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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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How stupid is this woman on the news?

Very, she's an attention whore who got punched in the face by a colleague because he got so angry with her a few years ago.

Sky have quiet a reputation for being like this, don't forget they accused someone of murder on live TV only to find later he was 100% innocent and 100 miles away at the time, they also hounded a twitter user, stalking her to the point that she topped herself, he did very well to say calm with her, should have gone to the BBC instead.

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Yeah, I know of people who won't do interviews with her anymore, her reputation precedes her that much nowadays.

It's not just her though, the entire Sky operation is pretty much hated by the people they work with, they all have the same attitude.

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I have to say, Ive just watched that interview and I feel throughly sorry for Mr Varney having to interview with her. Every time he tried to explain something she cut him off and made it impossible for him to acutally explain everything that is going on and why things are being put in place. He handled that extremely well.

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If you ignore all the interrupting and repeating that she forces him to do it was handled very well. They seem to have a good indication of what happened and can easily implement ways of preventing the same kind of incident across the other rides. I expect Alton Towers will be open again soon and that once the HSE investigation is complete and we know for sure what happened we can expect the return of The Smiler after any needed changes are made however long that may take. Though it's reputation will be scarred for a long time.

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Kay Burley is such a bitch, no wonder Frank Partridge smacked her one.


That's bang out of order to say... 


Frank and Kay had an argument at an office party about who should have the last word on some program they were doing, he lost his temper and slapped her. 


Whether or not Kay Burley is a bitch on or off-air, or is a difficult interviewer is still not a reason to be slapped and doesn't make her deserving of it, and what you said, Ian-S is insensitive. 

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Following the interview I have emailed Nick Varney praising him for being a great representative for the theme park industry during this rubbish time. I know it is the media's job to scaremonger, get attention and exaggerate, but the interviewer seemed to come from the point of view that any ride that takes the tiniest, minimalised risk in order to entertain millions of people should be shut down.


This woman tried to trash the industry I grew up with and that I know so many people enjoy. That kind of interviewing will only perpetuate the misinformation and totally unfounded Claim Culture that unfortunately surrounds theme parks. I'm not angry because its what I expect from Sky News, but it's so irritating and undermining to be honest.

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What an disgusting interview.... She has clearly no idea of all the health and safety procedures which are already in place on rides like that. Adding a further one (also if maybe unnecessary as the ones in place should be enough) just shows the professional side of the parks. Stating that the rides would have been unsafe all the time is just wrong and after what happened disgusting to say. What bothered me even more is that she was just rude and also filled the whole time of the interview with the same comments instead of asking more relevant questions and fill the interview with interesting facts. 

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I have a real respect and admiration for Nick Varney having watched that.  Daft interviewer, kept going round in circles and not listening to the answers.  I know NV is paid handsomely, but he's a human like the rest of us, had had a week from hell, and is trying to balance the support to the injured guests and handling the HSE investigations.  To keep his composure is a sign of a really gifted person.  I get the feeling that among the enthusiast community, there is a general core of support, sympathy and understanding for Merlin.  And a nice touch from electricBill to drop a note of support.

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I know I'm normally very against a lot of Merlin's decisions and the way they run the place. However they way they are handling this is very well. Not sure why Varney agreed to have an interview with sky but he did handle it very well. The media will always exaggerate and ask difficult questions(especially when that person has no knowledge of he subject and won't accept any answer than the one they are looking for).

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What does "extra safety protocols" mean though? Surely it's not running the coasters permanently on reduced capacity? Or waiting to dispatch until after the previous car has passed the first set of brakes? That would be beyond dire.


From the circumstances of The Smiler crash I would guess it is more to do with the evacuation and response to breakdown/valleying incidents than it is to general day to day operating of the ride itself.

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