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If it is the parents that kick up the fuss, I presume that most of the time they aren't doing it to look hard :).

It isn't the platformers fault that the parents have ignored all the signage, the height sticks and queueline announcements though. Ride staff are just doing their job.
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I'm not saying that ride staff aren't doing there job, or that people aren't complaining or trying to create trouble. I just find it hard to believe that parents are deliberately disobeying the rules to look hard. I understand that they might disobey the rules to get their kids on the rides, and it is completely obvious that the ride hosts should turn away these people. The parents are creating this problems because they are adamant to get their children or themselves on the rides. I highly doubt that they are just arguing to look hard in front of their kids. How ridiculous does that sound?

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It isn't the platformers fault that the parents have ignored all the signage, the height sticks and queueline announcements though. Ride staff are just doing their job.

I feel quite sorry for ride staff when I see them having to constantly explain about the height.It is rediculous! As Mark said, they are only doing their job!
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I'm not saying that ride staff aren't doing there job, or that people aren't complaining or trying to create trouble. I just find it hard to believe that parents are deliberately disobeying the rules to look hard. I understand that they might disobey the rules to get their kids on the rides, and it is completely obvious that the ride hosts should turn away these people. The parents are creating this problems because they are adamant to get their children or themselves on the rides. I highly doubt that they are just arguing to look hard in front of their kids. How ridiculous does that sound?

Maybe I put that badly.. They use violence and big words they think they know how to use to try and get their own way?
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The 108cm comment made me laugh, seriously, so many people kick up so much **** just for being a fraction under height restriction.If you're too tall, you're too tall, if you're too small, you're too small. Don't try and make peoples jobs harder.And for the Fury thing, it's been much better than last year, but occasionally they need to take cars off for maintenance, not just for ****s and giggles.

I wasn't tying to kick up any sort of fuss as you say regarding my nephews height. I just wanted to know how strict it was regarding entry. I understand that the restrictions on rides are there for safety and would never want my nephew to be put in any kind danger. Although this post may not be entirely aimed at me, more something that my comment triggered, I would like to say I was in not way trying to make people's jobs harder or kicking up any **** as you say.
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Hey guys, I was just wondering , what have the ques been like at Chessington the past couple of Saturdays? I may be taking some youngsters next Saturday and it would be there first time and don't want to throw them headfirst in to 45 minute+ ques.Thanks very much :P

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Hey guys, I was just wondering , what have the ques been like at Chessington the past couple of Saturdays? I may be taking some youngsters next Saturday and it would be there first time and don't want to throw them headfirst in to 45 minute+ ques.Thanks very much :P

I have not been to Chessington in a month now! (shame on me! :P) so I would usually be able to give you past queue times but I can't.(I have become a disgrace to Chessington! :P )Although, I can say, If you are going during school trips and it is warn. My personal opinion on the queues would be that they will be high unfortunately.Vampire - 60 minsDragon's Fury - 90 minsDragon Falls - 30 minsRattlesnake - 30 minsBubbleworks - 45 minsSeastorm - 30 minsRunaway Train - 30 minsTomb Blaster - 40 minsBlack Buccaneer - 20 minsRodger the Dodgers Dodgems - 30 minsBilly's Whizzer - 30 minsPeeking Heights - 20 minsGriffins Galleon - 15 minsHocus Pocus Hall - 10 mins :(Only an Approximation from previous busy visits.I added in younger thrill rides as I was not sure on their height.Hope this helps!EDIT - Only if school trips and good weather.
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Hey guys, I was just wondering , what have the ques been like at Chessington the past couple of Saturdays? I may be taking some youngsters next Saturday and it would be there first time and don't want to throw them headfirst in to 45 minute+ ques.Thanks very much :P

Outfit gave the basic queuelengths but here's a few more. It will be busy at Vampire and Fury straight away (w're talking 30-45 minute queues for both) so instead head to the other rides such as Bubbleworks, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake, Tomb Blaster and Dragon Falls. At around 12 yesterday, Fury's queue dropped to 20 minutes so thats the best time to get on that. Chessie hasn't been that busy really recently so it's easy to get quite a few rides done. :P
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I'd prefer to go to Chessington than Thorpe, because with Thorpe, their entertainment is all rides whilst CWoA is rides, entertainment shows, the zoo, SeaLife, etc. The park as we all know is aimed at teens+ whereas Chessie is aimed at families with young children and will most likely be interested in the shows and the zoo.This means that the queues for rides will be more spread out at Chessington. The queue times for Chessington and Thorpe will probably be the same, Thorpe have more rides than Chessington and Chessington though they have less rides, have more options for entertainment.It doesn't really matter where you go IMO

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Thanks for your thought :P , I'm going to try and go to Chessington especcially as I haven't been in years

I would strongly reconmend you go to Chessington instead of Thorpe Park.My Dad used to never take me to theme parks (but now he is addicted :P) as my Nans friend did.I always used to end up at Thorpe Park which I enjoyed a lot! Who wouldn't with Colossus there!Then when my Dad offered to take me, He did not like Thorpe Park's rides to say the least! :P So I tried Chessington.He loved them!And it was not until I starting really appreciating theme parks (especially Chessington) that I relised how much fun Chessington can be!Sure, you do not have rides like Colossus and SAW: The Ride, but you have the entertainments, Zoo areas and SEALIFE Centre, Rides and Attractions.Chessington has less rides, but compared to Thorpe. Really even when Dragon's Fury is on 60 mins. This is nothing compared to Colossus being 120 mins plus!I appreciate Chessington alot more now and I always look forward to my visits; Whether it has been a week, 2 weeks or a month. It is still a great day out.(Usually a father son day out for me where we don't argue! :P)Please keep your booty inside the boaty!
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Thing about Chessington is , for older people , I mean like teenage and young adults, it has a negative reputation, I really think it needs a big coaster or just something to get people in to try it and then people will see it's not JUST for little kids. I am gonna try my hardest to persuade these guys to go Chessington , you guys got any ideas of what I could say to persuade them :P ? But I doubt I'll be succesful as none of them have ridden Saw yet and they are all desperate to try it.

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Thing about Chessington is , for older people , I mean like teenage and young adults, it has a negative reputation, I really think it needs a big coaster or just something to get people in to try it and then people will see it's not JUST for little kids. I am gonna try my hardest to persuade these guys to go Chessington , you guys got any ideas of what I could say to persuade them :P ? But I doubt I'll be succesful as none of them have ridden Saw yet and they are all desperate to try it.

+ Vampire is amazing+ The queues will be smaller+ You will enjoy your day more+ I am going to Chessington, so you either come with me to Chessington or you don't go! :P(Just don't mension anything about SAW: The Ride or Thorpe Park! :P)I know for most teenagers Chessington does have a negative reputation. However, I am a teenager and I love the place! :P
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I have heard many conversations in my school about UK theme parks over the years, and it seems that most boys prefer Thorpe Park mainly because it has bigs rides which makes them feel hard when they go on them. I couldn't disagree more to be honest with you. I do love Thorpe Park, but I would much rather have a fun, less intense day out that thrill after thrill after thrill that you get at Thorpe Park.

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Although, I only go to Chessington for the rides (If being honest). I prefer Chessington due to the atmosphere the park gives.It could be a roasting hot day or pelting with rain and staff seem (even if may not be :P) happy and glad to be working for Chessington.Chessington gives an atmosphere that Thorpe Park does not even come close to! Also, even though the rides are better at Thorpe Park. Chessington always gives me a better day out even if you have to queue for a while!Chessington should be really happy on their progress. Even though a new ride is overdue. Gate figures have increased by adding a Sealife Centre and Zoo only days.This is a huge achievement compared to Thorpe Park which have to add new rides to keep things going.Chessington always seems a great place to be and staff do make the day more enjoyable and I would feel really happy and welcomed I feel if / when I decide to work at Chessington!Welcome to the Vampire!

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I'm liking all this enthusiasm for Chessington. Even though gate figures are down slightly this year, it's to be expect what with Lego's new developments and Saw at Thorpe Park.On the plus side, the Mystery Shop results have been the best out of the whole of the Merlin Group. Awesome times!

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I'm liking all this enthusiasm for Chessington. Even though gate figures are down slightly this year, it's to be expect what with Lego's new developments and Saw at Thorpe Park.On the plus side, the Mystery Shop results have been the best out of the whole of the Merlin Group. Awesome times!

Don't laugh at me, but is the Mystery Shop the shop by Dragon Falls? (just assuming by Mystery being Mystic East).I can't believe I do not know where that shop is and I go all the time! ;)
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