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In the room between the Bubbleworks Entrance and Re-Fresh you can hear the fountain music. There is also an old bubbleworks sign saying "Staff Only - Private Bubbly Bits - No Entry"This is the rough layout of Bubbleworks. I guess the block with most of the rooms is the part above Vampire.Posted Image

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well I didn't notice anything like that a few days ago, so it was probably just a mistake or a temporary change for safety purposes. The strobe effects have definitely been toned down/removed though, which is very disappointing. That scene was the most magic anywhere in a UK theme park - now it is just a room with fountains! :unsure: But I was impressed with Bubbleworks on my last visit. All the effects (as far as I know or are still able to function/have been fixed recently) were working, including the Cream Soda Cow's eyes that I have never seen move before.
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When I was at Chessie a few weeks back, bubbleworks had the main lights on in the "bath time" section, it was really annoying because it blocked out the coloured lights as well; does anybody know why they did this or if they still do? :unsure:

Where there any main lights on in the station too?If so, it could just be the operator forgetting to turn the house lights off. :)
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I agree that the fountain final scene is nowhere near as good as it used to be the strobe lighting used to be much more dominant and the lights flashed very regularly with very few/none static, now there is 1 strobe light which does virtually nothing and the rest of lights are static. The area is much brighter than before as the room was much darker making the lighting fair more exciting. All the enchantment of the finale was lost with the retheme. Let's be honest what is the point of going under coloured fountains. The original idea was that the colours were of the fruit juice for the pop. Professor Burp will live on forever!

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Where there any main lights on in the station too?If so, it could just be the operator forgetting to turn the house lights off. :)

No, it was just in the bathtime section, maybe it was just due to another reason. Speaking of Bubbleworks, when does the Imperial leather contract end? Is it the end of this season for the Alton Towers flume and Bubbleworks. :lol:
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  • 1 month later...

Proffesor Burp's was one of the best darkrides until it was brutely murded by ducks and bubbles :D As soon as the contract runs out I feel it should be completely gutted and started again. It's a shadow of its former self. It's lost all appeal, blatant advirtising doesn't belong in a theme park which is meant to take you away from the real world!

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Sorry to bring it back to reality, but when the contract runs out, literally all theyre going to do, is paint over anything with the Imperial Leather Logo over it.Look at Tidal Wave, they didnt gut out the area when the Original Source contract expired. No. They just removed any OS Logos that you could see.Why would they spend thousands of pounds on rethemeing, when that is an aspect in which they can save so much money. They're a business, theyre going to be saving money wherever they can...

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But the same could of been said, to an extent, about Beano Land. Yes it's different a whole land dependant on the brand compared to a ride with with elements of one. But they put effort in there. But I agree that I too doubt anything major will happen but a guy can live in hope :D

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But the same could of been said, to an extent, about Beano Land. Yes it's different a whole land dependant on the brand compared to a ride with with elements of one. But they put effort in there.

But that's completely different, because all the themeing in Beanoland was themed *to* The Beano, they couldn't have kept it even if they wanted to. Why would they gut a ride of its themeing, when what it has now is working so well for so many people? The themeing itself, doesnt link/relate to Imperial Leather, unlike BL.
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Why would they gut a ride of its themeing, when what it has now is working so well for so many people? The themeing itself, doesnt link/relate to Imperial Leather, unlike BL.

I did say I doubt that this would happen.But if Chessie are going to start, as people have mentioned, themeing the park around the 5 continents. It might be the right time to create "Europe" with market square and transilvania. Using the space as "UK's first" type darkride. Yes with a small foot print. But a first type darkride none the less.
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all the themeing in Beanoland was themed *to* The Beano

So is Bubbleworks, though. It uses a lot of reused props, yes. However, pretty much all the new effects are rubber ducks, as per the IL marketing brand of the time.Also, Tidal Wave opening without a sponsor. When the sponsor did come along, signs were merely added to the existing theming. That meant all that had to be done when the contract ran out was remove those signs. Entirely different situation, really. It isn't like they took out the old Amity Cove theming and replaced it with giant Original Source bottles like they did with Professor Burp's Bubbleworks.
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All three Merlin UK parks have seen a major change in the past years with how they are run and how developments are made.Wild Asia is an extremely effecive investment, and very "retro" Chessington. We would have never seen something like that if it was done in the mid 00s. In my opinion, we have gone from crap to fantastic. New theming everywhere this year, which shows detail is now considered important again. Loads of improvments, especially Mystic East and Transylvania. Bubbleworks is crap because it was designed in a crap way. My point is, Chessington's management/art depo/ride makin' peoplez have been completely reorganised and we will probably never see something half-hearted, gimmicky and non-sensical like IL Bubbleworks ever again.
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I must agree with your statement Bill I remember being very small and seeing all the amazing theming etc and as I got older so have the attractions and they simply have not been given a makeover! Hopefully wild asia will carry on the trend!But I fear the bubble works may not recieve the correct treatment!

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