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Do you have any evidence for that? On RCDB it says 1.9, on Wikipedia it says 1.8, so I'm not really sure what to believe, although it doesn't make that much of a difference to me. Are you sure it'd be legal for Thorpe to say they increased its acceleration and then just not?

Flick a few pages back......
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I loved it today.

To be honest, before my visit today, I was starting to go off of Thorpe Park. I had been let down so many times in the past with ride reliability, and so many other things, that I was getting a bit tired of going there. But I'm glad to say that today's visit completely turned that around. I was so impressed with the overall service provided, and I had such a fantastic day out. It just shows you, that even if the park is busy, when Thorpe Park get it right, you can have such a fantastic day.
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When they do get it right it's excellent, but it's the fact that (just like queue times) you can just never tell what any one day is gonna be like, and I think it's the consistency that Thorpe need to work on. There are so many things at Thorpe that are just so unpredictable (Slammer being open and the swinging blades on Saw working being two examples that immediately spring to mind), and if they could manage to get everything working all the time then it'd make Thorpe Park an infinitely better day out all the time.

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yeah I never queue for it unless there is a small queue...same or inferno and Colossus

It's irritating watching the people who were standing next to you in the original queue riding the ride almost instantly while you are still waiting in the Front Row queue. :)
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It's irritating watching the people who were standing next to you in the original queue riding the ride almost instantly while you are still waiting in the Front Row queue. :)

yeahhI got lucky once in the single rider queue.. I was queueing for about 5 mins and got put on front row:)
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