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Tulley's Shocktober Fest Scream Park


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So I saw on Thorpe park local that tulleys will be getting a new medieval themed maze this year, but it won't be a new addition, it will be replacing a current attraction, here's a few ideas about what it possibly will/won't replace:


hayride - nope, that's here to stay, plus it doesn't take up a lot of space in the actual park so removing it would be a terrible decision.


hellements - I highly doubt hellements will go, it's a unique maze to the park and doesn't take up a lot of space so don't think it will be leaving us his year.


coven - I think this is easily in the running for the maze which will be replaced, the mixed variety of opinions on its opening year last year suggests that tulleys might just give up on it instead of try to improve it.


creepy cottage - they won't put it here, it's permanent and doesn't move, see ya in October cottage


chop shop - highly unlikely as it is one of the main draws to the event


pandemoniums - I hope it doesn't go here, and I don think it will, tulleys have had a clown maze for as long as I can remember and it would be sad to see it go


colony - this is up there with coven for me, as much as I adore the colony I don't think it's for everyone, if they keep the length and mix of in and outdoor scenes but just re-theme the whole thing to a medieval village I think it would work incredibly well.


cellar - this is also in the running to go, to my knowledge it's almost been 10 years at the event for the cellar so maybe it's time for a change, it used to be the scariest thing at tulleys by far, but now it's one of the tamer, warm up mazes. I wouldn't be too sad to see it go but it if stayed I won't be complaining.



sorry for such a long post but I live less than 10 minutes away from tulleys so I always get over excited for shocktoberfest. What do you guys think we'll see change this year?

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14 minutes ago, Jack said:

So I saw on Thorpe park local that tulleys will be getting a new medieval themed maze this year, but it won't be a new addition, it will be replacing a current attraction, here's a few ideas about what it possibly will/won't replace:


hayride - nope, that's here to stay, plus it doesn't take up a lot of space in the actual park so removing it would be a terrible decision.


hellements - I highly doubt hellements will go, it's a unique maze to the park and doesn't take up a lot of space so don't think it will be leaving us his year.


coven - I think this is easily in the running for the maze which will be replaced, the mixed variety of opinions on its opening year last year suggests that tulleys might just give up on it instead of try to improve it.


creepy cottage - they won't put it here, it's permanent and doesn't move, see ya in October cottage


chop shop - highly unlikely as it is one of the main draws to the event


pandemoniums - I hope it doesn't go here, and I don think it will, tulleys have had a clown maze for as long as I can remember and it would be sad to see it go


colony - this is up there with coven for me, as much as I adore the colony I don't think it's for everyone, if they keep the length and mix of in and outdoor scenes but just re-theme the whole thing to a medieval village I think it would work incredibly well.


cellar - this is also in the running to go, to my knowledge it's almost been 10 years at the event for the cellar so maybe it's time for a change, it used to be the scariest thing at tulleys by far, but now it's one of the tamer, warm up mazes. I wouldn't be too sad to see it go but it if stayed I won't be complaining.



sorry for such a long post but I live less than 10 minutes away from tulleys so I always get over excited for shocktoberfest. What do you guys think we'll see change this year?

Last year was my first year and most of the mazes were unlike anything I had seen previously at Fright Nights etc.


Pandemonium was new last year so at the very most I see them removing/adding features and keeping the overall maze. I think Cellar, Chop Shop, and Hellements have uniqueness and incredible theming which is a strong argument for them staying, whereas Colony has little theming from what I can remember so can easily be adapted to the new theme. Coven could also be replaced, but I'd rather see them develop the idea they already had, which was abstract and really promising, and perhaps extend the maze almost to the length of Colony by adding longer outdoor paths with more theming to do with the ritual and it could become one of the best mazes at the park.


Regarding the two extended mazes, I'd like to see Colony extended and developed as previously mentioned, as well as Chop Shop being extended to feature more areas based around tension. This is because the maze last year seemed repetitive and had little structure later on in the maze. By splitting up the areas of loud chainsaws and in-your-face scares, I would like to see more theming in gloomier areas to make the maze more of an all-round maze featuring loud noises and aggressive actors as well as creepy corridors with blind corners with little lighting. What they have already is great, but could easily be improved to avoid it getting stale towards the end. 


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Here's what I think on what might happen this year:


Hayride- 99% Sure its staying, like, completely unique and different to everything else at the event.


Haunted House/Creepy Cottage - probably safe from the axe, works really well as a warm up attraction and it doesn't take up much space either.


The Cellar- Again a Tulleys classic, I'd be shocked to see this go, yes the attraction will eventually leave the event, but I think it still has a year left or two before

it leaves.


Pandemonium- Could see a slight change in theme or name, but at its core, this will probably stay as the park's Clown Maze.

Its Curtains, Twisted Maze, and the Nighshade Circus were all very similar to Pandemonium anyway, so yeah I don't see much change going on here.


The Colony- Being the giant maze that it is, with sections of heavy theming, and overall a length that could outlast Fright Night's lineup put together..

I don't see The Colony leaving this year.


Coven- Pretty safe IMO. The attraction with some better scare tactics could be the standout at the event, which was the only thing holding it down last year.

The theming and special effects were pretty creative, and design-wise the attraction is innovative and unique, so I see this being a main-stay for the park for years to come.


Chop Shop- Probably being extended this year, overall this seemed like a popular attraction over the past few years, and the concept is pretty crazy too.

I'd be shocked to see this go tbh.


Hellements- I feel like Hellements has a strong chance to have its theme changed to medieval this year, which would keep the hood element to the attraction, but they could introduce some different special effects and scare tactics to match with a new theme.

It also seems Tulleys have branded the new Haunt to be one of the scarier at the event, which maybe could see Touch Scares implemented into the new maze, which would work pretty well in a hooded attraction.


Overall I think Hellements has a big chance of leaving, but the hood gimmick could be implemented into a new attraction.

If Molly Crowe taught us anything, its that hooded mazes can be good when done right!

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If I was a betting man, I would say Hellements will be the one to depart. It's become very stale in recent years and reviews for it seem to get more negative as the years go on. Colony extension would be CRAZY as it's already long as hell with plenty of dead spots so they would be better served in sorting that out before thinking of an extension. Either chop shop or coven getting the extension would be my guess.

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2 minutes ago, JoshuaA said:

Here's what I think on what might happen this year:


Hayride- 99% Sure its staying, like, completely unique and different to everything else at the event.


Haunted House/Creepy Cottage - probably safe from the axe, works really well as a warm up attraction and it doesn't take up much space either.


The Cellar- Again a Tulleys classic, I'd be shocked to see this go, yes the attraction will eventually leave the event, but I think it still has a year left or two before

it leaves.


Pandemonium- Could see a slight change in theme or name, but at its core, this will probably stay as the park's Clown Maze.

Its Curtains, Twisted Maze, and the Nighshade Circus were all very similar to Pandemonium anyway, so yeah I don't see much change going on here.


The Colony- Being the giant maze that it is, with sections of heavy theming, and overall a length that could outlast Fright Night's lineup put together..

I don't see The Colony leaving this year.


Coven- Pretty safe IMO. The attraction with some better scare tactics could be the standout at the event, which was the only thing holding it down last year.

The theming and special effects were pretty creative, and design-wise the attraction is innovative and unique, so I see this being a main-stay for the park for years to come.


Chop Shop- Probably being extended this year, overall this seemed like a popular attraction over the past few years, and the concept is pretty crazy too.

I'd be shocked to see this go tbh.


Hellements- I feel like Hellements has a strong chance to have its theme changed to medieval this year, which would keep the hood element to the attraction, but they could introduce some different special effects and scare tactics to match with a new theme.

It also seems Tulleys have branded the new Haunt to be one of the scarier at the event, which maybe could see Touch Scares implemented into the new maze, which would work pretty well in a hooded attraction.


Overall I think Hellements has a big chance of leaving, but the hood gimmick could be implemented into a new attraction.

If Molly Crowe taught us anything, its that hooded mazes can be good when done right!

I'd prefer to see the medieval maze without a hood as they could do amazing theming with the idea. However, if they could improve the scare factor with unexpected screams and develop the story to make you a prisoner facing the death sentence, maybe feature bits without the hood, it would work well that way as well.

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53 minutes ago, Jack said:

cellar - this is also in the running to go, to my knowledge it's almost been 10 years at the event for the cellar so maybe it's time for a change, it used to be the scariest thing at tulleys by far, but now it's one of the tamer, warm up mazes. I wouldn't be too sad to see it go but it if stayed I won't be complaining.

You must've had a pretty bad run through The Cellar. It was, without a doubt, the best maze at the event last year! I highly doubt they will replace such a classic maze, and one that is still going strong to this day.




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Double post, apologies. Here are my theories/hopes as to what Tulleys will do this year.

Hayride: They won't touch it. It's classic and it's very unique and I'm sure they will want to keep it that way.

Creepy Cottage: Again, I don't think that they will do anything with CC as it is meant to be the tame maze that the park have.

Coven: Possibly could be extended, and hopefully has more actors added into it (I saw a max. of 6 on my run).

Chop Shop: Hopefully extended, as the section before the chainsaws was far too short imo.

Colony: A change of the ending to fit the theme and more actors

Cellar: Left untouched. Still the best maze there.

Pandemonium: Remove the 3D element as it was pointless and didn't add to the maze at all

Hellements: Replaced by the new medieval maze.


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2 hours ago, louis_cullen said:

The idea was there for Hellements, just not the execution.


I was thinking they could go for an execution style hooded maze, but I hope they just scrap the hoods in general and have a free flow style maze like cabin or sub species.


3 hours ago, MilesK said:

You must've had a pretty bad run through The Cellar. It was, without a doubt, the best maze at the event last year! I highly doubt they will replace such a classic maze, and one that is still going strong to this day.





Dont get me wrong, I've had some outstanding runs through cellar, probably over 30 runs in total as only living 5-10 minutes away makes me spend a lot of money during the Halloween period, but it's just not as in your face as it used to be. 2011 was easily the best year for the cellar but since then I have become used to the style of scares and it has got to the point where I could literally walk the route of the maze with my eyes shut. Its a bit like how cabin got, the maze is still great but after doing it too many times it starts to get stale, I can see how first timers would find it one of the best still. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's one of the most enjoyable at the event, but I just don't get scared in it like I used to.

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I do think The Cellar is starting a age a little now- but I'd still say it has a year or two before it goes.

And I think Hellements has by far has aged the worst- damn, even some people new to the event hate it.

Molly Crowe also kinda shined light on how incredibly dull Hellements is too.

The Cellar at least has incredibly strong theming and some very good jump scares as well as cast that seem to appear from nowhere!


The Cellar isn't no Sub Species in intensity, but I can see why its loved so much.

5 hours ago, MilesK said:

Pandemonium: Remove the 3D element as it was pointless and didn't add to the maze at all

Yeah I agree, the 3D felt super gimmicky IMO.

Yes the maze itself has a brilliant cast of lively actors and trippy sections, but I feel like Nightshade gave a better all round experience overall..

For example The Nightshade Circus had multiple UV sections that where put to great use, though last year it seemed some of those sections had tons of UV paint on them still, but weren't really utilised..

Also Nightshade gave us a really fun and kinda unique ending with the jack in the box, which was sadly removed from Pandemonium.

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2 hours ago, Jack said:

tulleys really need to allow touch scares if they want to keep up with other events, just imagine the cellar and Hellements if the actors were allowed physical contact

I completely agree with this. The majority of scare events nowadays incorporate touch scares into their attractions, and Tulleys really do need to start to if they want to keep up with other events.

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Yeah touching would be great- especially to mazes like The Cellar, or Coven.

Like they implemented shock pads into The Volt a few years back, why not touch scares?

And also keep your eyes peeled for announcement in the next few weeks or so as Tulleys usually announce there lineup in July/Early August so we should be seeing something soon!

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After visiting tulleys tea room today I'm almost certain of some of the mazes survival chances for this season:


creepy cottage 100% staying


Haunted hayride 100% staying


Chop shop 100% staying


the colony 99% staying - all of its structures are still standing and identical to previous seasons, unless they keep them the same for the medieval maze but I think the colony is most definitely returning.


couldnt really see anything for the other 4 but I think I'm joining the rest of you now in saying that hellements is the one to go. 


Just waiting for official announcements now really...

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I actually like that the actors don't touch you and think it's far more effective :)

I met someone a few years ago who was an actor at Shocktober Fest - can't remember word for word what he said, and if it was just his opinion or the opinion of Tulleys - but he basically said that the problem with actors touching you is that it breaks that feeling of suspense/apprehension that they're going to touch you. I wasn't sure I agreed at first, but having been to Tulleys since, I definitely do agree! I see their mazes as far more theatrical and immersive, and you can't appreciate that if you're being grabbed and stroked! I much prefer a proper experience, where the maze is well-themed, has a story/at least makes some kind of sense, lasts long enough, and where the actors can focus on their role instead of groping and jump scares ^_^ I don't normally find horror things in general that scary and I can get bored quite quickly (with anything), but at Tulleys, I had so much fun and felt quite scared and apprehensive at times!

Plus, no offence to any actors in mazes where they do touch you as they're just doing their job...but I sometimes find it quite annoying and invasive :ninja:


Aah I definitely need to go back this year! :D Do they still have the dancing nuns at the end of the hayride? :lol: 

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1 hour ago, RobF said:

Sorry for double post but tullys have released there 2017 line-up SO helliments is no more 2017 lineup's new addition is VIXI




Seems Pandemonium has been replaced with another carnival themed maze. Hopefully 'The Twisted Clowns' won't feature the ridiculous 3D effects in Pandemonium last year.


Interesting name for the new maze, however. I assume this is the official name and not a codename, but what does it mean? It's not in standard roman numeral format which is what it seems to be.


It is a Latin word which links to the theme: first-person singular perfect active indicative of vīvō "I have lived, I lived" "I have been alive, I was alive, I have survived, I survived" "I have resided in, I resided in"


Also waiting for the website to be updated with the new info.

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Well this is exciting!

"The Twisted Clowns" will probably just be another version of the parks clown maze- though hopefully this will see the 3D sections removed.

Though "VIXI" seems very interesting.. Maybe we'll see the hooded sections return in this maze? Its name though.. Interesting

Due to its slight name change, I think Coven will see some changes this year too, and I think with some more actors, Coven could easily be the best attraction there!


I'm glad Hellements was put on the chopping block though- it was a great idea, but after 5 years, it kinda got incredibly stale..

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10 minutes ago, JoshuaA said:

Well this is exciting!

"The Twisted Clowns" will probably just be another version of the parks clown maze- though hopefully this will see the 3D sections removed.

Though "VIXI" seems very interesting.. Maybe we'll see the hooded sections return in this maze? Its name though.. Interesting

Due to its slight name change, I think Coven will see some changes this year too, and I think with some more actors, Coven could easily be the best attraction there!


I'm glad Hellements was put on the chopping block though- it was a great idea, but after 5 years, it kinda got incredibly stale..

Incredibly speculative, but I wonder if the 'The Village' part could possibly link to a new section of the maze featuring an open village rather than just a linear maze. Again, purely an ambitious idea.

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Wow this is exciting!


as for VIXI I have no idea of what it could be and am excited to find out.


the name change of the other two suggests to me that they will be the two attractions which are extended:


twisted clowns is is already a 8-10 minute maze and with an extension this could be colony length! I'm sure the maze won't change too much itself, just a bit longer without the 3D


coven - the village is what excites me the most. I was one of the few who loved coven of 13 last year and to see that it will be updated and most likely extended really excites me. I hope they keep the first scene the same, if they don't I won't be too happy, but as to the village they could really do some great theming. The only thing about coven I disliked last year was the finale where we pretty much watched the witch dance on a table, if they improve this too I think this will easily be a contender for the best maze at tulleys.

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52 minutes ago, Jack said:

Twisted Clowns is is already a 8-10 minute maze and with an extension this could be colony length! I'm sure the maze won't change too much itself, just a bit longer without the 3D


14 hours ago, JoshuaA said:

"The Twisted Clowns" will probably just be another version of the parks clown maze- though hopefully this will see the 3D sections removed.


So ScareTour just posted this on Facebook; it seems Twisted Clowns will probably have 3D for the whole experience instead of it being removed.

Which will be interesting, I guess it'll be better as a full experience instead of it being tacked on at the end.

I do have to admit my main problem about Pandemonium was the loss of flow when the 3D glasses are handed to you, so I guess Twisted Clowns might be interesting as a full 3D maze instead of a normal clown maze with a 3D Section thrown on at the end.


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VIXI looks interesting. Not many details have been released for it yet so I can't really make any assumptions.

The Village, again, also interesting. I liked Coven last year so I hope that this is changed for the better. 

Twisted, I'm not so sure. If it is going to be entirely 3D as it is rumoured to be I won't be happy. Pandemonium's 3D just felt unnecessary and it didn't add to the experience at all really. If it is all in 3D, I hope they use it well.

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