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Nemesis Inferno


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I cant remember who said it, but about THORPE PARK being rubbish with maintaining themeing, I disagree, IMO they have only been properly maintained since MERLIN took over, before that tussaud's obviously couldnt be bothered to keep up the themeing and improve ride experience. IMO all they cared about was money.

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I agree. The Tussauds that the company became seemed to care little for the parks it was running. Things like charging for maps, reducing staff and limited ride availability really did make an impact on the day. Merlin have completely changed the parks and all three are looking far better then they have done for a long time.

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I never realised before yesterday how much a difference Nemesis Inferno's effects actually made. They really complete the ride I feel, and I've never actually enjoyed it as much as I did yesterday (I've never actually had one ride on it when all the tunnel effects are on). Even the Queueline mister makes a difference too, so well done again to the person/people who managed to get all these working again! ;)

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Back to Inferno, the effects actually make a massive difference! I never knew how much they'd contribute to the whole experience, going through the volcano actually feels like the real thing (in a safe sense). It's much more realistic when you can look at the floor and see smoke, rather than just a concrete floor with some broken lights, and speaking of the lights, being under the smoke makes it seem like there is lava on the floor, ergo, a more realistic volcano experience, which is something far more 'guest-friendly' and 'extravagant' than anything Tussauds ever did. So I'm happy. ;)

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  James said:

I don't, just to stop people like you abusing the entire point of the system and ruining it for people who are actually visiting the park on their own.

But I am on my own when I use it ;) I use it because that what it said, For use of people on their own... I don't agree with it being used for big groups who just want to jump the main que to make their time shorter, but if I'm on my own and there are spare seats to be filled, then I will use it.
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  TimR said:

Yeah I agree when people in the normal queue are normally waiting 45mins+.

Yeah, the main queue is entitled such for a reason. It should be where everyone queues to get on a ride. The idea of single rider is to use occasionally if you are on your own, and there might be some seats to fill. Not to use all the time, just to cut queues, when like Tim said, other people are waiting very patiently for 45 mins+.
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Does anyone know how long the whole queue would take to go down, if the ride was running with two train operation? I know the smaller section of the queue takes about 30 minutes with two trains, but I wasn't sure how long the whole queue takes.

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  Lordcutter6 said:

Que lines are designed to cope with capacity numbers, so about 2 hours is about right. Just shows when the Colossus que is coming out of the line to samurai at FN how busy the park can get :S

Yeah, that's one hell of a queue.
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  James6 said:

Colossus' Que gets that long :) I stopped going to fright nights events a couple of years ago when I thought it was too busy to enjoy anything but wowsers that's stupidly long.

I agree with you there. In 2004/5, fright nights were good because the park wasn't ridiculously busy, it was just like a normal busy-ish day with queues around 30mins-1hour. I haven't been the past few years because, like you James, with it being that busy I can't see where the fun is.
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Yea!, I remember the good ol' days of riding Slammer in pitch black with loads of empty seats. Also is it me or does Thorpe not get quieter in the closing hour/ couple of hours anymore? It used to be where it was almost walk on for things in the last bit of the day. Anyway back on topicAre Nemesis Inferno's recently fixed effects still working?

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  James6 said:

Also is it me or does Thorpe not get quieter in the closing hour/ couple of hours anymore? It used to be where it was almost walk on for things in the last bit of the day.

Yeah, I have noticed that recently as well. That always used to be a great way to catch a lot of rides in the last hour or so with a minimal queue, but now everything seems packed right up until closing time.

Are Nemesis Inferno's recently fixed effects still working?

The tunnel mist and lights are still in operation, which I must say does improve the ride experience dramatically.
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Yeah, I have noticed that recently as well. That always used to be a great way to catch a lot of rides in the last hour or so with a minimal queue, but now everything seems packed right up until closing time

Thought it was just me , why does Thorpe have to be so popular now :)

The tunnel mist and lights are still in operation, which I must say does improve the ride experience dramatically

Ah so you mean I might actually like Nemesis Inferno next time I ride it :D ? Actually I doubt a few lights and mist are going to change my opinion of a mediocre ride
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  James6 said:

Thought it was just me , why does Thorpe have to be so popular now :) Ah so you mean I might actually like Nemesis Inferno next time I ride it :D ? Actually I doubt a few lights and mist are going to change my opinion of a mediocre ride

It is surprising how much the little things can change the ride. Obviously, the ride itself hasn't changed, but you do for a second feel as though you are in some sort of volcano, not just a tunnel with some broken lights on the floor. The next thing I would love Nemesis Inferno to have on the effects front, is some form of heat beneath you. Like the same principals as a sauna, (the sort of moist heat), so when you come out of the tunnel into the fresh air, the volcanic experience will have improved the ride even more!
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