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Everything posted by pognoi

  1. I'll say again, I've never had a rough circuit on Saw. It may be YOUR least favourite Benin, but to me I found smiler a lot more rough and head bangy.
  2. Yeah it was beaut 11/10 would watch again
  3. WRONG. I am small. I have never had a rough circuit on Saw, not compared to the likes of an SLC or Colossus, but the smiler was a new level. It doesn't help the track shakes an awful lot in some points too. Your height can massively effect the roughness of a ride. As it happens with me.
  4. Samurai is always 5 or 15. I've never seen it otherwise, from what I recall... No matter what day you visit now, It'll be busy. Infact, I found that our MOS trip was quieter then a normal school day wednesday. I guess end of term rewards and trips mean everyone goes on weekdays.
  5. I was too busy worrying about my arm falling out of the restraint to properly notice...
  6. pognoi


    I disagree. The fact that when it rusts (or oxidizes) it looks older, and more ghastly, helps portray the theme in the fact its a tamed beast. It makes it look even uglier and more dangerous I guess.
  7. Retheme the whole area to How to train your dragon and make a wing rider in its place. :3
  8. THE MIGHTY DRIP HAS RETURNED!! And clearly had a thing for Paige as it dripped all over her Jeans
  9. It was great! Like Paige said I feel like I've known most of you who attended for a number of years, not months. There's just something so family like when people the same age as you can just chill out and be 'nerdy' and stuff whilst having a good laugh doing something we all love. Got to admit, the After 'party' for the younger people was very quiet, but brilliant! How to train your dragon 2 is a must watch! J.S217 cried in it! :OOO Thanks again for the meet Peaj, I can't believe I won't be able to see you guys for a whole 2 months. I might break down into depression... Alas... MURICA, HERE I COME!
  10. Anyone packed lunching? I thought we were picnicing for lunch and went and cooked myself some stuff, and would be a shame to waste it, but don't want to be alone in the sunken garden...
  11. Yeah It's been down since the 15th of June. The problem was (according to one of the workers) that the wheels needed replacing, or testing, or something, however asking the staff standing outside it they'd just tell you it couldn't open that day. Hope to ride it again soon
  12. I completely forgot about the 18 for overnight rule. Whoops! Also, I didn't realize that the event in Blackpool was for a set date. I guess I still hold to my word though, if this were to occur on a day trip though. Oh well, thanks Peaj!
  13. Maybe (particularly for those under 18) make the trips a bit more aware of when they happen? The trips so far have been really well placed time wise, however the blackpool meet is the weekend of the first week back to school for me, and I'm sure it'll be a similar case for others going to school/college, and this time of year is where you really need to turn a new page and work well. If anyone (Peaj xD) needs a list of when terms start ETC they're very easy to find online, or you can just ask me (or I'm sure any other students will still answer). It's just its a bit of a pain if for the first week back to school your teacher gives you loads of book buying and assignments to get started, but you've got a trip to blackpool planned for the whole weekend, you know?
  14. Would've loved to come but thats the last day I'm in America! Will be going universal instead (unless I'm mistaken, and thats the day we come back, then I'll tag along anyway xD)7 EDIT: Yeah I'll still be in 'Murica!
  15. Honestly, misread your awards area as awards ban.
  16. pognoi

    Wicker Man

    Rita to me is a better stealth. Thats the way I see it. What sites have they potentially proposed for SW8?
  17. pognoi

    Wicker Man

    Nope. Everything was open. I just enjoyed it the most. MASTA TROLL I DONT EVEN worst thing is, I actually think rita is the best ride at AT
  18. Awesome! You need to look at holiday park (?) Germany too, with Expedition Geforce
  19. pognoi

    Wicker Man

    Rita is amazing! Best ride at Towers.
  20. Well, I'll just leave these here... https://www.youtube.com/user/toofpikk https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGForceJunkies
  21. pognoi


    I have grown to have a bizarre appreciation for this ride. It's not too rough, its well paced mostly, and has quite a few surprises even after 23 rides. I guess its just a space different between the rest of thorpes coasters. It's not terrifying, or forceful, but just there to have fun. hmph.
  22. They should make the car park double decker, then use the spare car park as a new land expansion! That must be at least a quarter of the size of the park itself.
  23. Peaj has that covered I think, but keep it with a ghost until its confirmed just incase please :3
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