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Everything posted by GladiatorFanKyle

  1. Here's a control panel of a KMG inversion 12
  2. The number 1 star shape (along with the other travelling star shape High Energy) AIR
  3. Nope! But it is a ride that is at a park that is by the sea!
  4. If rock rage has yellow on it then ive never seen it unless its had a secret paint job for 2014
  5. I will start it off here is the picture:
  6. If you wish to keep up with the latest from the UK's number 1 KMG inversion then check out Rock Rage Fans on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rock-Rage-Fans/426885687433592?ref=hl
  7. Who's ever been here? It's a cool little park with a Fabbri Booster, a 246foot drop tower, technical park pegasus, wooden coaster and much more
  8. I heard the Indiana jones roller coaster is being completely updated this year
  9. I'd love for thorpe to do an event like alton towers live. That would be really good and it would bring in way more people to the park
  10. YAY it better be an air race! Air Races are AMAZING! If they get one I might just love drayton more than thorpe haha
  11. Is rameses revenge returning this year? I'd really like to try it again as I got off it before they started the second cycle cause it freaked me out.... Haha. I hope they have given it a paint job too!
  12. The flash is the same as amazing confusion in fantasy island skegness ocean park is a really decent park some people I know have been and they really liked it
  13. Lots of good news: I can walk without being in pain so more time at theme parks YAY!, I'm going for a job on Brighton Pier and I have summer holidays sorted (although its ages away) and I will ride a huss top spin the whole way through this year! XD
  14. This picture of rock rage taken by one of my friends taken at the Nottingham Goose Fair
  15. It would have to be a weekend! I shall ask the parents and get back to you! I'd really like to come on the meet as it will be my first one
  16. 1. Rock Rage 2. Danters AIR 3. Shambhala 4. Furius Baco 5. Atmosfear S&D 6. Evans Tango kmg freakout 7. Crazy Mouse brighton pier 8. Waltzer 9.Mondial Turbine 10.fabbri booster Thats my top ten
  17. I remember when I was a child and Park Life was on tv and I'd get all happy because it was a THEME PARK!
  18. Actually mine changed;) 1. Marry my celebrity crush 2. Unlimited rides on rock rage 3. House next to thorpe park!
  19. they are pathetic bullies! Stay strong and don't let it get to you. They will get their comeuppance soon! x
  20. air race is the only ride that does not make me feel sick haha. It would be good for thorpe park if they get the ones with two rows of seats. It would be perfect for the park
  21. I was thinking about thorpe getting a starflyer it would be good because it caters to everyone (if thorpe park is planning to change the market they want to appeal to) it could go where storm in a teacup is? That would bring more people to that area.
  22. Ive done every ride at thorpe except slammer and rush! They just put fear into me haha. I can do any other ride haha!
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