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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah


    Is anyone (rich) going to the LEGO Christmas event? If so could you try and get some pictures of the Ninjago construction please, would be interesting to see how it's coming along! EEEEEKKK ROCKET RACERS THAT WAS MY FAVOURITE RIDE AS A LITTLE KID still remember the crushing feeling when I went on the LL website and saw it was gone on the map
  2. yeah

    Wicker Man

    ...And true to the Wicker Man's prophecy, the Flume died.
  3. They're about as big as my cat! We've always said he's like a lion...
  4. yeah

    Wicker Man

    Look at the way it's phrased. They've just leaked the theme of the ride and construction hasn't even started on the ride itself yet
  6. yeah


    I've killed both my knees... I was suffering from lax ligaments in my right knee, runs in the family, and my knee was dislocating all the time. It recovered so I went back to normal, went on the trampoline, hit my left knee on the frame and bruised it badly around the top of the kneecap. Then I landed awkwardly on the other one and reinjured it. Agonising pain.
  7. That's because it's still November! (For the next few hours or so anyway) I refuse to be in a Christmassy mood until 1/12. Temperatures here are crazy. -4 degrees!
  8. Oh you and your technicalities you remind me of me
  9. Jeeeeezzzusssss. Storm Surge has major major majooorrr throughput issues. Nearly an hour in the rap queue EVERY TIME.
  10. If I had to choose one thing to get rid of with Merlin, it'd be IPs. Not kept up with Towers news nowadays? That's okay, we all like different parks.
  11. YESSS me and you versus the world
  12. Storm Surge can be described by sitting in water, spinning, then as soon as the ride starts to get good it finishes with what's meant to be a big splash but just isn't. Then you have to sit next to a fountain that splashes every so often and soaks you or leaves you bone dry depending on where you sit.
  13. This topic is for unpopular opinions, silly!
  14. I really undervalued Rattles until I rode it in the dark, then with the lap bar pushed right down (felt better, don't know why) then when I could let go of my sister after holding on to her for her first two rides.
  15. Why's that? Not saying youre wrong as it's your opinion obviously but it'd be interesting to hear why?
  16. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    Translation: "Idk lol"
  17. yeah

    TPM Awards 2016

    Those are some mind-blowing statistics! Can't wait to find out which is true and which isn't!
  18. Tbh every single one of my opinions on Chessie is pretty unpopular
  19. "a recipe for sick" sounds gross I can sort of imagine X backwards. I would guess that sort of big drop in the middle wouldn't have been fun. Am I right in saying it was a 1.5m height restriction or am I getting my facts mixed up somewhere along the line?
  20. yeah

    Youtube Videos

    I didn't know Thomas the Tank was a Transformer...
  21. yeah


    Absolutely hate Clayton Donaldson. Cheated out of a win because of his cheating and diving. Also the worst ref I have ever seen, got to be.
  22. I don't try and find flaws in his posts, its just incredibly annoying when Jamie always has something negative to say, even when Merlin do something good it's "They did something good for once". It's not constant nitpicking either, or at least that's not what it's meant to be, it's just simply that it gets on my nerves massively when whatever happens there's always something negative said. And how can I contribute to the topic more than I already have? I've said my first ride, what more is there to say? Besides, if I try and contribute to a topic I just get shot down. For example when I have memories of going on Bubbleworks with my family and I got tonnes of backlash simply because I never rode the original, or when I was told to "shut up" for making a simple joke that couldnt even possibly offend anyone in the Awards topic. Why do you think I don't post much any more?
  23. Hm, well that's ironic. You bring negativity into every thread, that's the point of what I first said, but its clear it's annoying for other people so I'll leave it at that.
  24. Find one good thing you have ever said about Merlin.
  25. Would've been Depth Charge, but there was a 20 minute queue and I didn't fancy queueing on that bouncy staircase so mine was, I think, Flying Fish? But my dad and sisters was Depth Charge Yes Jamie you complaining about absolutely everything to do with Merlin adds so much of use to any topic.
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