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This is just to prove how good 2010 was for Chessington WoA.

We won theme park of the year!Following a rip-roaring year in 2010, we're celebrating being crowned UK Theme Park of the Year in the Theme Park and Visitor Attractions Awards 2010.We undertook huge developments in 2010, including new ride, Kobra, and the opening of new ‘lands’ Wild Asia and the Africa-themed Wanyama Village & Reserve.As well as achieving record-breaking visitor growth numbers and industry-leading guest feedback scores in 2010, we were also named Best Theme Park for Customer Service.Chief Explorer, David Smith, said: “At Chessington, every day is a new adventure, but this fantastic accolade proves that the hard work, dedication, and endless passion of all our staff has really paid off. We are all extremely proud to be a part of “Britain’s Wildest Adventure”, but to be crowned the UK’s number 1 theme park realises our wildest dreams.”We're looking forward to another great year in 2011!

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This is just to prove how good 2010 was for Chessington WoA. Sharing is caring...

Oh thats fantastic. Not quite as good as TPM's theme park of the year 2010 of course.. but nonetheless. It just proves what most of us know already. Chessington's a fantastic theme park and Merlin really need to look at what Chessington already does and build and build and invest and invest. Because it deserves it.
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I'll be seeing you on the 26th. You can do it then. ;)You know where to go. ;)

Yes, you told me on Vampire on Halloween ;)And Chessie does deserve it, just hope this will kinda make Merlin pull their fingers out and invest... GP love it as evidented by these awards, so guess what, they want MOAR! (actually, I want more, of certain things, so yeah)
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Chessington released the new 'Xtra Adventures' page on their website today, it includes fastrack prices&rides. It also contains information like animal experience packages and adoption packages too.Fastrack table with new packages below below:

Coaster: Vampire & Dragon's Fury - £6Adventurer: Tomb Blaster, Bubbleworks, Dragon Falls & Runaway Train - £8Young Adventurer: Tiny Truckers, Toadies, Seastorm & Jumbo's - £6ULTIMATE Fastrack: UNLIMITED access to all of our rides including KOBRA, Vampire, Dragon's Fury, Monkey Swinger, Tuk Tuk Turmoil, Runaway Train, Rattlesnake, Seastorm and Safari Skyway - £50

I feel sorry for whoever has to operate truckers with fastrack ;) I also wonder if they will still let AP holders get 20% off of the ultimate fastrack like they did last year?>>Xtra Adventures<<
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Urgh...Where the hell has Seastorm come from?Honestly, this is one ****ing stupid idea from Chessie... Who once actually had the best Fast-track deal, and have gone and thrown in their lot and will probably cause a lot of aggro in queues this year...Disgraceful...

The fastrack was really good value past couple of seasons. Although I am not a fan of this shake up, It does make good business sense as people will no doubt pay the higher prices.

Again with the bloody business excuse bollocks...If they were any decent they would find a way to make money AND prevent guests have unenjoyable days... Fast-track on Toytown rides is as much as good business as it is to throw your entire bank account amount off the top of a building...
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How to Run a Theme Park 1011 - Get Customer Service Award 2 - Add Fast-track to rides that can't handle it3 - ???4 PROFIT!Nice advert though...

You missed out the first step where you piss people off by having your sister park failing to deliver on its own Annual Pass day. So when it comes to your own AP day, you have to put on heavy restrictions to annoy people before they've even arrived. ;)
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On January 4th 2011 the rate of VAT in the UK increased by 2.5% to 20% - and our 2011 prices reflect this change. To provide complete transparency to our visitors, Chessington Resort has taken the unprecedented step of showing all our admission prices net of VAT I.e. the real charge we make.Tax will then be added at point of sale as a separate entry and the final price you pay will be the addition of these two costs. This form of pricing is very common elsewhere, in the USA for example, and we believe will not only demonstrate the significant value for money Chessington Resort offers, but also highlight the extraordinary impact that VAT has on the cost of a day out in the UK.Vote For ChangeIf like us you believe that VAT on visitor attraction ticket prices should be reduced in line with other European countries (between 5-8%) please support the industry campaign to reduce the VAT rate by visiting BALPPA.org where you will find a one answer opinion poll – the results of which will be fed back to Government.

All the websites seem to have this on... Vote for lower prices?
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Loving the fastrack options (well, apart from young adventurer, but its priced right anyway).£6 for two rides though, is brill. £3 each person to fastrack vampire. That'll stop those ridiculous OTT fastrack queues that these rides get, and will speed up the main queue.I'm all for this, finally chessington is charging proper pricing for fastrack!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sure is! Thanks for the photo.I am so glad that I will be visiting when these celebrations are going on. This ride really is magnificent, it deserves all of this credit! Happy birthday Transylvania! :PInteresting to see that they have held that area for part of the event. It used to be part of Transylvania when it first opened, I think, but seems to have since been claimed as part of Pirate's Cove because it is so close to Black Buccaneer. This photo is what I am talking about.Posted ImageIn the future I think it would make a lot of sense to merge Pirate's Cove with Transylvania, it is quite obvious as to which is the stronger area.

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Because the sign by the attraction says "No cameras/video cameras permitted"... Duh...Of course, this is when you'll reply with "But the attendant said we could", of course not to you, as you never seem to go to Chessie these days... Strange thing for someone who runs a fansite really...

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Chessington was fantastic today, Not many queues at all, thats very impressive considering its easter break.We arrived at 9:30 so I could get my annual pass, whilst waiting for Dragons fury I enjoyed watching the ERT riders on Kobra, (wishing they would add it to the annual pass)The first thing I noticed was all the staff kept reminding everyone of the parking charge, which was fine for us because my Dads is still valid from last year, (I am not selling out myself to but the premium) The whole of the north side of the park was dead with less than 5 minute queues, all with very friendly staff, if not the friendliest staff I have ever come across! Tomb blaster was only operating 3 trains today thus making a 10 minute queue a 45 minute queue, I was not that impressed, but not to damper a very good first half of the day! The twilight zone was OK but nothing to go out your way for, simply a dark box for 30 seconds, nothing entertaining, I have seen better houses at halloween better, but Oh well at least they did something. Transilvaynia was transformed...well not quite, but they had a few purple flags around the area. To be honest you wouldnt know weather Vampire was having a celebration, except for the Rats in the queue line, which were rather entertaining. The theming has been improved all over the park with areas with a good lick of paint, new bins around mystic east, improvement of the bubble works fountains and smells, Runaway mine train had themeing working for the first time in all my visists! The furnace in the queue had both fire sound effects, smoke and lighting! Smalls touches like this really make a day special. It only started to rain at 5pm when we were in the queue for Dragons fury again, now we are in England and so we excpect the bad weather, right? Apparently not, Dragons fury could only carry 2 passengers per train, during and after the rain, This seemed such a daft thing for a ride that is based in 'sunny' England! I don't know if anyone can tell me why this has happened?The day was a great one and I will remember today for many years, the only snag for me was at the end when the guys who scanned the ticket at the car park barriers, were rather disinterested and gave no 'thank you' etc, which I excpect considering we have payed for the privaledge!

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