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Park Map


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Just been looking at both the Chessington Map and Thorpe Map side by side, and yeah you realise how terrible it is. You just can't see the paths or how to get to the rides. As pointed out by Tpkabz, things are in completely the wrong place, such as Calypso BBQ and Flying Fish which I didn't know was behind Depth Charge.Also 13 car long trains for Stealth?At first glance it wasn't that bad, but the more I look at it the more I hate it. I can't believe I have an annual pass for a park that releases a map with people having sex on.

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All of the cartoon people just look as if they are high and totally out of it :P (As well as one looking like he needs the toilet).As I said before, I hate the map completely!Omg I didnt think James6 was being serious; but at the back of Rumba Rapids, there is a "couple" behind a bush which emphasises a certain thought....Also, if I have never been to Thorpe Park before, I would never ride Stealth! A person on a map being sick isn't exactly what I call giving me the urge to ride it!And people wonder why I prefer CWoA!!!!

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That new map is awfull, as said previously it has no use as a map as it does not show any of the paths or ride entrances. That and the two people having sex behind rumba rapids, and the guy with his arse hanging out to the right of stealth!Out of interest if its on the map that you can make out behind rumba rapids, I wonder what would happen if someone did that, and stated that its false advertising or somthing. :P hehe

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I simply find it hilarious how people on here think thorpe need to "Sort it out" "putting guests off", seriously, the people who do this kind of stuff wouldnt be doing it if they didnt know what they were doing, and thorpe wouldnt be the success story it is today. (Like it or not , it is) Whilst the map isnt as accurate as a tomtom sat nav, it does what it needs to do, it shows guests where about the rides are around the park, and incorporates humour and the Thorpe Park brand image in it at the same time. Its clear someone spent alot of time on it, and actually used there imagination, not just the drawings but the small bits comical bits happening all around the park.

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  On 3/11/2010 at 11:08 PM, 'Marc said:

I simply find it hilarious how people on here think thorpe need to "Sort it out" "putting guests off", seriously, the people who do this kind of stuff wouldnt be doing it if they didnt know what they were doing, and thorpe wouldnt be the success story it is today. (Like it or not , it is) Whilst the map isnt as accurate as a tomtom sat nav, it does what it needs to do, it shows guests where about the rides are around the park, and incorporates humour and the Thorpe Park brand image in it at the same time. Its clear someone spent alot of time on it, and actually used there imagination, not just the drawings but the small bits comical bits happening all around the park.

Agreed :P
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To be honest I like it, If you look at it as a "Guest" would it's really fun and interesting. Okay not 100% accurate as to the EXACT positions of rides but it doesn't need to be in the EXACT position for the little time a Guest will actually look at it, they will find a ride .e.g. SAW and head for it, not study it in great detail like us guys. On a plus side while waiting for hours on end in a queue it's something fun to look at, I like how it's got a "where's wally" feel to it and I'm sure no one will go "Hey this rides to far too the left on this map" The map does what it needs to do and adds some fun to it. If you zoom right out you can really appreciate the map for what it is . . . . . I say good luck to Thorpe! :P

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It's a shame they can't be a little subtle. We know the rides are scary-putting a picture of some guy pissing himself is rather desperate.It seems targeted at a younger age group if anything else. I like the idea (and some of the little people) but it's spoilt by it's own immaturity.

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I agree with what a lot of people say here. They have turned the map from a navigational device to a colourful souvenier. Like most theme parks do. However, this year, they have just gone too far! The little people doing stupid and inappropriate things may be stupid and inappropriate, but they have grown on me. They did make me laugh when I first looked at them, purely because they are in fact an utter joke! I can see a lot of their target audience (even those too young for a few things) enjoying all the visual gags they have in there.So the big problem we are left with is the navigation. Tidal Wave's splash has obscured most of the Amity Cove area; Nemesis Inferno's suddenly giant volcanoe is 50x larger than it actually is, and people who want to actually find the entrance or restaurants around the area will have trouble; the overexaggerated rollercoasters are in a terrible proportion to the tiny flat rides. Don't say that people don't use the map to get around, everybody I see who picks one up uses it to find their way to the next ride. If we take it for its original purpose as a map, then there is no doubt that it is completetly useless!:P
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They may be playing to a shameless generation, but this is one 'fan' who is ashamed of this map, and the endless failures in Thorpes PR machine.Looking through the screen caps, some things are actually clever, and well thought out, others are simply reckless and cavalier - which leaves one image so out of place that it becomes distasteful.Posted ImageThis poor guy (and I have seen this for real in Blackpool) is being made a fool of by people in the shop.Posted ImageDrug induced stars?Posted ImageLooks like beer bottles at a Theme Park is acceptable?Posted ImageQuite humorous actually.Posted ImageThe minister who blessed Stealth is a clever inclusion.Posted ImageNo ideas about this one.Posted ImageGay cowboys?Posted ImageAs JoshC pointed out.... no doubt whats happening here with trousers, tshirt and pants lying on the grass.Posted ImageAnd finally, to ensure they comply with all of the minority legislation requirements we have this guy.Posted ImageAs most of you know, I do have a pretty good sense of humour, am pretty open minded and certainly not a prude. However, for a Global Corporation to endorse such publicity is beyond my comprehension. The website was bad enough, but I bit my tongue and said nothing. The map is something which will have been printed in hundreds of thousands, and distributed to all visitors to the Park, and will form part of the lasting memory of peoples visit - I am sure that most people have a collection of maps from places visited. How will this map stackup in the grand sceme of things in the future .... I suspect not that well.As Steve said, Sort it out Thorpe.

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  On 3/12/2010 at 4:05 PM, 'James6 said:

^ I think that is something a lot of people are confusing, some of us aren't Thorpe fanboys, I used to love the place but in MY opinion, these past few years the park has gone downhill and this map really does exaggerate that.

And how can you say that? They are marketing toward young people and young people such as myself would be appealed by this 'in your face' map.Don't even bother saying 'its horrible and its for chavs' - I'm not a chav and I like the map.
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To be honest, I hate this new map. Personally, I think it's crap. The whole point of a park map is to show what rides are on offer, and how to get to them and around the park. It is supposed to be basic, clear and precise. Thorpe's new 2010 map is the complete opposite of what I have just mentioned! I know they're trying to introduce the new style and audience, but it's way too complicated, and just plain stupid.P.S. I'm sorry for being so harsh, but it's what I think! I'm sure many of you agree with me.

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  On 3/12/2010 at 4:58 PM, 'ZC2009 said:

To be honest, I hate this new map. Personally, I think it's crap. The whole point of a park map is to show what rides are on offer, and how to get to them and around the park. It is supposed to be basic, clear and precise. Thorpe's new 2010 map is the complete opposite of what I have just mentioned! I know they're trying to introduce the new style and audience, but it's way too complicated, and just plain stupid.

But as Mark9 said, a map at Thorpe isn't that necessary anyway, as you can see most rides just by looking up anyway.
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I don't why people are having a go at people for not liking the map...It's all a matter of opinion... And my (and many others) opinion is that as a map it is awful...A map is meant to show off the general area with a reasonably clear and concise view... I'm not expecting it to be some top down thing with everything neatly arranged or indeed accurate to a scale of 1mm:1m... But I do expect for it to clearly show me all the paths available to me to get to every ride, and also show me clearly places to eat, shop, etc...For that job, it doesn't work...For a piece of visual interest, it does work... But some of the images are... Questionable... What if the majority of guests (who are NOT enthusiasts, since enthusiasts only make up the minority of the total guests) think that having sex in a bush is ok at the park? What if they think mooning is acceptable? Some people's minds work like "Oh it happens here so I MUST be able to do it", not saying it will happen... But it could...

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I don't why people are having a go at people for not liking the map...

Thank you...

And how can you say that? They are marketing toward young people and young people such as myself would be appealed by this 'in your face' map.Don't even bother saying 'its horrible and its for chavs' - I'm not a chav and I like the map.

How can I say what? That I'm not a fanboy, or that in MY (emphasis on the MY) opinion the park has gone downhill and that the map is awful?I don't really know what your having a go at me for to be honest? Also showcasing Sex, drink, behaviour such as mooning isn't something I would really hope for when a map is targeted at "young people."
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