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Everything posted by RubyRed95

  1. According to twitter Saw is still down as well as Colossus. 2 main coasters down 2 days in alongside 4 planned closures? Unimpressive tbh :/
  2. I swear some people never passed their drivers test. In one drive I've had one person cut me up on a duel carridgeway, almost smashing straight into the side of my car bonnet if I hadn't slammed on the breaks. Then, about 5mins later someone clearly not looking where they're going decides to pull straight out of a junction into the side of my car as I drove past. They literally broke inches from it- so nearly a crash it's unreal. I'm currently pulled into some random carpark because I'm too shaken up to drive, people are idiots. :@
  3. The back few rows can be a little rough at times but it's overall one of my favourites on park, it's nowhere near as uncomfortable as Saw in my opinion, though when I first started going to Thorpe I thought Colossus was worse, I think I'm just getting used to it
  4. 100% it was definitely running, I actually went on it xD
  5. I mean- at the end of the day they pay a small fortune for those passes so they should get as many perks as possible. I think the issue here is that they shouldn't really exist at all :/
  6. Vortex is open now so either detty or loggers is just a bonus and tbh I don't really care for saw so I'm happy haha
  7. Plus has anyone pointed out that loggers and detonator are open despite not being advertised??? That's pretty good is it not?
  8. Okay, earlier it was busy but ATM it's pretty quiet- 5/10 mins on most rides, we've been on loads xD
  9. Not at all! There was a dreaded day a few years back where it was heaving, but I think that's because of the old and now non-existent "friends and family" tickets. Last year was good! Rides on one train but we went for about four hours and- if my memory serves- did about 18 rides so pretty quiet, not dead, but decent!
  10. Would bet money it's union J, again. thorpe seem to have a bit of a fixation with them, they've played there more than once if I'm right? And visit a lot. And aren't very popular.
  11. Been confirmed as blue and black now but I couldn't see the white and gold anyway.... Well no that's not entirely true I sometimes see BLUE and GOLD which makes me feel something is deeply wrong with me...
  12. In fairness, as far as Tidal Wave is concerned, over half term bits of theming were seen to be removed, so the fact that Tidal Wave may be having something done to it is a fair shout
  13. Haha thanks for continuously reminding me of this fact :')
  14. No word of a lie- on Tuesday we genuinely waited longest for the fish :') like 4 rows were blocked off haha
  15. That's what I thought! Then I assume people were also buying at the gate? I think I saw a few doing it today...
  16. People are honestly complaining quite a bit about most of the rides not being open, heard a lot of irritated mumbles walking around. when I went to collect my annual pass, some woman was yelling at a member of staff asking for a full refund because 'half the rides were broken'. How did they not realise? It's even on the map.
  17. Haha I know xD it was closed when I arrived and for quite some time after, asked the staff and they said they didn't know if it'd be back up :/ but all good now!!!
  18. Stealths down :'( sad times
  19. YES!!! I have always wanted this!! Haha, that bit always used to terrify me, always wanted a go :')
  20. I genuinely laughed way more than I should haha :')
  21. Thing is- between this and the arena being used for the 2016 attraction, there are very few places left for fn mazes bar the beach so not sure what they're gonna do there :/ gonna be... Interesting haha.As for the attraction itself... Ughh I'm underwhelmed. Never cared for the show, I think I maybe watched it one year, and although I'm hoping they pleasantly surprise me, I can see this being very underwhelming, even for those who DO like it. I feel like it's more about the IP than the actual attraction, just another way to pull in customers. Ahh we'll see I guess! Hoping for the best though
  22. A day the Saturday before proper opening
  23. I get this and it makes perfect sense but for one thing: there simply isn't enough to do/ places to go at thorpe in place of queueing. Were RnR to be properly implemented, the dome and arcades would be packed, people would just be loitering all over the park, and tbh there isn't exactly a vast range of shops. Most of the places are food places but there's only so much people are willing to spend just on food. I dunno, in a bigger park it may work better but I think they're overestimating their own ability to provide other entertainments.
  24. The only thing I'm still not getting here is the fact that you have to pre-book: how busy are they expecting it to be? Or am I TOTALLY missing a vital point that has already been raised and not reading close enough? Either way I probably won't be attending due to work/ the fact that I don't fancy going in the freezing cold with limited rides, but I'll be interested to see how it goes
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