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Project LC

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Everything posted by Project LC

  1. The observation tower is a space saver. It could be any size. Like a 138m tall observation tower on a pebble beach or it could potentially be a drop tower by river in London. All we really know is it's a ride on top of a square building in a place that doesn't have a vertical lift coaster already.
  2. We have civil war to get confused by first.
  3. That is not true. Setting up new schools is still possible.As a warning our green council took out a £36m loan for a 138m tall observation tower, stopped subsadising the buses, scrapped our park and ride, raised parking fees to put people off from going into town, raised council tax for businesses so now only cloths shops survive, introduced 20mph speed limit everywhere despite lots of evidence to say its made things worse, cut pay for bin men and other essentials to pay for more social workers, illegally built hockey pitchs, ignored 2 votes of no confidence, raised council tax for residents 2% every year despite being told to freeze them (the only reason they didnt raise it more is becuase otherwise there would have been a local referendum) and has failed to set a budget every year. There is atleast 10 other points I could make in detail about how bad they have been. Also at work 20 of us were asked to name one good policy the green council has introduced of which the entire room could not come up with a single reason.
  4. The number of times my phone has done that and I'm just left there reading it, not being able to make any sense of it.
  5. Inaccurate rubbish was aimed at the post before you. We happened to post at the same time, so I went back and edited my post to add the last sentence.
  6. By the new guys do you mean scarlet witch (the girl with the magical red stuff) and quicksilver (the fast one)?
  7. When did I say the recession was caused by labour? Also I would love you to point out the inaccurate rubbish. The ONS wouldn't argue with any of my statistics, neither would the IFS. So please point out where I am misleading. I would also like to point out that inflation is currently at 0% which means wages are rising.
  8. How can you say that the labour party did not make the outcome of the recession worse. They were spending crazy amounts and as a result we are now all suffering because of it. Also when it comes to statistics don't use government ones which are heavily influenced by the person doing them. Independent bodies is where I get my figures from unlike labours figures. You can believe what statistics you like but what on earth are the chances in jobs between 2010-13 being 1 in 50 on zero hours to suddenly sky rocket to 1 in 19. Bottom line is 2 million more jobs (more jobs than the rest of the EU combined), tax cuts for 30 million people, the deficit halved, NHS spending up 11.6%, education spending up 6%, 2.2 million apprenticeships created, the fastest growing economy in the western world. The conservatives in the last 4 years have created 1089 jobs a day, whereas labour in their last 4 years lost 25 jobs a day. Under labours system people on benefits were able to earn more than teachers and a load of other public sector jobs. They opened the flood gates to immigration and what's worse they haven't even acknowledge what they did was wrong. Labour want to basically destroy small business by raising business tax. So they will close because they cant keep up with the loss of profit and the other loss of profit by pressure to raise wages when its not possible to do so.
  9. Ukip is a perfectly acceptable vote. The whole culture of looking down on people who voted right wing needs to end. They have some very good policies and are the only party with a real way of controlling immigration.
  10. Labour spent £4 for every £1 they received. We were in a boom when you have a surplus. Instead they increased spending. A recession was always going to come and instead of preparing for it, Labour made it worse. Conservatives would have had the deficit as a surplus but instead we had a coalition so the lib dems stopped the extreme cuts. Labour has completely flawed arguments. Only 1 in 50 jobs are zero hour contracts. Wages are rising in real terms. People are better off due to tax cuts. The 50p tax wasn't even in use during the Labour government. Not one argument that Ed has put across has been valid and yet 33% of the population seem to believe in what he is saying. If Labour gets in power (they won't) we will all be much worse off.
  11. I'm from Brighton and the greens are the worst party I have ever seen. They know nothing of science or logic. They have killed the local economy and not one policy has been eco-friendly.
  12. And yet overall crime has fallen across the board. NHS spending up 11.6%, education spending up 6%, 2 million more jobs, fastest growing economy in the western world. There is alway 2 sides to a coin...
  13. Colossus will nearly always stack due to the placement of the blocks. Teamed up with the horrific station design and terrible trains. I'm not sure when the earliest the train can be sent is but even with stacking it can't be that much of a delay.
  14. No I absolutely hate the system. I was more trying to point out the fact that no one is ever happy.
  15. Everyone could download an app on their phone and virtually wait for the ride. Turn up at their time slot and then you don't need the queue line any more. No more moaning about it looking bad.
  16. This ride is most certainly for a smaller park. It may say 2 trains but the ride itself is a maurer x-car being only 1 or 2 cars in length. The height sounds good but it has to be built on top of a building 6m tall so its only really 40m tall. Also something to note is that whatever this place is its on a beach with a main road behind it. The length of the ride of what they are after, despite not saying anything, is between 600m - 1000m. Also the criteria may sound pretty open but when you open the file its amazingly restricting. Yes I do have a few ideas I may enter.
  17. What's the point in the RMC conversions? I'm still yet to grasp the entire idea of them.
  18. Oh I never said they treated them well, I just said they offer rewards for good performance.
  19. Cedar fair award bonuses to ride teams that achive the closest to the maximum throughput over the course of the month. They also do bonuses for other things like friendliest. Something merlin should consider doing as it improves customer satisfaction.
  20. Project LC


    Unfortunately I feel your problems with RCT3 do not lie with the hardware. RCT3 has many glitches on windows 7 and later. Such as the game will constantly crash if a park exceeds a certain size. Billboards with custom images will nearly always crash the game or cause other errors. The game itself can only use something like 512mb of ram. An ssd will boost loading times on everything saved to it (my pc turns on in 15 seconds flat thanks to the ssd) however they are normally small in size and wont hold much past the OS and a couple of games. My PC has a i5 4670k overclocked to 4.2GHz, 16GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 770 and rct3 still crashes and lags. The game is from an age where PC's didn't have anything close to what we currently have and as a result in many circumstances it cant use a lot of the new found computing power.
  21. Having loaded it all up and checked out all of the restrictions ect. this is for a smallish park. The contest its self was tweeted about by the makers of No Limits and the person who bought the domain has spent a lot on it.
  22. You know its near impossible to tell sarcasm through text.
  23. I was amazed we Didn't have a NL2 topic. Also not really sure where to put this but it's one hell of a competition. http://www.coasterx.com/contest/
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