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Merlin VIP Annual Pass


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  On 3/10/2015 at 9:29 PM, Project LC said:

63 rides where you enter via the exit when fastrack for the ride shouldn't even exist for anyone, never mind VIP.

For some reason they decided to list Legoland as exits when infact it is Q-Bot, which in a few rides is also the exit but it's a lower amount compared to what they've put on there.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 9:35 PM, AstroDan said:

It is absurd that there are a lot of rides across the 4 parks that don't offer a regular Fastrack option, yet VIP passholders can skip any queue.

Surely the VIP pass should only allow you to skip queues on rides which actually have a Fastrack option?

Thank you for sharing the info, Paul.

I'm not certain but I think if you buy the top tier of Fastrack it's the same as our apart from CBeebies Land. *Alton only added CBeebies land as they claimed there was no fastrack for anyone ever, then the VIP team at Merlin discovered they actually issue priority passes so it changed the situation* and of course for the younger visitors who may be VIP's I don't think anyone can begrudge them that as they aren't going to hold you up on the Smilier or any coaster.

As you can see Thorpe actually offer the least for exit queues and at least you can all see it's not us deciding where we go it's actually where we're told to go (excluding any rogues out there) as long as all staff follow it then there shouldn't be the issues which you noticed last year.

No problem, will probably get dagger eyes now from the others lol :)

* Allegedly - that's what I was told by a few people but we were banned from it and then suddenly the VIP team informed us we could use it.

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The idea that Alton Towers have been forced to allow VIP passholders to access CBeebies Land rides and attractions without queuing infuriates me.


There is no Fastrack option at CBeebies Land, period, for any level of paid-Fastrack - because the throughputs are too low. Priority passes are different as these are only used when a ride breaks down, or in response to a guest complaint.


These are the reasons why the parks detest the VIP pass. But Merlin are forcing it upon them.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 9:56 PM, AstroDan said:

The idea that Alton Towers have been forced to allow VIP passholders to access CBeebies Land rides and attractions without queuing infuriates me.


There is no Fastrack option at CBeebies Land, period, for any level of paid-Fastrack - because the throughputs are too low. Priority passes are different as these are only used when a ride breaks down, or in response to a guest complaint.


These are the reasons why the parks detest the VIP pass. But Merlin are forcing it upon them.

I don't know how many children there are with VIP passes (remember to use it the child would need VIP as well) but it's not likely to impact that much on the queue considering priority passes. But your right for CBeebies fastrack shouldn't be an option as it then impacts the kids, "mummy why are they going before us? They have more money"

Separate note I wonder when we'll start seeing CBeebies Priorty passes back on eBay they sell for a fortune!

We all know it's not going anywhere and it wouldn't surprise me if they even tried to offer another tier of VIP! When that happens we're all in trouble...

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It disgusts me how highly they are treated compared to normal merlin pass holders, who pay endless event charges and have to stand in the windy cattlepen queues like all the day guests.

Yes, VIP pass holders are paying a premium at the end of the day, however the way they are treated compared to normal guests is infuriating and the unlimited fastrack issue puts a negative impact on all of the general public. If it was such a necessary addition to the VIP pass, then why did they feel the need to add unlimited fastrack to rides which don't even have fastrack access, utterly insane and it's beyond unfair on everyone else.

Fastrack is a problem in itself at merlin parks, however VIP passes are only making it worse. I'm not saying I hate the people who use the pass, I just hate Merlin for creating it in the first place. The staff treat guests like they are celebrities; they get escorted in first with their own meeting point, unlimited fastrack on rides which don't even have fastrack, choosing where they sit from the line exit and unlimited re-rides. Yet, the staff have no option to do this, as they have been instructed by Merlin to do so.

I'm not surprised the pass gets as much hate as it does, it's great for the consumer however for any other day guest it just goes to show how merlin treat their customers like muck unless you are paying the top premium rate.

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  On 3/10/2015 at 10:11 PM, AstroDan said:

They will offer Ultra-VIP.


A member of staff on minimum wage will accompany you all day, whilst licking the boots of every passholder - once every 30 minutes.

Thing is that is already on offer for day VIP's who pay for it, minus the boot licking ;)

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There has been a couple of posts here that I would like to address, but for some reason I cant quote the actual post... Good old internet explorer !!! :rolleyes:


James commented: The way they are treated to normal guests is infuriating. The staff treat guests like they are celebirites; they get escorted in first with their own meeting point, unlimited fastrack on rides, choosing where they sit from the line exit and unlimited re-rides


To address these point, this doesn't happen to me (apart from one visit where I have been asked what row I want to sit on and that was Thorpe Park on Sunday).


Fastrack on rides which don't have fastrack. 

Yes its there, there is no denying that fact.  Have I personally ever used it?  No.  To be perfectly honest, I have never set foot inside CBeebies land let alone go on any rides.  Doesn't interest me whatsoever, but yes there is no denying that the option is there if I wanted too.


Treating guests like celebrities

I have never been treated like a celebrity. I have had a few questions from staff asking how I am finding it, but I have had no special treatment whatsoever.


Escorted into their own meeting point

At Alton I have been met at the gate once and that was to pick my pass up as I didn't have a ticket to get into the park then.  The other visits I made my way to guest services to pick up my wristband.  At Chessington, you are supposed to go to the hotel and wait for someone to walk from the entrance or guest services to meet you, put your wristband on and then take you into the park, which to me is a complete waste of time.  I did this once and now just scan my ticket and go to guest services.  At Thorpe, you are normally made to wait in reception for someone to give you your wristband.  It has only been at the annual pass weekend where there was any meet and greet outside the park and finally at Legoland, I just walked up scanned my ticket and ticket even bother getting a wristband as the park was dead.


Choosing where to sit.

As mentioned, this has only happened to me at Thorpe Park on Sunday.  The rest of the time, when the fastrack queue is open you filter in, so for example on Rita, you enter the fastrack queue and then wait 10 mins to get to the platform where they don't know I have a vip pass.  Same on Nemesis, Nemesis Inferno, Colossus, Air.  You name it, the merge points are nearly always before the station, so unless people are demanding a certain row, then it doesn't happen.  Maybe it doesn't happen to me as I don't wear a lanyard.


Unlimited re-rides. 

I have never been given the option to have a re-ride because I am a vip pass holder other than the ert we had on Swarm, which was after the park closed.  The times I have had re-rides is not because I have a vip pass, but because Thorpe Park was dead and they let all riders either stay on or use a short cut.  Obviously Alton have the weird policy of not allowing re-rides at all so it doesn't happen there, but I have had it at Chessington as well on Vampire and Dragons Fury.  not because I have vip, but because the park was dead.


I will tell you now, I wish I had this pass which non-pass holders think I have, because in reality, its not like that at all.  Maybe its because I use the pass how its intended and don't ask for things.  :)  For me, this pass is just like the Premium but with express parking at Alton and Legoland and fastrack.  That's it.  Anything above that offered by the parks like the ert on Swarm at pass holder day is a bonus.


On a final note, to address Paul when he said "But youre right, for CBeebies fastrack shouldn't be an option as it then impacts the kids 'mummy why are they going before us' 'they have more money' ".  If I had a kid and was in that position, I would say "because they have chosen to spend their money differently to us".  I am not rich.  I work extremely hard, don't have kids and I choose to spend my money in different ways. Doesn't mean to say I am richer than anyone as I am not by any stretch of the imagination   :)

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  On 3/10/2015 at 10:11 PM, AstroDan said:

They will offer Ultra-VIP.


A member of staff on minimum wage will accompany you all day, whilst licking the boots of every passholder - once every 30 minutes.


Cedar Fair parks do that already... I went on one many years ago (because my visit to Kings Island was the 5th July, it was busy), which was $300 a head for 8 hours of guided person, instant ride access (including the burdenous row choice, though we only cared about that on Beast and Diamondback) and priority show seating, food, vouchers and a backstage tour of Beast... Certainly got the value for money out of that one...


And it was STILL cheaper than anything Merlin offer, though after a quick search it looks like it no longer exists... But that is how to do a VIP ticket thing...

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The VIP days at cedar point still exist so I assume they are still there at the other cedar fair parks. They have been watered down a little with no backstage tour but the rest is still the same. However they work because there is very little demand for them.

VIP should not be allowed to fastrack rides that don't have a dedicated queue. That is good enough already and they don't need more. The whole pass is a joke. Poorly executed, terrible name and they seem to be able to do anything they like.

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This is too funny.



  On 3/10/2015 at 10:10 PM, TPJames said:

It disgusts me how highly they are treated compared to normal merlin pass holders, who pay endless event charges and have to stand in the windy cattlepen queues like all the day guests.

No. This hurts my sides. Really, really bad arguement.

Your 'endless event charges' are those for people who just have rides on their minds. Have a bit of control here, and remember there are around 200 days of non paid entries to the parks every year. 

It just makes me laugh so hard when people moan about these paid events then go anyway. It's like a robber coming up to you, you moaning about being robbed, and then giving them the object they're taking anyway. These events are easily avoidable, you are really, really thick if word it like these are forced paid events. I haven't been to one, and I'm glad for that, because I don't want to end up like some of you guys who seem to have endless wind in your stomachs going insane over this crap when really you're the guys fueling the fire in the first place. God damn gosh.


  On 3/10/2015 at 10:10 PM, TPJames said:

Yes, VIP pass holders are paying a premium at the end of the day, however the way they are treated compared to normal guests is infuriating and the unlimited fastrack issue puts a negative impact on all of the general public. If it was such a necessary addition to the VIP pass, then why did they feel the need to add unlimited fastrack to rides which don't even have fastrack access, utterly insane and it's beyond unfair on everyone else.

Sure VIP passes may not be the best marketing stunt pulled by merlin but 'normal' guests can choose to be treated just the same. Of course, it comes with a hefty price tag, but the VIP experiences that Thorpe have offered before along with unlimited fast pass can make guests get a VIP experience for the day. 

Also remember disabled or celebrity status guests get a similar treatment. So really, it's not unfair. they're offering it to everyone anyway, its your choice not to purchase it. The only way people can say it's unfair is if they just don't have enough money, but that's the way the world works I'm afraid.

  On 3/10/2015 at 10:10 PM, TPJames said:

Fastrack is a problem in itself at merlin parks, however VIP passes are only making it worse. I'm not saying I hate the people who use the pass, I just hate Merlin for creating it in the first place. The staff treat guests like they are celebrities; they get escorted in first with their own meeting point, unlimited fastrack on rides which don't even have fastrack, choosing where they sit from the line exit and unlimited re-rides. Yet, the staff have no option to do this, as they have been instructed by Merlin to do so.

point has been made above.

  On 3/10/2015 at 10:10 PM, TPJames said:

I'm not surprised the pass gets as much hate as it does, it's great for the consumer however for any other day guest it just goes to show how merlin treat their customers like muck unless you are paying the top premium rate.

Have you ever been seriously, seriously effected by a VIP pass?

I'm not defending it, I think it's an idea that could've worked that sort of flopped on its side, but you're making such a huge fuss over such a tiny thing. Literally the VIP pass guest takes up less then 0.00001% of the guests at ALL PARKS, annually. This is tiny, minute, insignificantly minuscule. If you hate them so much, just ignore them. I've seen groups of them round before, and yeah sure, when they go round in groups they take up a little more space, but at the end of the day they can effect the queue by just a matter of seconds. My ears are aching from all the moaning people are doing about them, but really your moans are flawed; FLAWED I SAY. Sure the passes can be a little frustrating but you make it sound like an apocalypse will REALLY happen because 1000 people get to queue up the exit, spread over 100 parks. That's 10 a park. That's less then 0.3 a ride at the UK theme parks. There's like a 1 in 13 chance that you'll actually have to queue against a VIP pass holder. 

apologies if maths is bad.

You're wasting your time moaning. We've heard you plenty already.


Just deal with it. 


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TPJames's argument is not flawed. The points made are valid. No need to make an assault on him. How on earth would a discussion work if everyone agreed, the conversation would just die. Instead people have taken their time to explain their points to others with opposing views. Presumably so that the conversation can continue until a point where everyone agrees is reached.

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I honestly laugh how you are so against my opinion. This is a forum; a forum is a place for people to express their opinions and take part in controlled debates viewing sides from your own as well as other people's point of view. It is not an argument, there is no need to get angry or even express your opinion against someone else in such an aggressive tone like you feel the need to.

For a start, your maths is far far off. Since when were there 100 theme parks in the UK, let alone the ones owned by Merlin? Another factor is that you simply have no clue how many VIP passes have been released. On an event day, there are far more VIPs than you would expect; things like Fright Nights are popular and the volume of fastrackers is utterly insane, the fact that VIP holders can theoretically fastrack on the same maze/ride as many times as they like is re-riding and does affect the queueline.

If you don't like my opinion, feel free to debate against it. However, don't express my opinion is wrong and stupid when everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Also, I have no clue where you are plucking these random figures from, but your maths makes utterly no sense. I respect you have an opposing opinion to mine but please don't supply it with completely irrelevant and false evidence.

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The trouble is that, allegedly all of Merlin's parks have set limitations on how many Fastracks are sold per attraction per day (although I'm sure they bend these to suit themselves when they want to, e.g. Fright Nights).  This is supposed to be set so that the main queue still moves at a fair pace, and so that it doesn't have a bad effect on the efficient operation of the rides.

When you start adding other things such as priority passes, unlimited Fastrack packages, Reserve N' Queue Ride and now VIP passholders you have a problem, and a right to complain about it.  A lot of this could be sorted out by selling less Fastracks per day and fairer batching, but it's the classic thing of putting profit before guest satisfaction.

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Right, let's throw out some facts:


-VIP passes were limited to 1000.  There are, at most, 1000 VIP passes out there.  

-There are 11 theme parks (including LegoLand resorts) that the VIP pass gives access to.  

-There are also tons of Midway attractions (I really can't be bothered to count how many...)


Aside:  To my knowledge, VIP passes were only targeted to the British market and there is not a similar thing available in other countries.



I *think* Mysterio Ka's point (and others as well), is that there are 1000 VIP passholders out there, and a ton of attractions they can be used at.  Last year, Merlin attractions had - in total - 62.8 million visitors apparently (source:  Merlin Entertainment's website).  So, regardless of how many times these VIP holders visit the attractions, they make up a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of all visitors.  As such, the chances of actually coming into contact with a VIP passholder is very small and won't affect your day.



Personally, I'm don't think all the maths of that checks out (VIP holders are based in England, so visit the English attractions the most, they're more inclined to visit theme parks, etc.).  But regardless, I think the main thing that should be thought of is this - how often does a VIP passholder affect your day?  How many times have you visited a theme park and had the day ruined by VIP passholders?  In my personal experience, it's been none.  Indeed, I only ever saw one VIP passholder, and that person was actually in my group, and they were actually using Reserve n Ride at Thorpe that day anyway.  So I really don't think the VIP is horrendous in the sense that it leads to ordinary guests having their day adversely affected.


Of course, there still should be a balance of the system.  VIP passholders shouldn't have complete control of their day - allowing them to choose rows is a silly idea, giving them re-rides is silly, etc.  From what I understood, the idea was that you got a free unlimited Fastrack at the theme parks, and that was it.  I don't have that much a problem with that, given the price people pay for them.  The trouble comes when people expect too much from that, or don't follow the rules of the pass.  I think that situation is down to advertising of the pass, and the way it's been set out.  



tl;dr - I don't have much against the VIP pass.  It's a high-end product that is targeted to the few.  However, I do have a problem if it's abused / not used correctly.  I think the name of the pass is a bad idea (call it 'Platinum' or something maybe?); as being a 'VIP' gives the idea of being more important than others, as opposed to just paying more than others.  

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  On 3/11/2015 at 7:11 PM, Ian-S said:

LOL at the VIP hate.

The worst behaviour I saw over the weekend came from a Standard MAP holder.


1. The first time I've realised there is VIP hate was when Astrodan bought up the hate for the VIP pass on Towers Street. Until then I was pleasantly naive.


2. Agreed, standard pass holders can be incredibly rude and obnoxious too.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 7:25 PM, Mark9 said:

1. The first time I've realised there is VIP hate was when Astrodan bought up the hate for the VIP pass on Towers Street. Until then I was pleasantly naive.


2. Agreed, standard pass holders can be incredibly rude and obnoxious too.

The only bit I remeber on Towers Street was the outrage at Alton Towers VIP Fireworks* and how they'd placed the seating area slap bang in the middle of the lawn. And the usual points of view of the class system shouldn't be there etc.

*VIP fireworks was nothing to do with the VIP annual pass.

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