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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. Has to be: Air - The black hole All the air has been sucked out and next up is the money in your wallet. They can't hear you scream in space but they sure can charge you to be there.
  2. Merlin had a chance to try and make a bad situation better. They could have got their media department making people feel safe and getting rid of the false reports. Instead they kept their head down and were torn to pieces as there were no other stories at the time. Now their solution to fix things is to start closing rides, delaying/cancelling future rides and making the park less value for money. You don't solve this sort of thing by trying to claw back money. You solve this by spending your way out. You convince people to come back for a solid reason. VR headset is not a people puller. I hope the media team pull it together and actually sell their product well for once. I doubt that is going to happen.
  3. Loggers Leap (3) Nemesis Inferno (8) SAW- The Ride (2) Stealth (7) Stealth + Saw -
  4. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (0) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Loggers Leap (6) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (4) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (1) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (11) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (6) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) - IAC Reset Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Loggers Leap (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (4) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (1) SAW - The Ride (5) Slammer (5) Stealth (5) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (6) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5)
  5. The problem with any launch coaster is its running cost. The position BPB is in I would imagine they would want to have a ride with a low running cost which normally means a conventional chain or tyre drive.
  6. I'm curious to know what your suggestion would be to stop IS.
  7. Ah sky news the very accurate reporters who we all know from the smiler incident only speak truth. Yes it is a shame that innocent people may have died however innocent people die every day. I know that sounds very dark and inconsiderate but sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. The air strikes are what I consider a necessary evil. Leaving isis alone to continue is a very dangerous prospect and as a result they need to be stopped.
  8. He rendered our entire nuclear defence useless in one sentence. Literally throwing away billions of pounds of investment away because of some flawed ideology. Imagine how WW2 would have turned out with Corbyn in charge. He is so caught up in his left wings views he has been left out of touch with reality. In my opinion he is an idiot.
  9. Maybe not. The conservatives want to make savings and as a result they want to remove 50 MPs. Most of which will come from Scotland as they are crazy over represented. Then they will balance out the other seats 'fairly' (massively prefer the conservatives). However you then have to account for UKIP. UKIP voters have a massive influence on the next election as they either take votes away from Con and add to UKIP which helps labour or they abandon UKIP and vote Con which hinders labour. Also it depends on how left Lab go. If they went to the centre then they would stand a far better chance however as the labour party elected an idiot (imo) for its leader I suspect lab will go to the far left and face a much harder election campaign.
  10. They didn't vote for anyone which is why they shouldn't be counted. If you are able to vote and don't then those people have no right to moan about who is in power. They had the opportunity to vote in various ways and didn't. if a non voter isn't happy with the outcome then tough. If a non voter wants to have their vote counted then they should spoil their ballot. That way they get counted as spoiled ballots which must be counted by law. That way they vote for no one. A vote against government. However often people are so poorly informed they don't know that. Which brings us back to the whole bombing Syria problem of people who don't have a clue about what is going on making ludicrous statements and getting angry over something that isn't true.
  11. In the UK 36.9% of people voted for the conservatives. In England that figure rises to 41% (56.1% if you add ukips votes to the conservatives seeing as they had very similar policies and are both to the right politically) You can't count non voters as they didn't vote so presumably they are happy with whoever gets in power. I'm fine with people disagreeing any political party but I would prefer it if they backed their point up with facts and figures rather than what seems to be a made up number.
  12. Angry Birds 4D Experience (5) Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator: Bombs Away (5) Flying Fish (5) I'm A Celebrity (3) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (5) Loggers Leap (5) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW - The Ride (6) Slammer (5) Stealth (6) Storm In A Teacup (4) Storm Surge (5) The Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (5) +Stealth -IAC Not sure why mr monkeys banana ride and angry birds were on 6
  13. The thing that annoys me most about this is how the engineers and designers didn't take into account the buildings strength. Its a simple task which should have saved merlin a lot of trouble and as a result its a bit of a let down.
  14. The way to cut off their oil/funding is by bombing it... It's what Russia has been doing and I suspect that the UK will do something similar. They don't just drop bombs where they feel like.
  15. if the ride had the exact same layout it would have been limited to 3 cars per train and only having 4/5 trains its throughput would have been poor.
  16. Then what did you mean by that then?
  17. Lots of rides have problems with stalling. That is not the ride manufactures fault that is the track layout.
  18. Interesting comment seeing as the ride operated as it should have. This was down to human error, not the ride. Gerst and intamin are the only really possible manufactures for the smiler anyway. Intamin would have had throughput issues so Gerst were pretty much the only option.
  19. Fair enough, why would you want a spinning car on a megacoaster though?
  20. Well I thought brave it backwards was a gimmick it would seem you can go one better. It looks stupid and like it wouldn't add much to the ride.
  21. I would quite like to engineer the static parts of the coaster. Like the station or even help with its construction. Being a project manager on a ride like the swarm would be a dream job for me. No idea how I would go about it but a degree in civil engineering seems a good start.
  22. Saw, and the smiler did not have fastrack when they first opened. There were a couple of months when it ran with out it.
  23. I think the correct response is
  24. Hmm maybe its time for another RnR rant to make sure people know that the award should be mine.
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