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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Matt 236


    Dragons always been running on three trains I think but until recently was likely only for busy days. In terms of ride throughputs, the park is very mixed. There's rides like Atlantis, Jolly Rocker and Viking Rapids which really munch and if they ave queues often move very fast but then there's attractions like Boating School, Sky Ride and Laser Raiders which have terrible thoughts and doubt the first two exceed 300 on a busy day. If the train ride there used two locomotives (only uses one), it could be pretty good at throughput.
  2. This could also apply to Chessington as well (especially in recent years). Inferno would be amazing at throughputs if the ride could use 3 trains.
  3. Matt 236

    Favourite Films

    Ten films, I strongly enjoy (no particular order) 1 Gladiator/ brilliant action film with great setting and filming. Also features last film of Oliver Reed. 2 The Matrix/ Very intriguing plot line as well as some impressive action scenes. 3 The Shining, quite nostalgic and creepy as well as brilliant acting of Jack Nicholson. 4 Les Mis, brilliant musical score with brilliant actors/singers with several touching moment in the film (watch if you like musicals) 5 Toy Story 3, great film with more charms than the first 2, brings me back to my childhood. 6 Forest Gump, interesting comedy film that shows anybody can be somebody. 7 The Sixth Sense, amazing supernatural thriller with ghosts which features a twist at the end. 8 Spirited Away, I love a lot of the anime cartoons and Spirited Away is no exception, great plot, animation and music. 9 Shaun of the dead, funny black comedy film with Pegg and Frost with zombies. 10 Hunger Games. I enjoy many other films too.
  4. Looks impressive within version, but the support structures, eurrgh.
  5. Seems odd they've withdrawn it although I did hear some locals objected the plans and no decision seemed to have been made on the plans. One thing I don't get, if the park use overflow car parks to expand accommodation, will they relocate more car park space?
  6. Great trip report, I think one of these day sim going to have to get a plane flight over to Europa for 2/3 days in the future.
  7. I'm definitely attending this meet. Incidently, just come back from Legoland right now.
  8. Matt 236


    Well done Sarah, I hope you find the job pleasant and enjoyable,
  9. So it appears Saw has stalled the 2nd time in a week. I wonder whats causing this to happen, I wonder if the jolt has anything to do with it. Surely if this continues more often, the park may have to use some money to retrack/design that part of the ride.
  10. Thinking about this now, I find it disgraceful Merlin haven't upkept the run down areas and at the last minute having to strip it all down in what is probably the biggest investment year in ages. The park has had 2008,2009 or tbh almost every other year that these works could have been done instead of cramming it in to 2013. Dragon falls and runaway train should have really been stripped down in 2010 IMO, a year when little to nothing happened and then at the end of the year rebuilt so therefore the park's 25th anniversary would have seen both these rides hopefully in their former glory [to a degree. As for Tomb Blaster, this should have also been done last year.
  11. I'm just hoping its 2014 the ride will be finished (not 2015) as the ride is clearly a rusting metal trough now.Tbh, Thorpe Park has more theming now than Chessie. If Oakwood can do some decent upscale theming, Chessington surely can too.
  12. The current state of TombBlaster which is under scaffolding again. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495430493845588&set=a.166428706745770.47984.163052343750073&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf Photo from Themepark Guide.
  13. Tbh, I don't think Vampire has had a decent ride team for at least five years. Although for a brief period the staff were operating quite well (where one train would dispatch as the 2nd arrived), it seems to have gone down hill again. It frustrates me so much that operations on this ride are so poor these days when its one of the most popular rides on park and also staff not managing two trains (let alone three).
  14. Happy Birthday Peaj, have a great day.
  15. Matt 236


    Double Post [sorry!], but here's a look at how Duplo Land currently looks a week prior to opening up. http://themeuk.net/blog/?p=3857 photos from Theme Uk.
  16. If Oakwood plan to purchase a second hand coaster, I strongly hope it's Knightmare which will then be heavilly themed [like the recent Never land area]. However if they are intending on building a new coaster, I hope it's either a B&M coaster or another woodie [although both ideas may be doubtful somewhat].
  17. I really love how those trains go across the track. In terms of being as smooth as B&M, I'm going to give it a few years. I think the metal music used in the last clip is not terribly coherent in terms of the ride as a whole.
  18. From what I've seen so far, the ride looks pretty good and seems well paced throughout the ride as well as the ride cars looking impressive running on the track. However that day break clip was very disappointing that it was almost pointless showing it. Also, from what the ride video shows, it doesn't look like the ride will be completely smooth although hopefully the restraint design which seems different from previous Gerst. coasters will reduce the headbanging effect.
  19. Tbh, I don't think Thorpe will ever get a Star shape due to how large they are and that top scans deliver a similar experience as well but are yet smaller in terms of space. I would much rather Thorpe installed a new model top scan. In terms of fitting in better, the replacement could be a different colour (brown and other colours?) and some extra theming to make up for the trees (which is something unlikely to happen).
  20. Really looking forward to this. I love the idea of theming the park area to Peter Pan as its a bit different from the typical Pirate themed lands. Note, the concept art certainly doesn't look too accurate.
  21. The problem with paid parking is that Merlin have now found the loose string between their guests in terms of earning more money. If the park does well, they can use it to take advantage of their visiting guests but if they're not doing so well, they can also use the system to make up for losses in the business. Unless some regulation comes in and says its mandatory an establishment has free parking facilities (which is extremely unlikely), I can't see the park (or any) lifting their parking fees for a long time (if ever) which for the visitor is a lose lose lose situation.
  22. Same applies to Tussaud's as well probably.
  23. Sadly, the Merlin effect has come in to place I think, where older rides (especially coasters somehow) seem to be not terribly well pet. Though there are several coasters much louder for TLC (notably Colossus), Inferno could do with a nice clean up on the volcano, ride track and overall ride area.
  24. As one who loves Legoland, I strongly hope this trip pulls out and the turnout will be good.
  25. And they'd probably want a top spin as well with light tunnels on every coaster. As for themed music, I hope most areas of the park can keep their original soundtracks even if its more of a soundtrack e.g 50s/60s music in Amity and country in Canada Creek with its country music. I hope chart music only remains around the dome and Neptune's beach and run in a way like a radio station. The only time I really want chart music invading more than the above is when there's a special park event.
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