All three times I looked at today there seemed to be staff on a stepladder in the middle, and yes there was loads of hanging cables coming down from it.
I would say it should be 600 in the park maximum for 6 coasters. I would also not pay more than £10 because I am an annual pass holder, but if its cheap I can't see them making any money out of this?
If they do move Spinball to thorpe that is the only place I could think of putting it, and probably the best, and I agree on everything you said, theres no point moving it. But like CoasterDude said I doubt they will actually move it to thorpe.
Stealth seems to much less reliable this year, the last time I went it broke down twice, once they had to close it and give out fast tracks. Looks like they had to do the same today looking at someones post of Thorpe Facebook page.
Was walking to stealth from nemesis on Sunday and saw a massive water jet coming up from the ground in the air shown in this link - First time ive seen it and got me more wet than tidal wave! By the way the footage is not mine, just saw this on youtube.