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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. I think Thorpe has reached its stage and time that it now requires a major ride that isn't a coaster, the park had their time of installing coasters (2002-2012) which one could call the coaster baby boom. Seeing the amount of avenues thin out and there's a demand for more immersive experiences and the like, a dark ride is just what the park needs considering most of the park's supporting rides are flats (some of which are really on their last legs), a dark ride couldn't come sooner really.
  2. Yeah, some info should be taken with a pinch of salt really, I'm still sketchy on that 'Rita & Stealth were supposed to be one ride' fact I was told on my lift walk. I don't believe the Colossus at chessie or Saw bit for one moment, however he was half right in how that ride was the most successful ride at Thorpe Park though. I really hope WC16 is a big success (regardless of it's current unthemed exterior) as if it goes well for them and boosts guest figures significantly, I can see other Merlin parks building similar scale dark rides in the future such as Towers and even Chessington (amongst the Europe parks too perhaps). Out of interest considering Thorpe's plans must be very similar to concept images, is the park allowed to enhance or update planning at anytime, I.E add a themed facade over that back wall on WC16 or something similar?
  3. Bitterly disappointing especially since I heard good things about it. I am (or at least was) planning to visit the park for a Hallowe'en (just because I've never been (park at night cress too)) but this news has put me off just a little as that's two great mazes I missed out on. Disappointing times
  4. Florida is the place to be for a lot of the most exciting new attractions in the world. Universal is really moving forwards with everything so far and I look forward to how they keep progressing and WDW responds investment wise. One day
  5. Chessington being Chessington have decided to cut weekday openings during September & October from 5pm to 4pm. Source Southparks If they're trying to impress me, they've failed, we really are living in the epitome of park progression.
  6. These investments snd upgrades sound exciting and stunning. The hulk one sounds much needed as apparently the ride was getting rough and the appearance was starting to look worn, so an overall hardware upgrade in addition to a 21st century update sounds much needed.
  7. We will never know here I go again 1/ I used to have a cuddly bear called nick because I somewhat stole him when I was a baby 2/ I accidentally smashed my glass of wine during new year 5 years ago 3/ I broke a coat hanger renacting Michael Jackon's Thriller when in a hotel drunk
  8. It's been a week since that amazing trip which means one thing. Time for the unofficial meet video/ Matt Creek Oakwood Vlog. https://youtu.be/vAhM8NdXHB4 It's the longest yet and there will be an additional video coming later featuring bits from the meet that were deemed unsuitable for public use
  9. Not a coaster? Think I've worked it out. The ride experience will comprise of you going around the building on the cherry picker in pitch black darkness On a serious note, let's not write this off as being an immersive experience as this ride could still be, when we find out the ride's theme and the exterior is covered up. The UK has still done some immersive rides recently such as Thirteen, The Swarm & to a lesser extent Smiler & Wallace & Gromit. Let's not forget the Dungeons (New London & Blackpool ones) and Shrek's Adventure either. Zufari & Sub Terra would be there too if they'd hadn't been rushed and half cooked.
  10. The Champagne is just as good as the actual experience, sometimes a little better. I would recommend Face It Alone to anyone over 18 who isn't afraid.
  11. Just sa it on the news, looks a highly interesting exhibition indeed. The Disney castle is the part I like the look of (unsurprisingly).
  12. Hopefully just a revamp, not all woodies need to get RMC'd especially classic coasters. Must be a pretty major job if it's closing this early
  13. Chessington is just running on fumes from it's once great past (1987-2000), and these fumes become more and more watered down following from reliability issues & removed/rotting theming. The fact that one it's main coasters was never supposed to be long term & the other one being at the end of it's life just sums things up. The longer it takes for Chessington to get reinvigorated takes, the more severe & bigger the bang when most of it's major rides fail forever (towers & thorpe have issues too but they're on a noticeably smaller level). That video from the 90's shows how good Chessington was (and could be with many millions spent) and almost resembles a slightly smaller Efteling, Phantasiland and even Europa scale back then. What went wrong?
  14. 4 major rides closed (resulting in serious strain for Vampire, Bubbles, Falls & Scorpion)? Wow! Makes even Thorpe's reliability on rides sound fees able (least Thorpe's rides are better now pre2009). As far as I'm aware all the rides at Chessington have fastrack except the caroulsel, which is poor. Too many rides with fastrack than needed really. Chessington to an extent just needs to be rebuilt completely since most of its rides are falling apart snd most of the new ones seem tempory.
  15. I'm a celebrity Angry Birds Amazu Animal enclosure thing
  16. Seeing more baby chicks died rather lived I've had a shake up. Anyways, short but sweet 9/10
  17. The name Matt Creek originates back when I joined up back in 2011. I wanted to use part of my name but wanted the title to stand out. At the time, the Canada Creek Railway was about to close so I tribute to that and sounded usable, I added the word Creek to my username when Matt Creek was born and through time has become my 'themepark enthusiast' stage name. We're I to change my user name it would be either, 1/ MC-Creek 2/ Professor Drunk 3/ Creaky Productions Or MC16
  18. That's a nice bit of theming there, can't wait to see what else these guys do.
  19. Really excited for both these new areas especially being a big fan of both properties. Star Wars Land sounds absolutely stunning, especially with the Mos Eisley Cantina & Millenium Falcon ride and from eBay I've seen from concept art this area will look spectacular . Toy Story Land sounds very good too, really liking the sound of the Slinky coaster plus the Alien attraction sounds interesting too. Ten times better than the originally rumoured DLP & HKD clone areas even if they used the same technology for that ride replacing Luigi's tires at DCA. Whilst Avatar excites me too, these two projects above are on a different level and we could finally be seeing Disney catch up with Universal's monster expansions. Let's just hope these all don't take too long to build and get developed (especially since Avatar will open 7 years after announcement) as these will be killer additions to HS. With everything else going on, it'll be Epcot next that needs some TLC.
  20. Another great meet guys! I would like to give all of you half credit. Great to see every with coat hanger damaging enthusiasm Oakwood was good, Dr Who was good, Swimming was good & golf was good too.
  21. I study music & am a musician 8/10
  22. In terms of the 2016 being a complete new ride & being supposedly where the Mystic East games are, I made a general site outline in where the ride would go. Whilst it looks a bit larger than expected, there still isn't a lot of room there even though the footprint is similar to Peeking Heights, so I'm not to sure what they could actually put there, it's probably too small for an air race or a coaster (even octonauts size). Unless peeking's going, the only rides I can picture here are a ride like sky force or samurai dare I say it! I also highlighted toadies site which is quite a bit bigger than you think (almost the size of Fury's footprint). If you were to rip peeking out and the games too, that would be the site for one hell of a coaster.
  23. Taron looking as exciting as ever (potentially the best looking 2016 ride in Europe). Glad to see River Quest getting some updates to fit in, I love park's that change rides when they're no longer new. Haven't seen the new site yet but from the sounds its dire, it was far from broken and didn't need fixing from what I saw on the old one.
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