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Theme Park bloke

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  Gareth said:

I'd rather spend my money on a 'pile of bricks' with meaning, than your garden wall, where there is no meaning whatsoever

My garden wall has a lot of meaning.. it shows the boundary of my property and keeps out random crap. It also has spikes on the top to try and stop the cats coming in.. loads of meaning there. Wouldn't pay more than the cost of bricks mortar and spikes though!
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  James said:

They are both pile of bricks. Tell me how those bricks in the Tate Modern mean something. Some twathead has come along and laid these random bricks out on the floor. OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

those bricks in the tate are an example of ahowing that we shouldn't judge by face value. if we look at one verticle stack of 120 bricks, and then at one horizontal stack of 120 bricks, they may look different, but on the inside, and their matter are both the same... think race, think society.
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  James said:

They are both pile of bricks. Tell me how those bricks in the Tate Modern mean something. Some twathead has come along and laid these random bricks out on the floor. OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Lol don't slag off the tate modern like that :P It brought us those slides! And they were good fun. Even if I did have to queue for ages to get my ticket, only to be told that I had to wait around for a few hours before my slide time, then there was another queue outside ths slide :P . Anyway my rant is about my computer and the pathetic amount of times it crashes. Sometimes it'll just crash whilst loading a utube video. Its fine at the moment though, so hopes up.
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"Lol don't slag off the tate modern like that It brought us those slides! And they were good fun. Even if I did have to queue for ages to get my ticket, only to be told that I had to wait around for a few hours before my slide time, then there was another queue outside ths slide ."modern art often incorporates the viewers - it pushes them down a slide - it makes them walka round it.

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Well the way I see it.Posted Image A statement and something which I would gladly spend my time in looking atPosted Image seriously horrid. its dark, its miserable. tbh, I am really pissed off that when ever anyone wishes to give an example of 'real' art, they show the mona lisa. ive seen it in person, and it really isnt all that. overrated, it doesn't do anything for the imagination.you see those bricks, you think: why are there bricks here. you see the collection, you think: why are they all organised so differently? then you make your own interpretations...

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Well if you can make your interpretations on how those bricks are orgasnised and why they are like that, then you will be able to do it with this pile of bricks. Lemme know how that goes. And what a waste of time seeing the Mona Lisa is, I'll agree. Le Louvré is bloody huge and packed and you can only get like 30m away from the Mona Lisa because of the sheer amount of tourists. But that shows its art that people are interested in. Do you see that crowd daily at the Tate Modern looking to see the bricks?

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I know its a bummer isn't it, but meh, now that it is a cultural icon, I just thought: I had to see it!as for the bricks concept. I would continue it, IF it needed conituing, but it doesn't. why would I plagiarise someone elses perfectly brilliant idea, when I could have many stored up in my mind?btw, you're talking to a potential fine art student, so beware!

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Just because you like it dosen't mean everyone else does. Your only defending its 'artworthy' standard because you think you know all this art crap. You dont.Bollocks to your fine art degree, everyone has a different way of thinking, so no, you are not correct. Nobody can be correct in terms of artwork. Its whatever you want it to be, expression, if you will. To one person, those bricks would have more use on a construction site, to someone whos too afraid to say 'thats not art' it remains art. If you were to submit the bricks in an exam. You would fail, lack of imagineation, I could rearrange blades of grass in my garden to similar effect and write an essay about how 'No matter how large, small or tall these blades of grass are, they all live in the same community.'

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I never said I was correct, I was merely defending a point which I feel strongly for. and you just said what I have been saying - its about how someone views it, I am just trying to suggest that perhaps people could think about art, before they dismiss it, and simply think it is nothing.I am not afraid to say its not art, because it is. I am very sorry to all traditionalists out there, but art, much like fashion, emotions and opinions, has changed over the past few decades, and while everyone can like what they want, they should not simply dismiss something they dont like, on the grounds that it has no visual appeal.I would rather you didnt patronise me, it is rude, and abraisive. btw, if you did submit a piece of conceptual art in an exam [not the ones in GCSEs ALEVELs etc.] but in a strong, fine art course, then I think that you could get the grades, should you be able to back up your statement with a strong message.I've said it before, it is very annoying when people say they could create a piece of concpetual art, so if they could, go on then, I'd like to see how far you could go without clear thought into what you are doing.by saying I am afraid to say it's not art, you are putting yourself into the catergory you just explained.

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I am sick and tired of people talking about E-GY, using different forms of the coaster names such as Lossi, Colo, etc and the apparent truth behind Dylan and its relation to the coaster.The newer members on the forums use these words to piss us off and they know we find it really irratating and they do it on purpose. Two members have even admitted to using the words because they know we hate it and they do it to annoy us. The newer members keep spamming the SAW topic and insisting that Dylan (project name) has got something to do with the coaster despite the fact that we've said countless times that it has no relevance. They have even argued that with the senior members and admins, even defying The Phil. And how despite Phil telling the members to change their posts (THAT'S AN ORDER) and the member stating that just because Phil tells him to change his posts he won't unless provided with a good reason. I can't even remember what that member said because it gives me migraines just thinking.I'm further more sick and tired of the member with the Vanessa Hudgens photo talking about sexism and how her and other members talk about being ill-treated and insulted, etc. Holly has been on the forums for a long time and not once has she been victim to sexism. And if YOU think for one second that any ill-treatment or rudeness is going on these forums, then don't ever go on X-factor because you won't know wth hit you.

Edited by Will
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People who call me a bitch, when in actual fact I'm not. But now I will show them exactly what me being a bitch is all about because I'm fed up of them calling me a bitch. And people who are like ''Why do you have a problem with so-and-so'' when they don't even like them. Kill the human race kthnx xx.

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  Will said:

I am sick and tired of people talking about E-GY, using different forms of the coaster names such as Lossi, Colo, etc and the apparent truth behind Dylan and its relation to the coaster.The newer members on the forums use these words to piss us off and they know we find it really irratating and they do it on purpose. Two members have even admitted to using the words because they know we hate it and they do it to annoy us. The newer members keep spamming the SAW topic and insisting that Dylan (project name) has got something to do with the coaster despite the fact that we've said countless times that it has no relevance. They have even argued that with the senior members and admins, even defying The Phil. And how despite Phil telling the members to change their posts (THAT'S AN ORDER) and the member stating that just because Phil tells him to change his posts he won't unless provided with a good reason. I can't even remember what that member said because it gives me migraines just thinking.I'm further more sick and tired of the member with the Vanessa Hudgens photo talking about sexism and how her and other members talk about being ill-treated and insulted, etc. Holly has been on the forums for a long time and not once has she been victim to sexism. And if YOU think for one second that any ill-treatment or rudeness is going on these forums, then don't ever go on X-factor because you won't know wth hit you.

sSo ya you hate me then? kk Okay.
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  StealthSupreme said:

People who are ageist. Just because I'm only 11 (youngest on the forum??)- means that everybody, on every forum doesn't take me seriously- like I'm not allowed to have opinions because I'm younger than them :)

No, people dont take you seriously when you post crap.Not saying you do, but if you think people do that, thats why it happens.
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  Will said:

I am sick and tired of people talking about E-GY, using different forms of the coaster names such as Lossi, Colo, etc and the apparent truth behind Dylan and its relation to the coaster.The newer members on the forums use these words to piss us off and they know we find it really irratating and they do it on purpose. Two members have even admitted to using the words because they know we hate it and they do it to annoy us. The newer members keep spamming the SAW topic and insisting that Dylan (project name) has got something to do with the coaster despite the fact that we've said countless times that it has no relevance. They have even argued that with the senior members and admins, even defying The Phil. And how despite Phil telling the members to change their posts (THAT'S AN ORDER) and the member stating that just because Phil tells him to change his posts he won't unless provided with a good reason. I can't even remember what that member said because it gives me migraines just thinking.I'm further more sick and tired of the member with the Vanessa Hudgens photo talking about sexism and how her and other members talk about being ill-treated and insulted, etc. Holly has been on the forums for a long time and not once has she been victim to sexism. And if YOU think for one second that any ill-treatment or rudeness is going on these forums, then don't ever go on X-factor because you won't know wth hit you.

And how many of you aren't new members- 2? The highlighted bit was me :) - I still haven't got my valid reasons :P
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