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Guys, sorry to be the whiner but to be honest I'm fed up with the general tone of the forum nowadays which means the people who are in cliques with each other talk to each other in topics as if it's MSN Messenger - this is TPM, a place to discuss theme parks, and off topic have small talk or off topic discussions, but not post posts such as 'Lol I wanna bang 'xyz'', simply because A: it's SPAM (Stupid pointless annoying messages, think about it), B: It's annoying because topics can spin off into people not knowing what's happening, C: It leaves other new members who don't know what's happening, dazed and confused as to what is happening. It's good to see arguments have stopped now, however if you do wish to chat on TPM, then do it on PMs and Comment boxes on profiles as you can still communicate when you're in school and whatnot, and it doesn't annoy other members :P

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Also, I know this is being picky, but can it be possible for people to stop writing in text talk? In the end, all the letters are in front of people, so why can't they use them?I'm getting a bit annoyed with seeing all the 'LOL, wot u on bout iz it like tht. h8it like tht' etc. It is so hard to read.Sorry for being picky.

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I agree that people should write properly and try to use punctuation, with correct spelling. But the only problem I have is LOL; I see no problem is using it - me finds that it is an exception.An idea I've had, was to have TPM Chat, where we can talk to each other. Either in one talk window or in seperate windows because some ppl don't have msn or don't use it. So we can do both at the same time, talk in TPM Chat and also post in TPM, seperating chit chat in topics from the real post-like posts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder to all members on TPM about some of the terms and conditions of the forum. There have been a few offenses in the last week which have been lightly punished. As we will soon be renewing our warning system we want to remind EVERYONE that when they sign up to the forum, they abide by our rules.


• The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. Any forms of bullying will not be tolerated and will be dealt with at the discretion of the admin team. • You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violating of any law.

The admins on here may be friends with a lot of you but we are not going to let any of this kind of behaviour continue. I hate having to come down on some people like this, but some are abusing the forums.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, we have recently re-evaluated our warn system. This is so that members have a clear understanding why they have been warned and how they can go about having the warn removed.Below is a list of offences which may incur a warn. Some of them are instant warns, others are if its something that persists such as bad grammar/punctuation. Please read through and make sure you are aware of the warn system guidelines we will be running from tomorrow onwards. :) Mania Hub's Warn System.Please note you will be warned and/or banned if we the Admins/Mods of Mania Hub feel you are breaching the T&C and/or the Posting Guidelines. Please familiarise yourself with them. The main reasons to be warned are:* Poor quality posts (one word posts, double posts, spelling/grammar mistakes (e.g. tlking like dis), swearing or trying to get around the swear word filter.* Going off topic in posts or having a conversation with another member in a thread, please remember this is a public forum and will not benefit anyone else (This includes the random topic in the off-topic subforum).* Creating new topics which already exist or are just pointless.* Harassing other members which includes bullying.* Posting content I.e. pictures/videos/links which is inappropriate and/or harmful to any users which includes racism, viruses, swearing, violence, sex/porn.There are 5 levels of warn below is what happens if you reach any of these levels. The warn may go up by one level at a time I.e. 20% to 40% or it could go up by more levels depending on the severity of what has happened. Please remember, 3 strikes and you have a temporary ban.We will of course not pick you up straight away, but if your posts are constantly or even partially the same I.e. one word posts, spamming, arguing with members, no proper spelling or punctuation then the system will come into play on your account.20% = just a warning, e.g. spamming, double posts, one word posts etc.40% = your posting rights will be disabled for 24 hours, again could be spamming, double posts, one word answers60% = a 48 hour ban80% = a 2 week ban100% = permanent ban or at the Admin/Mods discretionThis does sounds rather strict but it is to create a nice community for everyone on Mania Hub.If posting improves we will however take down the warn levels but this is down to the Admin/Mods discretion. ***PLEASE NOTE**, if you harass the staff about reducing your warn this will be interpreted as harassment and will more than likely make your warn level go up.If you feel you have been warned unfairly please PM or email one of the staff so we can try and resolve the situation for you.Email address for reference is contact@maniahub.comThank you

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Ok, this is just getting ridiculous now. It's mainly in the SAW topic, but I feel the posts on this forum are getting worse. You really need to make people spell words, check punctuation and just re-read the posts they are making. Sorry to be a pain and I know you can't actually make people spell words correctly, but it is getting out of hand now.

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