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He's posting fact. How about they make sure the incidents don't happen.I'm not starting a whole OMG ITS THORPES FAULT thing, because I believe the rides are safe, and I know they're tested regularly, this is just a freak accident, slipped through the net if you will. What I'm saying is they have to expect this kinda coverage afterwards, because it's only a good thing, it puts MORE pressure on them to ensure these things don't happen.

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I think that the sun have blown it WAY out of proportion.. but of course they would. Stupid thing is the video they've used completely contradicts what has been said in the article.. its ridiculous. What I want to know is why they've suddenly chosen this particular break down to publicise when there have been plenty others I would have thought have been worse.I mean I was on slammer and I got stuck upside down on one of the turns and bits started falling off of it.. Ah well.. the sun have recieved a fair few comments that they chose not to display because it makes them look stupid. Notice that theres only about 2 max. comments that speak against them

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  Frankie said:

I think that the sun have blown it WAY out of proportion.. but of course they would. Stupid thing is the video they've used completely contradicts what has been said in the article.. its ridiculous. What I want to know is why they've suddenly chosen this particular break down to publicise when there have been plenty others I would have thought have been worse.I mean I was on slammer and I got stuck upside down on one of the turns and bits started falling off of it.. Ah well.. the sun have recieved a fair few comments that they chose not to display because it makes them look stupid. Notice that theres only about 2 max. comments that speak against them

Its not every day something like this happens, this could have killed someone, easily. They do report allot of breakdowns which are not serious like reported, I do not blame the papers.
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I agree with Jack, whilst the papers have blown it way of proportion, I think some people are missing how serious this is. I mean, its not even worth thinking about if it hit someone, it made a dent in metal, and still had enough momentum to took a fence clean out of its nails, and crack the rest of it. Then some also play the 'but Thorpe couldn't of done anything' card. Well I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that there isn't something that could of been done. Yes regular tests are done, but SOMETHING, could of been done, simple. I mean this isn't the only Merlin theme park incident this year. Chessington Dragon Falls anyone?

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Okay then Phill, if something could have been done then what would that have been? Sellotaped the whole ride to stop the bits falling off? I don't believe Thorpe could have done anything about it. And with the papers blowing it out of proportion the thing they did is they didn't report the fact that other than this particular incident Rush has been quite a safe ride, all they wrote that was marginally positive was that luckily no one was hit by it. But they didn't report the actual story, they reported it using an negative approach, yes what happened was quite bad but the thing is does it really need that kinda publicity?

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I agree, It is news therefore papers have a right to report, but they only do so to effect the parks reputation & expose their faults. They dont care about peoples safety, hell, they'd rather someone be killed. The story would sell more. THATS why I find the reports unjust. I refuse to believe that something could have been done to prevent it. The ride part must have looked in working order beforehand and would have continued operation. You cant expect the staff to check every nut and bolt before the ride comes into operation. We all know rush underwent extensive engineering at the start of this season, which leads me to believe that if anything it received more attention and would have been 100% secure. It was just one of those things that nobody could predict.Overall, for a park of this size we shouldn't see this sort of thing happening. It was very serious and they were lucky nobody was indeed killed. But least we forget that regardless of how large a company is, you still cannot expect them not to make a mistake. No matter how life threatening. As for Merlins 'incidents' this year, even if Tussauds remained in control, it would still have happened. The faults may even have been overlooked and deemed less serious then they really were. There's hundreds of reasons as to why this happened; so we can argue our cases all we wish. Any of you could be correct.

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I agree with Chaz and Holly...If something could have been done about it do you really think rush would have been open that morning? ... Like chaz said, that metal piece MIGHT have hit someone, yes thats quite possible, but it didnt.. so why blow it up like this? I dont see the point. It just irritates people and ruins experiences for people.

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right so your saying I'm putting thorpe park in bad light. I put up info on the subject and then took it off the next day when I got home. I then find the day after there is an articly on this site about it aswell as being broadcast on ITV and in the UK's most popular newspaper! It's not like I'm saying Thorpe Park is unsafe in anyway because I have complete belief that it is with the knowledge of the testing rides go through. So please dont acuse me. Thanks.

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I'm not acusing you of anything.. I'm just getting irritated by the Sun. I didnt see the ITV broadcast of it because I'm in the wrong area for it to be local news so I dont know what they said about it. I'm glad you said something about what happened otherwise I would be miffed when I got to thorpe and it had been closed, again. Dont get defensive about it. No one is accusing you of anything as far as I can see. People just have different opinions and we are having a debate about it. Its nothing personal to you or anyone else I'm hoping. There are obviously some people who just dont like seeing thorpe being seen in this light. You've posted fact and I'm glad:) If anyone has a problem with fact then they need to calm down

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Woah, there doesn't need to be all this disagreeing.It may appear worse than what it was, I agree, but believe it or not, it still made the ITV news last night...=/When you look at the video, you do actually see how dangerous it could've been.And I bet that if it had hit someone and seriously injured them, there wouldn't be all this arguing about how its been blown out of proportion etc.Yeah, it's not really major news, but it is still news and Thorpe are gonna have to deal with that, as are we =/

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  Frankie said:

Its the video that the got to back it up that bugs me... The article states that people were "fleeing" and "screaming" from the ride.... Did anyone see any of that?

I think its because the guy filming it took 2 steps to the left when it happened. To a tabloid newspaper thats running for your life or fleeing.
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Wow people walking, like that doesn't happen everyday. Its the article thats bugs me the most because they have the right to report on the matter but they completely blasted Thorpe. I meant yeah I do it sometimes but I never go as far as that. The sun is a popular newspaper and the park is going to get people who are like 'Rides not safe, me not ride.'

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Lol holly yea... Apparently so Martin... lolage..Yea the fence did take most of it by the looks of things... it wouldnt have hit anyone before it got out of the ride area... if it had have hit someone I wouldnt have thought it woulda killed them like the sun seems to make out... oh deary mes

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What do I think could of been done? Well lets take a look at what has happened. A piece of metal has fallen off. Now that could be caused by numerous things. One such thing could be metal fatigue, in that case, that would be Thorpes engineering team not picking up on it. Or, it could be S&S's fault, for the ride having a design flaw, exerting to much pressure on one point. Someone is accountable, accidents don't happen, they're just a series of events. It's all very well the rides been taken apart, but if they still overlook something, then its pointless. And it's all very well S&S testing the ride, but if they overlook this problem, then again its pointless. While at first I believed it was just a freak accident, the more and more I think about it the more and serious this is.The Sun article is bullocks, and I'm not defending it in ANY way. However, what people don't seem to grasp is this could have easily killed someone. It doesn't make it anymore less serious that it *could* of. This thing had that potential to kill someone. Fact is it was INCHES away from someone on the ride, and then was smacked by the ride into a PATH, which someone could of EASILY been on. You can see in the video someone was just again, INCHES away. What the hell is wrong with you people? There has clearly been a terrible oversight here, that SOMEONE or SOMETHING is responsible for.

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