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I've been logged in since like 10, bored. Unemployments not fun. Catch 22 ''WE WANTZ EXPEIENCEEE LITTLE PEOPLEEEZZ BUT WE WONTZ HIRE YOU TO GETT ITT!! HAHAHAHAHAZ'' Yay fun times. Found 40 hrs and 9.45 hrs figured out if I apply and get both I could do it. I just have to you know get the job! Calling jobseekers tomorrow.

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Okay seriously! ASDA you can only apply once every 6 months and KFC is once every 3 months.That just pretty much SCREWED ME OVER. I could understand 6 weeks but I applied for a job about 5 months ago as ASDA and now whilst they actually have jobs I can't apply.

I think that's tight ! Why do they do that when people are keen like you they should let them work there IMO . Keep on trying I'm sure you will get something soon
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You know what REALLY annoys me... people who complain about their workload at college. Piss right off, I have just finished a 155 page ICT coursework project, I still have T&T and Health coursework due next Friday and then exams to revise for. And before Christmas I also did English coursework, Health coursework and T&T coursework. Why not stop wasting your time complaining and do the work? Seriously, I just crack on with it, I hardly ever moan. So, people on facebook, STFU. Thanks.

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Big Tesco's in Tilehurst, big Tesco's in Caversham near King's meadow, Tesco Express I believe on the start of Oxford road, one on Shinfield Road and a random one at Market place. We have loads XD

I quite clearly don't care about Tescos. If you already knew them, why try searching for them ;)
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I'm all for the treating your Mum thing but does it really need such commercialisation and advertising? For me it's just screaming GO TREAT YOUR DEAD MOTHER. Fathers day as well. Tbh why do I want to treat a Dad who's in a nutshell a knob. But back to Mother's day, I don't think some people realise how torturous it is for someone who doesn't have a mother to read 'I cba with mothers day, I cba with my mum' I understand all to well that people have problems with parents but this person only wanted to avoid their Mum for no reason and I know this one for sure. But whatever. Does Mother's day really need so much advertising? Bloody pisses me off.

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^^ Exactly. I've had this debate before about Valentines Day, but the argument against mine was that some people are busy and don't always have the chance/time. I guess if you don't see a lot of your mum it's a nice idea, but then why make a day for it? It puts pressure on people, and I'll bet there's lots who say "Let's do Mothers Day next Sunday" as the dedicated weekend is a bad time for whatever reason. My mum isn't too fussed about it, although that may be because she knows how broke me and my brother are to buy anything, or even a card :) But that's another point - kind of like what Holly was saying, it's just advertising and a way to make money. You could give your mum a lovely day just looking after her and not "buying" her a nice day (I made my mum a card last year). Yes yes businesses etc have to make money...I guess the issue I have is the assumption from others that you've spent money. "So what did you buy for/do for your mum then?" Grr.

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I'm with a friend. I'm walking down the street. Two people are walking towards me. I move out of their way.Eventually I get tired of being the polite and courteous one and decide, for the next two people, one of them can move.They don't.They end up smacking into the side of me.WHY DON'T YOU BE POLITE AND COURTEOUS AND MOVE OUT OF THE WAY INSTEAD OF STICKING TO YOUR TWO IN A ROW AGENDA :)

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