James6 Posted June 3, 2010 Report Share Posted June 3, 2010 Is the snake still only turning one direction ?And personal preference, but I still prefer riding this and Duel without even using the gun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted June 3, 2010 Report Share Posted June 3, 2010 The snake is still iffy... It doesn't need a lot of work done to it but it does need some, like all Chessie's stuff really...It's a great ride though, I much prefer that the targets are actually ON stuff rather than Duel's "let's-stick-them-up-anywhere" approach... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Benin Posted June 30, 2010 Report Share Posted June 30, 2010 Double post...Good news first, the snake is fine again... Horray...Now the bad news... And it's very bad... Possibly worse than the loading procedure going on atm...Basically it seems that the building has not been doing well with our current heat-wave, so they've been attempting to improve the situation, by ripping out the roof in certain sections and adding new fans... This causes epic problems to the atmosphere as it let's in massive amounts of sunlight into the building in 3 areas, top of boulder lift, start of mummy room and then mummy corridor... It's really obvious and quite bad... I can only hope that it's just something that's in the process of being sorted, since it looks horrendous in the areas... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rygr Posted June 30, 2010 Report Share Posted June 30, 2010 That does seem bad! If its permanent, looks like we've seen the end of dark rides at Chessington! - I wonder if Bubbleworks is having the same kind of thing done, since they are both built inside warehouses. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin Posted July 1, 2010 Report Share Posted July 1, 2010 On 7/1/2010 at 6:20 AM, 'monsterdan5 said: no they have always been there and if the day gets above a certain temperature they HAVE to open them. Normally they are closed.Dan is right - when the fans are opened yes it does ruin the whole ride, there are a lot but it takes the temperature down.Genuine pity they are in such ill thought out areas of the ride! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lewis. Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 I dislike this ride, allot. Having a disablitiy and being weaker than everyone else I always lose, but I suppose it is fun posing for the camera when the ride is empty (On my last visit we we're the only people on the ride) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesB Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 The ride... is awful I am absolutely appalled by the whole fan situation, the ride loses all its atmosphere. At the start of the ride you can see the black sheets hung up and the glow in the dark scenery just doesn't work. To add to my little rant the new boarding system is awful too. I used to love this ride but riding it today just ruined it for me. I really hope the fan situation isn't going to happen every summer, it looks so awful. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James6 Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 I must add, the ride really is a sad state of affairs at the moment Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 On 7/12/2010 at 3:37 PM, 'Lewish said: I dislike this ride, allot. Having a disablitiy and being weaker than everyone else I always lose, but I suppose it is fun posing for the camera when the ride is empty (On my last visit we we're the only people on the ride)Yeah, bit late to respond. I understand greatly how you must not like the ride, as my nan is in a similar situation. However, you can obviously understand the appeal to others. :PAnd I must say I LOVE TB with a great passion, but it sounds pretty weak at the moment, a great shame. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
themeparkmad Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 The last time I went - staff were boarding us like usual before the train entered.Have they gone back to the annoying wait until it completely stops? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 Well the ride is back to normal loading (batching as trains appear) with 5 train operation, and the fans aren't open at the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JamesB Posted July 20, 2010 Report Share Posted July 20, 2010 ^ The day after I visit... how annoying. I would have loved to ride it in its normal state, the fans just ruined the ride completely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreamkitty Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 First time I have been on this, before I didn't think it was worth going because I thought it would be a ride for little kids only but it was good fun, riding in the dark lol. I was confused with the gun though, heck I did not know what I was shooting lol, there was no instructions. The ride length is very good, the statues and everything. The flashing lights hurted my eye a little bit though.I thought the queue was so damn long! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
electricBlll Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 Glad you liked it, but there were instructions on all the queueline TV screens. Did you not notice them? They were everywhere, and if you had a long queue you could not have missed them.Didn't you notice the glowing lights all over the ride? The little green dots that turned red? Those where the targets, you were meant to hit them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreamkitty Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 ^^ Oh I saw the TV screens but I wasn't paying attention at all, I just kept thinking about why the queue was so damn long for a simple ride. But I guess that was my bad since the instructions are easy and I missed it. I did realise the green dots turned red but I was just shooting randomly! my mum was with me and she said to stop doing it because it looked silly that I didn't know what I was doing so I just stopped and enjoyed the rest of the ride. My points altogether were 1800. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
electricBlll Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 Yes, I often just sit back and put the gun down. You notice a lot more effects that way and it feels like a pretty good ride. Shooting is OK, but the novelty quickly runs out, especially after a few rides. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
themeparkmad Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 Random nerdy fact () - 5th train is back on Tomb Blaster for its peak time Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James6 Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 ^ *Raves* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
electricBlll Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 There are five of them? *faints* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terrortomb Posted August 2, 2010 Report Share Posted August 2, 2010 Well I rode TB for the first time this year a few days ago, and was impressed by the snake's beaming red eyes (it's a shame the mouth smoke machine wasn't also revived), the cracked molten rock walls in the 'massive dog?' chamber, and the *moving* rolling stone (which moved faster than I have ever seen it!!) The only problem was my gun wasn't working Something that I was unsure of was a white light shining behind the rotating zombie's door as it turned. Is that a ride effect?? :huh:I might also mention that a slab of ceiling which had been removed in the dark corridoor leading towards photo moniters, allowing a clear view into the 'massive dog' scene above. Very interesting! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricky Posted August 22, 2010 Report Share Posted August 22, 2010 On 8/2/2010 at 10:23 PM, 'terrortomb said: The only problem was my gun wasn't working I hate it when that happens ¬_¬ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
themeparkmad Posted August 22, 2010 Report Share Posted August 22, 2010 On 8/22/2010 at 12:54 PM, 'Ricky said: I hate it when that happens ¬_¬I told the operator last time when I went and I got another go Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
electricBlll Posted September 10, 2010 Report Share Posted September 10, 2010 Tomb Blaster is a lovely and exciting ride, but at some points you can't help but feel... well... "meh". It is these underwhelming moments that really detract from the ride, and make it a favourite in a sentimental way, rather than a favourite for being a great quality dark ride.For example, the end of the ride consists of some mummies that lean forward suddenly. This is a pretty decent jump effect, but in no way is it a finale. What's more, the lighting comes on a second or so before they actually animate, so, combined with the fact that you see them long before they move anyway, they do not work as well as they could. After this we are lead down a totally bare corridor, with crumbling, black paneling above our heads, and shown our on ride photos for a while. Then we pass area where the dead Abdab used to stand, or where Zappomatic used to say goodbye I assume, and under the remains of some poles where the flying heads used to be (similar to the effects in Duel). Again, everything is bare, unthemed and underwhelming.Especially on my recent visit, which took place on a very very quiet day. Ride ops had the train in the station for a long time, waiting for the dribbles of riders to make it to the station until the train was full. With one in the onload and one in the offload, this meant that we had to wait for a while in the final scene beside the photo screens. For ages. And all that was there to keep us entertained was the TB theme being played eerily quietly on one tinny speaker in the corner. Hmm...It is a shame that the end is so weak, because the ride deserves a lot more. It leaves a tad sour taste in your mouth, and whoever was conducting the Terror Tomb retheme must have been blind to not realise that there should be something dramatic to round it off. I mean, lazy or what?Also, the beginning is, in my opinion, lacking something. This was made up for by Abdab's appearance standing to the right, holding a lantern and warning you of the Tomb. Now there is nothing, just theming. The theming is great quality but it can't keep you entertained or start the ride off on the note it should. Things get a lot better on the ramp, however. That is if the rolling boulder decides to work properly. The snake scene is also a problem, as the novelty of seeing a giant, fully animated cobra in front of you soo wears off after you have been looking at it for several minutes. This, once again, only became a proplem after the orignal idea was removed. There was always meant to be a progressive scene played out in front of you, not just one effect. There is actually enough space in there for more, so with proper money spent the snake could be accompanied in his terror (as long as it is progressive and works in stages - there is no point in having a snake and a bunch of flailing mummies in front of you for 2 minutes).The spike room is also naff. Not much more to say really, as it is the same as the Snake scene, except it doesn't make much sense (revolving door+mummy with laser+spikes+mummy with jewel+treasure chest?!).However, the ride does not need any changes. It will, however, greatly benefit from such theatrical improvments. It will cost though... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James6 Posted September 10, 2010 Report Share Posted September 10, 2010 I just think that now there are the guns there is the thought that nothing needs to happen any more. Which isn't the case, the guns do not eliminate the need for better scenes. There is great theming, I jsut on't think it's used as well as it could. I also would love a sort of "Tour Guide" or "Mission Control" audio throughout the ride.But definitely agreed there Bill Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fred Posted September 11, 2010 Report Share Posted September 11, 2010 Tomb has fallen to bits now, riding it the other week, someone has decided to go all out on UV light cannon things. Which, yeah, light up the place and the effects, but it lights up *everything*. You now just cannot ignore that you can see behind the scenes, that you can always see the ceiling and the lighting rigs. It's just frustrating, its happened in charlie at towers as well.. makes the effects look better, but ruins absolutely everything else around it.What happened to them being so called "dark rides"?! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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