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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Was originally going to write a full out review, but not sure I will now but here's my thoughts on the ride. QUEUE AND EXTERIOR exterior is done rather nicely (except the exposed shed parts). The queue feels any typical Merlin queue with cattle pen layout, queue music, announcements and minimal theming. The uncover section is slightly better with the increase in theming and posters but still has room for improvement. The baggage hold however is nicely done. The Pre-Show Probably my favourite part of the attraction, I think it's so well done with the Derren projection, feels so realistic and builds it up well. Probably one of the best UK pre-shows and only second to Hex and Oblivions. The themed corridor is very nice, as is the suspended train. It's a striking centrepiece and nicely detailed. First VR section I'm not a massive VR fan, but this was quite good. The aspect of having different visions is good and the quality is much better than Galactica's. Good, but not amazing. The tube carriage is also well built. The Evacuation (transition scene) Feels somewhat Sub-Terra like, but again theming is very good, acting is good and the effects in the main chamber with the train coming towards you is highly impressive. The Second VR Section Weakest part of the ride for me. Graphics again are good (not amazing) but feels very stretched out and like a curveball in the plot line. Your there just watching these monsters for a while, then smoke followed by them pushing the train underground. The trick ending though is alright I suppose. you then exit to the gift shop. Conclusion There are some things that work very well on this attraction and others that don't. The Pre-show and transition are done excellently but the VR is hit and miss (especially the last one). in terms of rides in the UK, it's a great contribution, but to the world not so much. It's no Tower Of Terror or Ratstouille but for the uk it's an entertaining ride. Hopefully this ride will still work well in a few years, not be neglected and become outdated (one of my main worries) as it wouldn't work without the VR. Rating 6/10
  2. Just realised Piccolo Mondo at Europa Park used to be known as Ciao Bambini and as a result received a major retheme/refurb in 2011. Knew the soundtrack sounded comparatively different to the one I bought.
  3. I really like this for Baron alone. The Victorian area looks nice too.
  4. Didn't Smiler used to have five? I'm guessing since the incident they've only been able to replace one of the trains. if the throughput is 700 typically, it's still doing a better job than Galactica which struggles getting 600 PPH on a good day.
  5. I don't think they like you and did this on purpose. I'm struggling to get over there.
  6. If the next big thing utilises another run down, apocalyptic and abandoned warehouse theme, I won't have much interest in this. Unless its a Mack or a Woodie, where this may be forgiven.
  7. More like what didn't they change when they rethemed it?
  8. Glad you had a great time at the park. Agree, Efteling is such a loverly place to visit and a very relaxing place to be in, despite crowds and size. As you mentioned, it's great to see a park with so much dedication to the experience where upselling (like Merlin's) is practically non existent. Alongside, they put in much care and effort into all there attractions new and old. Agree with Baron, the top notch pre shows make alone make Baron an outstanding ride and Dutchman is easily one of the best non Disney experience rides out there. I don't think there's any rides you could really fault at Efteling as being dull, let alone terrible. Did you watch the Aquanura water show there? As that's absolutely superb and is one my favourite park shows. Which fairy tales did you manage to see there? It's definitely an area where you need a good 2 hours to take everything in.
  9. Yes, they will obviously just fly open the ride regardless of its problems for guests to see, because there's no chance of another Smiler incident happening on another ride. in all seriousness, all rides sadly have problems (even reliable Macks and B&M's) so it's just unfortunate timing to be fair. Not to mention Stealth is usually the worst for major breakdowns (Saw being worst for minor ones).
  10. In 1996 within the Berkshire countryside, a defunct Safari park was invaded by bricks. Bricks that would mark the way for Legoland Windsor which would become the second Lego theme park in the world after Billund. Home to a boating school, driving school, Lego model village, A pirate log flume and more, the park was truly a unique place especially in it's early years. Twenty Years on, the park is now part of the Merlin machine currently operating six (and counting) Legoland parks and discovery centres. Through this ownership the park has experienced much change (for better and worse), experiencing rigorous expansions of larger updated attractions. However one could argue as a consequence the park has lost much of it's charm, seeing smaller features neglected or removed and a spike up in the park's commercialism. Something that can be seen from the many walking adverts and upselling,the use of shouty IP's and rise of the hotels (consequently ripping out two prominent rides). Now I think I have probably come across relatively harsh against the park. Yes it doesn't quite have the hardware of other parks out there; yes it can get packed with young families and is not to everyone's taste. But this is Legoland Windsor, the UK's most popular and successful park which now welcomes over 2.2 million guests a year despite its last E-ticket ride being over 5 years ago. It may not beat (or come close) to the likes of Europa, DLRP and Efteling, but Legoland retains a strong soft spot for me, being one of the first major theme parks I visited and the place responsible for my interests in theme parks (and Lego). I have fond memories of the many trips I have taken here since first visiting in 1997. From squirting everyone on the train (and getting karma through a leaky tap) to my fascinations with the sadly long gone Magic Thestre and Explorers Institute attractions. With much fanfare going towards a ghost train, 2016 may be a low investment year at Legoland, but the park is far from quiet. As new for this year, the resort finally takes advantage of the success of the Lego Movie by releasing a brand new film based on the shenanigans from the original movie. The movie wouldn't be the Lego Movie (no pun intended) without the lovable cast from the original film, including Emmet, Wyldstyle, Benny, Metalbeare and of course, Uni Kitty. The feature film see's the cast enter a fictitious theme park operated by President Businesses's brother Risky Business, who has built a specific attraction for each character. Then in true Lego Movie style, this turns out to be a trap with Risky Business planning to capture the cast for a terrible park show. However things eventually end well with the characters eventually visiting the real Legoland. The Lego Movie 4D has to be one the best cinema shows I've ever seen. It retains the charm and humour the original film boasted on and features many poke in the back moments to current trends, from the original film to even some tongue and cheek Disney references. It's a film that shouldn't be missed on any visit. 4.5/5 (not 10). Also new for 2016, the Star Wars Miniland gets a hefty extension. Early on the season, it appeared the original Millenium Falcon entrance feature had been removed. But I'm happily to announce it has been repaired/replaced which is great to see. After experiencing the original sections of the attraction, you are greeted with a series of heavy well built Lego Star Wars ships which lead into the new main section. This a great transition and works rather well. More impressive models (displayed on the side of the area). We then enter into the main area, which features a series of scenes based on the Death Star battles in the films, including the trenches. And a mightily impressive Death Star model. The size and scale is remarkable. The whole of the new area occupies space previously occupied by the Star Wars store (and Lego Racers store long before). It is certainly a fantastic addition and features many interactive elements, from ships flying around the model to numerous smaller animations being depicted by lights and push buttons. The Star Wars store has also seen some modifications, with the tills moved to the old display case and the shop moving forward to space previously wasted as a result of lost space. The Model Maker workshop area has also been updated (which I'm yet to see). 2016 has also seen the addition of another new eatery, Farmer Joe's Chicken Company, replacing the Duplo Buffet restaurant. The facade area is themed quite well (if a little blocky) but I suppose it fits the Duplo area well. I didn't try the food here, however I believe it's similar to the fried chicken company at Chessington and Towers. As as nice as it looks, it's a shame the park now lacks (non quick service) table restaurants as since the Burger Kitchen conversations, it really just leaves Knights Table, Hilltop cafe, Merlin pizza buffet and the hotel restaurants. Meanwhile perched in a hidden corner resides Loki's Labarinth, the park's maze, which is one of the few quiet areas in the park to escape the crowds. But not for very much longer sadly. Very soon, the whole maze will be completely removed to make way for a brand new Ninjago dark ride. I would strongly recommend visiting Legoland very soon if you wish to take in this attraction before it's removal as in Legoland fashion it's likely to close forever before the end of this season! The maze's removal will also mark the end of the remainder of the Amazing Mazes, which the attraction was previously part of until the other mazes were demolished in 2007 for Viking River Splash. Elsewhere in the park, another attraction has already become extinct making way for the park's second hotel. Dino Safari. The ride was the last ride installed when the Lego had full park ownership (now 30%) and marks the final nail in the coffin for the original Adventure Land. As exciting and detailed the new hotels appears from the concept art (amongst being a fan of castles), I can't help feel the location isn't ideal, with the elaborate Atlantis on the left and airy Legoland hotel on the right. Not to mention the loss of another ride and the likeleihood of costing £400 pn. Still I'm sure it'll be a hit with the park's audience and may hopefully ease some of the strain from the park's nightmare car park situation. At least segments of the original ride still live on (although in static model form). And though some things in the park may have become a little bland recently. There is still magic to be found. And wonders to behold. Some of which are small with details. With Hidden gems. And others larger than life. Which is like Christmas for most seven year olds. Happy Birthday Legoland, here's to twenty years of awesomeness (and hopefully another twenty). It may have changed for better and worse in its due course, but it's still my Legoland, the park I've enjoyed as a child and still enjoy today. Raise a glass of Brickcola
  11. This certainly sounds a loverly place to visit, the great looking Gerst definitely being one of the best looking parts. this is certainly a place I'd like to delve into one day, even if it isn't for the theme park side. That said, sounds like I'd better learn some German.
  12. The statistical throughputs for coasters are: Nemesis and Inferno will achieve around 1100 -1200 people on a good day whilst Colossus will struggle to reach 1000. Rita's is probably around 1000 on a good day which is practically the same as Stealth. Smiler is around 950 with Galactica probably struggling on 600 PPH in its current state. X probably gets around 400 PPH in its sorry state of 2 train ops with Fish probably getting 500 on a good day.
  13. Matt 236

    BelGerAnd2 - Germany

    Thanks for writing this and I can certainly Phantasia is the next park on my radar (going next month). Park sounds absolutely fantastic, especially how all the recent investments have turned out (except Wako Bato) and I look forward to see. I believe Nighthawk, Hollywood and Geister are all on the chopping block and I think once something replaces the now removed Atlantis (I'm betting a dark ride) Nighthawk will be next (maybe in 2 years time).
  14. I'm glad I was inspiration for the name of one of the park's newest areas. Paultons looks ok a a loverly park and I can't wait to hopefully see it in the flesh in the near future. that expansion sounds interesting. I'm assuming it will be something new for Pepper Pig land assuming from the sound of the location. 2017 definitely sounds like a kids land expansion year.
  15. If they're trying to achieve the same success of the confused Zufari or the bland metal immersive was of Tomb Blaster, I think they're on to a winner! I don't know what is sadder, the sorry state the ride has now become or what is expected to replace it.
  16. Colossos unfortunately appears to be closed until further notice due to emergency repairs apparently. source Loopings Lets hope they get this fixed and soon. Until then, Colossos is only a stand out attraction as in standing out of the lineup.
  17. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    Sadly once again Merlin have cocked up and know nothing on hitting gold. thats where parks like Efteling and Europa Park get it right. I'd be astounded if this beats Wodan.
  18. Yes, I think a Saw retheme for Bubbleworks could work quite well. Paint the water blood, add some screaming sound effects throughout the ride and add lots of traps. You could have the drop lead into a chainsaw and replace the fountain finale with a blood bath
  19. Yay for another new fresh woodie in the world (even if it's at a park I can't see myself visiting currently). Does look a ok a great decent coaster actually and lots of fun too. Let's hope it doesn't end up how Son Of Beast did. This is how you do a woodie towers!
  20. Interesting review there Liam. I found the pre-show and middle section between the trains to be the strongest sections of the ride. Like you say, I definitely found the 1st section of the VR much better than the second as it felt too outstretched. They have time to improve it but it's the weakest part of the ride for me so far. Still miles better than Galactica though.
  21. I'm absolutely dreading Condor next year if I go to Walibi (as part of a bigger project), but a creds a cred. infusion is the only SLac I've done so far. I didn't find it awful but I didn't find it great either. First half is not too bad but second half does gets fairly rough. Dont think I've done many awful coasters lately, except this one really. So boring, so dull, yet uncomftable and painful at the same time. Big One has got to be a dishonourable mention, apart from its height and the drop the ride is completely force less and forgettable. Drayton's coasters (mostly the G Force and Shockwave) were also completely forgettable and left no impression on me either. They need some Mack!
  22. Opinions are opinions and it's amazing how different and divided they can be at times. Take Saw for example,which has to be one of the biggest dividers. Some people love it's scary horror theme and find it thrilling and well themed. Then there's others who find it rough, unconcealed and the theming unimaginative. Everyone has has different opinions here and that's all there is really. Even Storm Surge has its fans (not me).
  23. Oh yes, that ride would fit the park perfectly. Give it it a theme of Take Me Out or Big Brother and place it on the lake where loggers is. Old Town's retheme to Love Island will go ahead then.
  24. Oh it's too dangerous, let's put restraints, 6ft fences and polythene everywhere to make it safe as we can't have this! Seriously let's not give them ideas as that's least we need right now.
  25. Matt 236

    This Or That

    The second one Geisterschloss or Pirates In Batavia?
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