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Everything posted by Cal

  1. No, I didn't get it last year and it doesn't state it on there website.
  2. Just a confirmation on what rides are available at ERT at Chessington
  3. You can see that they that they have room to put new signage for the ride so the name is still going to be changed. I'm pretty sure they will also have new audio and announcements but obviously they haven't confirmed this. I suppose they might of not planned to do anything for Detonator anyway, they might of just thought they needed to close of the area for the angry birds land works.
  4. You never know ... they may just use the plans from last year this year and spend money on it this year. I think it would be great to add it back, and anything would be better than the Blair witch. Although I would love this to return, I'd prefer them to get Slammer up and running again... because... well... it's Slammer
  5. ... And open tomorrow = 0 days for re-theme.
  6. Detonator has now been confirmed to be open tomorrow, the last day before angry birds opening. Because of this I am guessing Detonator will not have a re theme. When the park closes I assume they will put up a new sign, stating that the ride is now called Detonator: Bombs away. I also assume that there will be a new theme tune for Detonator, and new announcements but obviously this is not confirmed. There was a problem with the speakers on Detonator so they had to play the theme very quietly, not sure if this has been fixed yet? I suppose they might of not planned to do anything for Detonator anyway, they might of just thought they needed to close of the area for the angry birds land works.
  7. I'm going this Sunday. I am expecting it to be very busy though because Angry birds land is opening the day before and it's the start of the holidays.
  8. A picture of one of the dodgems with the added vinyl. Looking pretty good
  9. Could of been because it would of made too much noise.
  10. Cal

    CBeebies Land

    I think it looks great! Can't wait to check it out now!
  11. Cal


    That's what I thought, it can be such a good ride but can be not so good as well. Oh well, it's been running really well recently which is great, and hopefully it can carry on throughout the season. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  12. Auto corrects not bad enough to change season to seaon or whatever it was Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  13. Cal

    CBeebies Land

    I'll be down the weekend after, so hopefully it won't be too busy. I like the colours of the cars but like said, the blobs on the end don't look amazing. Overall the area looks pretty cool though, exited to see what it will end up looking like inside! Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  14. Cal


    Yeah whenever I've been, all I've heard is the cricket sound. The theme comes on for a couple of sound but then it cuts out and the cricket sound effects come on which is annoying. Indoor for me, it has been playing the dispatch but very quiet. During loading I've only heard the 07 music or nothing, where as last year was a new one. Anyway.... Colossus..... Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  15. Cal


    I'm not saying you're point is invalid, but when it was running really well earlier on In the season when I rode it, it was running at full capacity, so it can run well when it's full up. It's literally just dependent how well it's running on the day I think. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  16. Cal


    Agreed, the music on Inferno was amazing last year, and was always playing nice and loud. Shame that the new loading music was only there for a year. I noticed they had also given up with the que, just playing nothing or the weird cricket noises. Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk
  17. It was indeed, so I have no idea why it was yellow. This is the old one.
  18. A picture of the supports mentioned getting pained brown. Looks a lot better. I'm guessing they are going to put a know sign in there with Detonator: Bombs away written on it, seeing as they have left room for a bigger sign.
  19. Cal


    One of the trains is definitely a lot more smoother this year, which is great! Hopefully this will continue and also happen on the other train
  20. It did haha, I edited it. I meant to put Saturday, no clue what was going through my mind when I wrote that haha.
  21. Cal


    She should be open real soon! :D
  22. Construction update for air race! The ride is now in place! Looking good (Photos from TPW facebook)
  23. I think there is early rider at Chessington, but only for hotel guests. I believe it's not all the rides either only Wild Asia, Dragons Fury and not sure what else.
  24. I hate it so much when people put 'The' in front of rides like Stealth or Colossus. I know it's a really little thing but it really annoys me when I see it hahaa, it doesn't sound right saying 'The Stealth' so don't say it!
  25. South Parks were lucky enough to have a sneak preview of all the angry birds land today, and posted a photo of the cinema. All the plastic has now been taken off the seats. Looks pretty good, and bigger than I expected (I never went in the previous cinema) and really looking forward to it now!
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