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Everything posted by Cal

  1. About the two world records attempts, they broke both of them which is good to hear. That day at 12 they posted on there facebook that they had reached capacity, and they had closed there gates.
  2. I think you were meant to do the five rides listed.... Colossus, Rita, Shockwave, Vampire, and Rage?
  3. Cal


    I personally don't remember it being it this fast, and I remember the noise that it is making, but it just sounds a lot louder?
  4. The sun are now giving away 2 tickets for everyone that collects 9 out of the 17 tokens from the sun newspaper, starting from yesterday and ending on the 28th of April. They did this with Alton towers not so long ago, so I'm guessing they will do it with Thorpe park next?
  5. I don't buy photos, but I know that they shouldn't charge for the online photos, especially a tenner! I think the best thing to do is email them, and I'm pretty sure they will refund it for you.
  6. Cal


    It still doesn't sound right to me? - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=299501076871069&set=vb.103545033133342&type=2&theater
  7. Cal

    This Or That

    Stealth Dairy Milk or Galaxy?
  8. Cal


    Theme park guide haven't posted anything about Slammer? It only shows 2 posts from Chessington today?
  9. I don't think the boats can go right again the waterfalls, it's never happened to me anyways. I'd be a bit annoyed if that got me because it would soak you About the themeing elements gone, it's disappointing. A couple of water features could actually make a really big difference to the current ride experience in my opinion. The ride is so boring now, and I can't see Rumba going for a quite a long time. I hope we will see a re-theme at some point soon, or even just a couple of new water effects.
  10. Cal


    I found it very noticeable that swing A was a lot more powerful from the begging of the season, annual pass day. It was also running very out of sync, they ended up going at different times which was probably due to swing B being less powerful. It was so bad that Swing B wasn't operating in the after noon, so I'm surprised they didn't sort it out in the time they had before opening?
  11. Cal

    This Or That

    Kebab Stealth or Rita?
  12. Cal

    This Or That

    Chicken! Facebook or Twitter?
  13. Cal

    This Or That

    Youtube Duel or Tomb Blaster?
  14. Cal

    This Or That

    Space Mountain Alton or Thorpe?
  15. Seeing as they have took it off there website, I think It must of been a mistake. I can't imagine something being more to renew than too buy in the first place?
  16. Cal

    This Or That

    Metal, Never rode a woodie although I'd love to! Rush or Slammer?
  17. Cal


    The birds nest is still there, and looks to have got bigger? Found this image on Thorpe's facebook page, someone posted it.
  18. Cal

    This Or That

    Disneyland PlayStation or Xbox?
  19. I only went on it to see who they were talking about, so I'm not constantly on Chessingtons facebook page
  20. And if he doesn't reply to someones question, because it's a complaint or whatever, he likes it haha
  21. Oh I've found him, he's a real joker isn't he Someone asked do they do bounce back tickets and he said he'd rather drive back than bounce...
  22. Probably because it's cheaper
  23. Exactly, and what is the chance that people are going to do that. It's got so ridiculous now, that staff don't batch guests to the air gates until the ride has stopped now, what's the point in having air gates?
  24. Just look how speedy operations would be without having to faff around with restraints... (Don't know how to embed a youtube video) http://youtu.be/po5ZFHDvdUk?t=19m24s
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