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Everything posted by Cal

  1. Cal

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having The Smiler in your signature...THAT RIDE GETS BORING!
  2. Cal


    Rush is having work done, but looks like there has been problems with the restraints on swing A. I'm not too sure if the same is being done to swing B as you can't tell from the picture but seeing as the picture is on the one swing, it's probably only this one. Hopefully they will fix swing B's height while it's closed (Photo from TPG facebook)
  3. Cal

    The Banning Game

    Banned for not having a signature
  4. Cal

    This Or That

    Coca Cola. McDonald's or KFC
  5. Cal

    This Or That

    The only way is Essex, never watched the Valleys (Not that I watch the only way is Essex) Laptops or Tablets?
  6. Cal


    He means a 9 swing cycle as in it swings 9 times, not 9 full height swings. I don't think rush has ever been a cycle where it got 9 full height swings. although that would be fun
  7. Cal


    It was 2012, if not 2011. I remember it saying Stealth and Slammer were unavailable.
  8. Cal


    Then why does it seem so much shorter this season?
  9. where do you get the most wet, I want to get wet
  10. I hope we will see the bomb angry bird at the top of Detonator like it shows on the map. I think it would look quite good if I'm honest. Will miss Detonators theme tune though.
  11. The Tea Cups were closed That's actually the first time I've ever heard of storm in a teacup being closed
  12. The sprinklers at the base of the lift hill that go off have been there for quite a while now, don't know how many years exactly, they weren't on this year when I went so I'm glad they've turned on one of there only water effects on now About the lights, they weren't on when I went either so I'm not sure if they have been on at all this season yet? Probably just another 'effect' they have given up on now.
  13. I've never been to the London Dungeon before, and my first visit will be this Friday. Was just wondering what the boat ride and the drop ride was like? Does anyone know the heights of the drops etc..
  14. Cal


    Think it's been on the same cycle the whole year so far, which is very short, which is annoying. It could be due to swing B not running very well, it can't run for longer of something? Must be a reason behind it, because I had never seen a short cycle like this on rush last season.
  15. Cal


    Annoying that it hasn't been testing today, was hoping it was going to open pretty soon. I agree, they used to have a banner on their home page naming the rides which are unavailable. With both Towers and Chessington displaying que times online, and Chessinton naming which ones are unavailable, hopefully we will see something like this for Thorpe soon.
  16. So Chessington have posted a link on their facebook to their ebay page, where they are selling 1kg bags of 'High quality' Rhino dung. This is the link to their ebay, just incase any of you are interested in buying the Rhino dung, for £20 Link - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1kg-Rhino-Grow-High-quality-Rhino-Dung-from-Chessington-World-of-Adventures-Res-/121319453898
  17. Don't think the Saw music was fixed, I think people were just saying that the car was back? Never really known Zodiac to have problems? It had problems at the start of this season so not good to hear that it's still having problems. Good that operations have improved, has Colossus finally got it's second train back?
  18. They aren't really using the air gates at the moment anyway, so it's not really making a difference.
  19. Well for a start, I don't see why they are not batching people to the air gates while the ride is going. This could increase the dispatch times by ALOT. I have just been on there facebook and someone was asking why they did this, and saying how it would save a lot of time. Apparently she previously timed the loading and it was 10 minutes!? I don't understand how or why it could take 10 minutes to load the ride and still don't understand why they don't load people to the air gates while the ride is in operation. Yes, people could jump over or whatever but people could do this on a lot of things and people don't. The air gates are there for a reason? There are complaints on facebook that they have been running fast track only trains, and when they don't they have been running around half of the train with fast track and disabled riders. They have obviously been selling way to much fast track as it is a new attraction. Running fast track only trains is disgusting in my opinion. People that have payed to get in the park don't move in a que because people with a lot of money can just skip the ques? They need to limit fast track sales by a lot from the sound of it.
  20. This is the picture - There are more here... http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/14-04-2014/Angry-Birds-Update-and-More
  21. Why do they take down the inside every year and how do you know this? I would of thought that the Asylum is going this year with what happened last year anyway...
  22. The fence is now up, and it's got some planes on them which I think looks quite good. And this is an ariel view of the site, you can see the control tower at the top right which looks quite cool. Looking forward to see what it looks like when it is complete! (Both photos from TPW facebook)
  23. Taking it the Asylum won't be returning this year then Didn't even know a brainiac live event was happening this weekend, but look's quite good.
  24. I saw it from Nemesis being like really juddery but I didn't know if that was just from a distance or whatever. I don't know why because it wasn't like that last season. Maybe it's just starting to show it's age now.
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