? Was considering an S club or steps whether they'd be as offensive
  10. Ticket for Shrek booked, can't wait to see you all Sunday!
  11. Whatever Wednesday-anything goes For some reason, I've found it a little tricky to find a track for this one, but I'm going with Dude Looks Like A Lady by Aerosmith. It's a song that feels special to me because of the fact it reminds me of one of my favourite childhood films Mrs Doubtfire alongside my trips to Disneyland Paris. It was on these trips riding Rock N Rollercoaster which the song would play and hearing this song made me feel so happy (ah those trips were great). It's just a good song overall and I just live it all so much with the whole vibe throughout.
  12. Whoops it, looks like I've slipped behind a little here. Anyway a, Cheesy Tuesday I don't know why, but I had a large'ish phase of listening to cheesy party numbers last summer, whether that be S-Club Seven, Steps or B*witched. However what these have in common aside from the fact they've produced some upbeat cheesy number is they're some of the many anthems of my childhood. Whether it be those many disco, entertainer or disco parties, they bring back so many memories of the late nineties/early noughties. One of these is B*Witche's Roller Coaster (one suitingly appropriate for a theme park forum perhaps) as its cheesy but catchy bridge and chorus make it reminisce things all to well including some of the many fantastic park trips I've had this year.
  13. Looks a Loverly layout and the colour scheme shall definitely be striking to say the least. Spinning trains on this would be crazy, but in a good way.
  14. The people have indeed spoken! It appears I've lost some of my creakyness this year for some reason or another. I am however still happy to be the winner of biggest fanboy and sexiest male amongst being second on most dedicated. It appears I have won storm surge, must've been those coat hangers And also 2nd sexiest female, what do I say (walks in dressed as Frank N Furter). Who knows what would happen if I'd won . Baron rightfully won its placement was did Efteling and look toward to how 2016 developments turn out (especially since two of those are in the Uk for once).
  15. I am terrible at losing games!
  16. I give up! this game is just destroying me, I'm taking this too seriously. if slammer leaves you will make me happy.
  17. something something dark side

    1. Kerfuffle


      ...Something something complete. ;)

  18. Matt 236

    TPM Awards 2015

    Most anticipated results goes to_
  19. Mellow Monday- Television Rules The Nation I start my opening with something a little different from usual. Daft Punk has always been a band/group I have liked, one which could be described as a modern Kraftwerk or Tangerine Dream in some ways. Todays entry television is one I have often been finding myself listening to and chilling out to recently, especially after a week of deadlines and plans with it's catchy and prominent melody and vocal hooks. Perhaps the fact this piece was played in a choir I've been taking part in has also helped.
  20. Matt 236


    Visited yesterday for their Christmas event and here's what's worth mentioning. 1/ The back of the Star Wars store is completely empty and cornered off. It's possible we could be seeing another scene added in here to do With Episode VII. 2/ Last Chance shop is completely empty. 3/ Squid Surfer features a lot of scaffolding on it (probably general work). However, here is potentially proof Dinosaur Safari is definitely going for hotel expansion. It looks like the path is being rebuilt/re-routed plus there's also things missing from the roof and fencing around the toilet block there as well. There's nothing to see yet on a Ghost though (the train was running) however it'll probably have an early 2017 opening now instead of a mid/late 2016 one anyway. Park does look pretty at night though with those lights.
  21. Apparently you can buy parts of the now torn down bridge on eBay, any partakers? Got to be a major projec for the removal of a central bridge like this, hope they have some good diversions here,
  22. Six rides, I'm treating it like general work for now, a repainted Colossus would be nice but it'll probably end up how the assumption of logger's tunnel ended up last season. New trains would be nice however.
  23. Oooh Fresh track, fresh B&M track! Tbh I don't see how I could've not been a B&M anyway as it would've just been silly really if they'd got someone like Premier rides or Intamin to retract it .
  24. Matt 236

    TPM Awards 2015

    I have a feeling some of the results this year will be bizarre and unexpected
  25. Two coasters in one year? Amazing! 2016 is definitely going to be one hell of a year for Phantasialand and safe to say it definitely has the most exciting developments too. That's sealed the deal on Phantasia being the must do list next year.
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