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Are you sure? I'm sure it's the right mix, perhaps the ride version is an edit of that mix.

Additional SFX were also added to the station track at some point by Tussauds.

If anyone's interested, some of the differences between the cassette and ride mixes are..

different tolling bell rings

Different synths

Electric guitar and organ mixed differently

Different 'thunder' SFX

The ride version is also mixed to loop. What they use now doesn't loop as well if you listen out

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Well the Vampire theme is seperated in to five main segments. Only the last two are actually the ride version. The first three are the same as the cassette one.


What's strange is that you can hear the ride version phase in right at the end of the third segment if you listen close enough. The difference in tone is definitely noticeable.


I'm pretty sure that all those cheesy laughing sound effects were added after the 2001 re-theme.

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To me Graham's sounds different throughout to the YouTube/cassette version. Interestingly I do have the old exterior track (an edit of the Graham version with loads of added SFX) that cuts out all the choral/synth passages - maybe it was this looped edit that played in the station?

I sometimes do audio production and pretty sure I would hear an edit between two different mixes spliced together. I know which point you mean but I thought it sounded more like a clumsy organ overdub to me (though you might be right because it pans left awkwardly). The famous riff is mixed exactly the same at the beginning an end, so I don't think it's two different halves stuck together. So Graham might have edited it in just the middle if he'd lost his multitracks.

Anyway Graham's version takes me back to my first ride on Vampire straight away, it's exactly the tone I remember and I used to love that track in the station.

Guess that's why I care about the right one being played, so other kids can have that same 'moment' when they walk in the station and it surrounds you. Exactly the same with BubbleWorks. The sound systems were also better in both rides so you could hear it fully, didn't sound like a tinny cacophony and was super ballsy.

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  • 1 month later...

Erm what? It is NOTHING to do with a fire, That is a blind guess and completely false.

If there was a 'reduced fire exit' then it would make no difference to evacuation having less people in the boats anyway.

That's like me saying 'there must be road works on the M3 because it's about to explode' and is nonsense for a number of reasons

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Erm what? It is NOTHING to do with a fire, That is a blind guess and completely false.

If there was a 'reduced fire exit' then it would make no difference to evacuation having less people in the boats anyway.

That's like me saying 'there must be road works on the M3 because it's about to explode' and is nonsense for a number of reasons

Jesus - I was joking! :)
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No it wouldn't fix anything, that's what I mean. They'd still have to fill alternative boats even with half the boats on. They do consider these things, in fact it's causing them much more difficulty to run it like this than it is to the guests.

Ah okay - wasn't aware of that. :)

Hope they get it back to full capacity soon though, bit of a shame that this has happened during the park's busiest period of the season.

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