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Everything posted by Cal

  1. What fair is this? Sounds awesome!
  2. I don't know which ones you have but there are 3 here - http://archive.imbenjam.in/musicofmerlin/media/thorpe/amitycove/tidalwave/wwtp/
  3. I'm not saying your wrong, because I agree they should have a banner or a page on their website with more about availability on rides etc... but if the park is dead, and it says at their entrance and across the park that the ride will close at that time I don't really see the problem with it because people will then ride it before 3 O clock.
  4. Surprised that even though they've just made a new website they still haven't got a system to show which rides are and aren't available at that time. Hopefully we will see something like this soon, and maybe que times seeing as both Alton Towers and Chessington have them.
  5. I don't see the problem with it really as long as they warned everyone it was going to shut, it was dead and was only closed for 2 hours.
  6. Shame it's not on the 7th and 8th of June as I'll be at Alton towers that weekend. Would've been great to meet some of you. I'll try and make one of the other meets this season
  7. Never knew riding Stealth was a talent
  8. Well if they knew they were going to close it and it was operating in the morning it mustn't of been that important, it was just an off peak day so I guess they had a chance to do some planned maintenance.
  9. That wouldn't be a good idea seeing as the platform moves.
  10. Just to clarify, you do take your bags on Storm Surge
  11. Cal

    Your Thorpe Park

    Why would you want rumba to get seatbelts?
  12. Cal

    This Or That

    Keep Keep Keep :) Which side on Slammer? The one that goes down first, or up first?
  13. Noticed today that a lot of rides are now opening at 11 or 12, similar to what Alton do. I assume they will start doing this on weekdays, seeing as they are always dead?
  14. Rameses has always been pretty reliable, a lot more than other rides anyway *cough fury cough*
  15. Feel sorry for the people on that...
  16. The 4d cinema looks a lot bigger than I expected! Does anyone know how many people it holds?
  17. Sunday is defiantly the better day on the weekend to go, so the 11th of May would be the better day to go.
  18. I think it is only annual pass holders they are letting in half an hour early, they didn't have the normal turnstiles open at 9:30, only the ones for annual pass holders on the right. Just to confirm, it is all rides. Except the ones that are unavailable on the day of course.
  19. When I was in the que for inferno (just outside the station) the mist suddenly stopped. so I was annoyed thinking that I qued and wasn't even going to get a go in the mist but by the time we were on the mist was back on (both outside the station and in the tunnel) luckily! So maybe after a certain amount of time it goes off for like 2-5 minutes?
  20. Really? when I rode it the mist was all at the beginning of the tunnel rather than the end like I've seen in pictures. Maybe it's just dependent where the wind is blowing...
  21. A rocket lunch on Inferno and now a whole seaon of live entertainment!
  22. I may go to the Thorpe/Legoland meet seeing as it's on a weekend, and I have never met up with any of you lot
  23. Cal


    I have always been at the same place every swing, either at the bottom or the top to be honest. Vortex is always on the same cycle, so maybe with less weight on it just spins more.
  24. Cal


    I had a great ride on Samurai, It was on a good cycle and runs a lot faster than it did last year. Never used to bother with the ride before because it was crap but will certainly ride it more now. Only got round to doing it once today as they needed 15 people in the morning and there wasn't anyone around. One of the speakers on the left was very annoying, making a very annoying noise. I agree, people on our row had to move because 2 random people just decided to sit there. The host does tell you what row you are on, but I don't think people take any notice of it really haha.
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