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About Marhelorpe

  • Birthday 05/24/1995

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    Steel Vengeance
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  1. So then, we now have a first look at the amazing new theming which has replaced the gas ball around Tidal Wave: Apparently, there's going to be some form of fire effect coming from the small red petrol pump they have added here too, so at least something impersonating the original ride theming returns finally. It's something I suppose (and hey, it's better than nothing right?), but in all honesty? I really wish they had reconstructed that gas ball again rather than doing this. The pool now looks so plain and boring without it, even if the fire effect didn't work on it for over a decade prior.
  2. Staying on the positive side of things, it's fantastic to see Pier 13 Pier Oasis keeping it's bright and colourful sponsorship in place! Nothing else really needs to be said looking at those pictures of Tidal Wave's pool! I think...
  3. £10 for Platform 15... £9 if you’re a pass holder... A maze that was once free for the last 4 seasons... And now costs more money for both a regular guest and a pass holder than any ScareFest maze did last year... And the park still have the nerve to charge standard pass holders a minimum of £10/£25 to enter this “Fearstival”... This could get... interesting. 😬
  4. Given the park are still leaving Loggers Leap left to rot, Slammer left to rust and Saw Alive left to sink... is anyone surprised by this? I can confirm that this stripping of the arcade canopy looks as grotesque in-person as it does through an internet image.
  5. Stealth has lost it’s countdown. Again.
  6. What if you’re a standard MAP holder then? I don’t recall them getting ‘Share the Fun’ vouchers... And this whole “GeT a SEaSoN pASs” stuff I don’t buy either. In the current climate, I genuinely don’t think many families are going to be getting anything like a season pass for any attraction anytime soon. Sure, some will buy it regardless and it’s decent value, but this brings in another question - who in their sane mind is going to pay £55 for the price of just 4 months maximum; especially amongst the uncertainty and hope of these attractions remaining open until the end of the year if there was a second spike or another lockdown?
  7. Erm, maybe because some people these passholders know will have friends and family which don’t have annual passes (like me), therefore they need to buy a regular ticket like everyone else perhaps? And now they need to justify spending more money at Thorpe Park than Alton Towers or any other park in this country? Just because something doesn’t affect a certain a demographic of people doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be criticised. £6 is a very large spike in price, even by Merlin’s standards. Are you suggesting this price increase is a good thing then?
  8. On another note, I was looking on Thorpe's website just now at information regarding their reopening procedure and couldn't help but notice the price of a 1 day ticket has suddenly shot up in price this month which I believe should be highlighted. As soon as the 10th June just 13 days ago, their website advertised a day ticket as £33. Now however, it is a whopping minimum of £39; an increase of £6 for an advance online booking. To make it worse, this price applies to everybody over the age of 3 now, so there is no longer a discount for those aged 3-11 which was classed as a child ticket previously. Chessington and Legoland I've noticed are also now doing this new ticketing system, but Alton Towers is not strangely. Here's a breakdown of all prices for a 1 day visit to each of the Merlin parks as of today: • Alton Towers (Adult) - £34pp • Alton Towers (Child) - £28.50pp • Legoland (1 size fits all ticket) - £29 or £33pp • Chessington (1 size fits all ticket) - £29.50pp • Thorpe Park (1 size fits all ticket) - £39pp So it appears Thorpe Park is now officially the most expensive theme park in the UK, finally surpassing Alton Towers at long last, yet still no "proper" new ride hardware since 2016...
  9. I swear just before the 2019 season started we were told through another one of Sickstone’s pre-season videos that the Dome’s interior was going to be be completed in two “phases”; presumably the first part ripping out the old Atlantis theming early last year, and for 2020 by modernising the interior? Yeeeeaaaahhhhh, something tells me that idea might have been scrapped. So we are now permanently left with a poor man’s version of the Alton Towers Dungeon - black walls galore.
  10. Well... in terms of social distancing advisement for guests, it's better than nothing, right......? 😂
  11. Noticed that “future for theme parks” has ride photography again for this season... Help.
  12. Exactly this. Too often when I visited the park last year and in 2018, the first sight I am greeted with every morning when leaving the dome into the park is this definition of pure irony: How the bobs at Thorpe Park/Merlin can look at that, nod their heads and smile saying “Yep, nothing at all wrong with this!” I don’t understand one bit. How the park are going to fix this broken system I cannot answer, but something has to be done soon.
  13. So the big difference if I'm reading this right is all new applicants to this system starting this Friday onwards after applying once will not just have full access to every major Merlin park in the UK with up to 3 carers, but it will last them an entire 24 months now......? EDIT: My mistake, it was a similar system to this last year which also had ID cards that lasted 2 years, it just excluded Legoland as part of the package (I think).
  14. On a serious note, I don’t know what to say to this frankly. It’s hardly surprising we have yet another IP-dependant attraction given to us with no consideration for long-term sustainability or learnt lessons from the likes of Saw Alive, I’m a Celeb and “future for theme parks” relying on actors year-round, which this is almost certain to have. Does this park have an incredibly short memory or something? Usually I would go out and say wait until you try it before making a full judgement and give it a chance, but frankly, I am too bored and uninterested to care anymore at this point. Sure, I’ll no doubt at some point give it a try, but I’m not expecting something incredible which undoubtedly all the vlogger celebs in the next 48 hours are gonna try and make it out to be...
  15. Well I never, it’s... it’s.... a WoRld fIrSt!
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