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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Happy birthday Cameron! EDIT: Oh damm. Forgot to say happy birthday to you too, Jordan!
  2. Brilliant picture of The Swarm with the sun coming through!
  3. It actually looks like the Doctor if you look closely...
  4. Got an amazing view of that moon from The Beginning while at Legoland. Might be the closest I'll get to the eclipse unfortunately. :/
  5. Trailer for the Angry Birds movie has appeared. Doesn't actually look bad at all!
  6. Here's mine. 1. Nemesis 2. SheiKra 3. Manta 4. Hulk 5. Montu 6. Kumba 7. Kraken 8. Dragon Khan 9. Oblivion 10. Nemesis Inferno (It HAD to be on the list somewhere! )
  7. I've only just realised there's a 'Wheel of MISfortune' for BIA! Looks like I won't have to fret over selecting a maze!
  8. I think I had punctured it on the way to college just very slightly, so it must've deflated very slowly during the day. And I DID have most of the repair kit on me. It's just I can't even do step 1 and get the wheel off (because the nut wouldn't budge when I tried loosening it)!
  9. I am tempted to do the lot (Brave It Alone, Containment, BTS), but I'm kinda saving up in case I need extra driving lessons later on.
  10. I agree. When I went to Towers in July, I can't help but to notice the brown marks all over the rails. If it's going to reopen next season, they could use the closed season to repaint it...while possibly replacing the wheels on the trains to make it like a whole new ride again.
  11. When you come out of college to find your bike has a flat tyre (when it was perfectly fine when you left it) and have to walk it home...
  12. You could also try Catfish Cove for your pirate area.
  13. Agreed. This was also done with the Haunted House in 1991.
  14. Well I'd rather have it closed than die of hypothermia.
  15. Kerfuffle

    Youtube Videos

    Oh my holy lord I'm dying. xD
  16. I've been given the all clear for Brave It Alone! Still need to decide on a maze, but I can leave that til the last minute if I have to!
  17. One of my parks Adventure Kingdom has been soaring over that mark for quite a while. Umad, bro?
  18. Who else prefers this to the Betelgeuse theme tune?
  19. Don't make me laugh!
  20. Thorpe Park: Nemesis Inferno New Name: Inferno Nemesis tagline needs to be removed, because Inferno has nothing to do with its predecessor whatsoever...apart from it being an invert. Thorpe Park: Storm In A Teacup New Name/Theme: Bad Piggies: Mechanical Mayhem Let's face it. Since ABL opened, Teacups has more or less become part of the area, thanks to the area soundtrack being the idle audio (during loading) and also the Piggy vinyls being the ride's backdrop. Retheme the Teacups to Bad Piggies by removing the roof, replacing the teapot centrepiece with a pile of wooden boxes/crates (similar to Marauders), perhaps with some TNT crates. Also replace the teacup gondolas with rickety barrel themed ones with a green snout print on the sides. Replace the mechanism to make them spin easier. ...and come on! The main theme will be perfect for when the ride's in motion!
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