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Thats horrific. I dread to think what those people are going through, psychologically as well as physically. Talk about sphere of fear.I think the worst thing is, when the ride finally stops those people are just sitting there. Thank God nobody was killed, but I dunno whats worse, burns injury or death.Just goes to show, somthing so fun could turn out to be so menacing and evil. The ride just looks evil in that video.

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Slap my wrist, I'ma double postin.Universal have lovingly wedged a newsletter in my inbox howling news of a Harry Potter land coming to Islands of Advertures. Posted Image ^ here the logo in all its glory. (thank00 comingsoon.net)Checketh here for more. Sounding goood.Over and Out.

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  • 2 months later...

Yesterday whilst operating Jumbos I caught someones conversation about rides in the UK versus rides in specifically Islands of Adventure. It went along the lines of "all the rides over there have a story, over here you just queue and ride theres never anything to grab your attention".Its not only fanboys and enthusiasts who want more :P

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  • 11 months later...
  Thorpe~Rocks said:

Yeah all the big rides at Thorpe and Alton should have stories behind them. Like Hex at Alton has a BRILLIANT story behind it whereas rides like Air, Stealth ect. have no stories. Stories would just make it more exciting.

Air was originally ment to be an Air attack on Nemesis- Unfortunately the idea was scrapped :)
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  James said:

Umm I thought it was supposed to be an Oasis at the end of the Valley with loads of Oasis like theming that never happened?

That was another scrapped idea! :) Basically it was ment to be a war-style attack to destroy Nemesis (Which was a bit weird as the ride doesn't go anywhere near Nemmie) :)
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The closest Air gets to Nemmie is on Air's lift hill where it rises above the Nemesis' 180 degree turn/turnaround prior to entering the loop.I how love how Nemesis tackles getting over the station.Can you imagine this scene in the drawing room during the plans for Nemesis?DUMBASS DESIGNER: So, how will the track get over the station, we'll have to rise it up high or crash right through the station!JOHN WARDLEY: Simple, we'll put an inline twist in over the station!:)

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  • 2 months later...

It has now been confirmed on RCDB that the best kept secret in the UK, Flamingolands' new coaster for 2009 will be an S&S El Loco.SourceThe only other El Loco in the world opened in Indiana Beach this summer, as Steel HawgPosted ImageThe one at Flamingoland will feature a World first 125 degree first drop and will be 120 feet high.Sorry Saw :)

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The sad thing is, Flamingoland could build 4 B&M rollercoasters, 7 Intamin rocket coasters, 2 Maurer Spinners and a Top scan for next season and it would still only get one reply in a topic. On the other hand, Thorpe could add a new bin and there would be a 10 page topic on how people are excited about the new addition.Anyway, to me, its a brave move as we know that S&S reliability can be somewhat dodgy. I'll definitely be making the effort to visit next season. I just hope it isn't another G-Force *shudders*.

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Yeah I know exactly what you mean innit! I have given up trying to follow the Saw stuff since yesterday :)Bear in Mind that Flamingoland have added rides year on year for the last 7 years - 4 coasters in 5 years speaks for its self.If it turns out to be another GeForce I will put my Flamingoland Season Pass in that new Thorpe Bin! The Park seem to have done their homework on this one, and were in Indiana in the summer to check out Steel Hawg, so yeah I am confident that I will be able to keep my pass :)As far as reliability of S&S rides, I think that the general reliability of Thorpe has been the worst of any Park I have visited, except for Walibi Belgium which comes a close second. Thorpes reliability this season has improved massively, although they still have some way to go. S&S reliability seems not to have been an issue outside of Thorpe - Liseberg's 'Rush' never seems to fail and I have heard little downtime on Fly Swat since it's teething troubles were ironed out - bear in mind that it was the prototype.There is yet another ride to be announced for the Park, they weren't going to release the El Loco information until the end of the season, but felt that they might as well as Saw was named surprisingly early. However, as you say, no matter whether it is a World Record coaster, if it ain't at Thorpe, who cares. Flamingoland are also increasing their advertising next year as they believe they now have sufficient capacity to increase their attendance.

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Coarr this'll be yet another decent and good ride for flamingoland, which I'll try my best to go visit and ride next season (knowing how much of a pain in the arse flamingoland is to get to!).Good on them really, and will be following this construction as it goes along, lets hope its gives the park a well deserved boost in attendance.

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Just to clarify, as it has been said elsewhere, but only very vaguely - Thorpe will still have the record for the steepest freefall drop in the world, and no doubt they'll advertise this to buggery. I know that we're not sure if Flamingoland's El Loco will have holding breaks at the top of the drop, but use your initiative; Steek Hawg - 96ft, 120 degree drop, and it has holding breaks; Flamingoland's new El Loco - 120ft, 125 degree drop, its looking likely to actually need holding breaks.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I missed that post. Mumbo Jumbo, Flamingo Lands' S&S El Loco will indeed have holding breaks, which is why Thorpe are stressing the Worlds steepest 'freefall' drop, and Flamingo Land are pushing the worlds steepest drop - it's your call what the difference is. The main thing is that there will be two World First Coasters opening in the UK in 2009, which can't be bad.Mumbo Jumbos' first train was shown off at the recent EAS convention.Posted ImageMore news from Flamingo Land: The 2009 Annual pass is being sold on line at £40 for the first 1,000 customers (saving 55%)http://www.flamingoland.co.uk/I appreciate that few people from here are likely to want an annual pass, but never the less, it shows a change in strategy from the park, who rarely have special offers :)

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On another note, looky at what me has found - Clickety ClickSurely it won't be long before another park decides to nick another record from Thorpe? Cedar Point anyone?Judging by the fact that Colossus is a clone of its older sister, the '8 Inversions Coaster', Monte Makaya, up to the third Inline Twist, (albeit being a bit shorter) it could be possible that the '12 Inversions Coaster' will be very similar to Colossus, with 2 more Inversions.I wonder when Intamin will actually get an order for it. :)

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