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Went to see The Worlds End yesterday and loved it. An incredibly slow start, and it all goes as weird as hell, but very very funny. I recommend.

It was so hard to get to see it though, I get that it's been out for a good few weeks but it isn't exactly old and still seems quite popular. My local huge multiplex has the same couple of films starting every 30 minutes or so in huge auditorium and looking at the ticket booking system they are mostly empty. But they are showing The Worlds End once a day in their smallest 'studio' screen, and it is sold out days in advance. I've had the same thing happen a few times now. Idiots, it's like they don't want my money!

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Dead Silence

After the speculation of a Dead Silence maze possibly making it's way to the UK this Halloween, and hearing a couple of good reviews, I decided to give it a watch. In a sentence - great film, which uses a mixture of 'tried and tested' scares, as well as a couple of nice different ones. I thought the idea was really good and well executed. Whilst there was a couple of scenes where it was obvious what was going to happen, the ending was unexpected to me and a nice twist all in all. I read in Wikipedia the writer - good ol' Leigh Whannell - wasn't actually too happy with it in some respects. But meh, I thought it was decent.


On the subject on horror films, I think I can say fans and haters of the Paranormal Activity series will be happy to hear that PA5 will not be making it's way to cinemas until next Halloween! Hopefully this means there can be more time put into it, it can finish off the series on a good note, tie up most / all loose ends and try and not drag on and lose all dignity. There is some random spin off coming at the beginning of next year too... (Sauce - http://screencrush.com/paranormal-activity-5-spin-off-release-dates/)

And, a final film...

Un Pazzo Indietro (A Mad Behind Me)


I stumbled upon this short film (only a few minutes long) whilst at uni, and everyone who watched it loved it. It's in Italian, but has English subtitles. I dunno why, but I always laugh at it, and the way it ends is great. But maybe I'm a bit weird. But meh, give it a watch...


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Last few films I've seen (seen a lot recently)

Despicable Me 2 - bloody ace. 8/10

Monsters Inc - Meh. Not needed. Didn't really enjoy. 6/10

Worlds End - Really really funny, really worth watching particularly if you like the cornetto triology. It's disappeared from all cinemas already up here (I wanted to rewatch with someone else). 8/10

Alan Partridge - Never seen anything Alan before, but the film is brilliant. Proper made me laugh, enjoyed it greatly. My sort of humour definitely! 8/10

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Finally got round to seeing Monsters University today and am pleased to say it was great! I was worried that I may be disappointed by it as I'm such a huge Monsters Inc. fan but I wasn't!

First of all a bit of history. I remember seeing Monsters Inc. when it first came out in the cinema in 2001. At this time I was only 4 and it was the first film I went to see on the big screen. I remember sitting there with loads of people around me whilst these huge, magnificent, colourful monsters made everyone's day. It was and still is such a heart warming film with the right mix of everything; friendship, adventure, humour, love and so on. Monsters Inc. even made me cry when Boo's door was shredded (the only film I've ever cried at) and that wonderful ending where Mike has fixed the door, Sulley opens it and you just hear Boo. Perfection! It was my favourite film for years and is still very high up today. When I heard that they were making a prequel I was both excited and nervous as to how it would compare to the original. Many film companies just make sequels for the sake of it with no idea for a storyline. Monsters University doesn't feel this way though, it wasn't needed but fills an empty space in the story of Mike and Sulley.

The beginning offers a lovely backstory to how Mike wanted to become a scarer. The audience is made to feel sorry for this little monster who is ignored by the others and pushed to the back so he can't see. But after a current scarer gives Mike a Monsters University hat he has the dream and drive to go to the school of scaring. His childhood life then flashes by in photos and suddenly he is embarking on his university adventure. We first meet Randall who is Mike's room mate and he is a shy, nerdy monster who wants to be with the cool kids, not the Randall we know from Monsters Inc. In lesson, we meet Sulley who is this arrogant monster who believes he doesn't need to work for anything as his dad is a famous scarer.

To begin with Mike and Sulley are enemies as they don't like each others attitude, until they fail there test (Mike for not being scary and Sulley for not working out how to scare the child properly from there description) where they have to team up to try and win the Scare Awards. They work together and win the tournament against all of the odds. But, we find out Sulley changed the settings on the scare simulator to help them win. Mike is devastated that Sulley didn't think he could do it so goes to prove himself through a real door. Trouble occurs, Sulley goes in to try and save him where they have to work as a team (using Mike's mind to create physiological fear and Sulley to finish it off). Everyone ends up fine, the two get expelled and go to work in the mailroom and Monsters Inc. To end the film we see inside Mike's locker where he has photos of there progression through the ranks until they work on the scare floor. The film ends with the two walking onto the scare floor for there first day.

Of course that's very summarised with humour, rivalries, friendships etc. occurring throughout the whole film.

Overall, a great film that gives a great backstory to Monsters Inc. I could nit pick at how Mike and Sulley are meant to have been best friends from a very young age etc. but it really doesn't matter or affect the film. I still prefer Monsters Inc. and always will but that's helped by the sentimental value it has to me. I give Monsters University an 8.5

I watched it literally yesterday. I thought The Randall(room mate) was the one from Monsters Inc.

What about Boy in striped Pyjamas(if you don't cry in that I'm sorry...)

Last few films I've seen (seen a lot recently)

Despicable Me 2 - bloody ace. 8/10

Monsters Inc - Meh. Not needed. Didn't really enjoy. 6/10

Worlds End - Really really funny, really worth watching particularly if you like the cornetto triology. It's disappeared from all cinemas already up here (I wanted to rewatch with someone else). 8/10

Alan Partridge - Never seen anything Alan before, but the film is brilliant. Proper made me laugh, enjoyed it greatly. My sort of humour definitely! 8/10

Monsters inc or Monsters University.

I personally felt it was a good film with a good story line. If I was a monster I would want to GO to Monsters University!!!! I prefer Monsters inc, But after waitin my whole life(literally my whole life, watched inc when I was 1 maybe 2 not sure, apparently, and obviously rewatched)

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I am What you would call Obbsessed with Films and recent Ones I have seen would be

Dead Silence A nice independent Thriller with a very satisfying Twist 7.5/10

Monsters University I Absolutely Loved it 8/10. Really looking forward to the next Upcoming Pixar movies The Good Dinosaur and Inside Out not to forget Finding Dory and a Unknown one Yeah (D23EXPO) Has been going on in America, but Sadly no Star wars ep7 News.

finally I have recently been to See The Wolverine the 6th film in the X men Film Franchise based after 8 years after the 3rd film and was very well acted and Directed The Story line was rather confusing at points but near the end it is all tied together. (the Post credits scene is something that got my Fanboy blood pumping) I am a Sucker for Super Hero Flicks and that post Credits Scene really Gets me excited for X-Men Days Of Futures Past Scheduled to release next May

But yes The Wolverine was a Pleasant Surprise and again is worth a watch if you are into Super Hero Films or if you want a very well executed Standalone Wolverine Movie that has very Dark themes in places so over all 8/10 Enjoyed it Thoroughly and Can not wait till My next trip to the Cinema Hoping to either be Kick-Ass 2 ,The Conjuring,Insidious part 2 or Thor the Dark World.

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It's weird how World's End just, vanished from cinemas... Prince Charles Cinema in London is doing a Cornetto Trilogy marathon in October for people's information...

Elsewhere, the other Marvel team film, Guardians of the Galaxy had a leaked trailer the other day, which has since vanished, but has left us with this gif...



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Well this is my first review and well I have never seen a better film in my life! And without further waiting... here is a very simple title with a lot of #swag



If you don't know who's in it we have:

Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network) as the showman, as a Woody Harelson (The Hunger Games) as a mentalist, Isla Fisher as an escape artist and Dave Franco as a pickpocket; together they are the Four Horsemen, a group of magicians who as their final act rob a bank.

The film itself is filled with suprises and magic which lure the watcher in! The ending is well thought out and a surprise to all!

Now you see me:


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Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Don't quite know what to say about this one. I read the book a while back now, and it was one of my favourites of the series (tied with the first one - the 3rd one onwards felt like a bit of a nose-dive...). But the film, well, I dunno.

One of the problems with the films in general is the fact the characters are a fair bit older than in the book, which creates a different tone. It worked well in the first film, but the second one, it doesn't feel as right. As for the plots, from what I remember, it sticks reasonably well to the book actually, with obvious differences due to how the first film was made.

A couple of 'fan' gripes, if you will.

-I hate the new actor playing Chiron. Pierce Brosnan suited the role so much better and this new guy, who I can't even be bothered to look up the name of, just didn't suit the role in my yes.

-Mr D. felt very toned down and mundane, and more a comical character. He didn't 'feel' that way in the books.

-Clarisse was much less bratty, and just a bit stuck up. I guess that could be down to the age thing, but she was always the very definition of a brat in the books, especially the first couple, whereas in this film, she was just your generic stuck up character that needed to see the light a bit.

Anyway, let's forget about comparing it to the book and judge the film.. I watched it in 2D, and I cringed so many times at the effects and scenes that were obviously chucked in for 3D only. Absolutely hated that, as always. There doesn't feel like there's much danger going on either bar the odd bit here and there. It feels very set out and that everything's just worked out for them nicely. It doesn't seem like the characters are on a dangerous quest battling the odds and trying to save the world. It's almost like they're running a difficult errand for someone. The thing is though, the film flows nicely and everything fits together. In a way, I want to say it was a 'safe' film, in that they've kept to a very simple plot and tried to make it appeal to a younger audience. But I dunno if I like that.

So yeah, I really dunno about this one. Will definitely need to see it again before I can judge it properly...


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Saw Alpha Papa yesterday. Wasn't bad by any stretch, but not as good as I'd been told or was expecting really. Funny in parts, a bit slow in others, I think coming straight after the brilliance of End Of The World it felt a bit flat, like the extended tv program it is.

Still worth seeing though. 7/10

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also watched despicable me 2.

Yes, I know I'm late with most the films but I got this membership thing which means I can watch these films for free, in the cinema after they've screened for a bit...

So Despicable me 2, where do I start. I love it.

More story line, with secrets everywhere. I prefer 1, however a great way to finish the series off(for all we know there may be another)


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Watched Kick-Ass 2 today as I was invited to watch it with some old school mates.

As I don't know much about it, I wasn't expecting it to be that great, but it was fairly good. There was loads of action and violence in the film as well as quite a lot of humour as well to the film. The film is mainly about a super hero who tries to achieve good things whilst staying behind the back of his dad as well as an array of other superheroes. The main antagonist seeks revenge for his father who presumably died in the first film being the main antagonist too which I haven't seen. He comes up with a plan to revenge Kick-ass and comes up with the rudest name. So rude I would probably get banned if I mentioned it so I suggest looking it up if you wish to know.

The 2nd half of the film becomes slightly darker as the antagonist forms a gang of super villains who seek revenge and in the process kill several people including at least two secondary protagonists related to Kick-ass. I won't spoil the movie too much but will say its full of lots of fighting action, fighting violence and also the fair bit of humour. I like slightly different & humorous take to the superhero genre and the mixture of action and real life involved in the film. If you're in to action,fighting and super hero movies, this s one movie you will probably enjoy.


This is a movie I like.

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also watched despicable me 2.

Yes, I know I'm late with most the films but I got this membership thing which means I can watch these films for free, in the cinema after they've screened for a bit...

So Despicable me 2, where do I start. I love it.

More story line, with secrets everywhere. I prefer 1, however a great way to finish the series off(for all we know there may be another)


From what I've heard, there is meant to be a Minion movie out at some point in the future. Not sure how they'll work it, but I'm sure it'll be a hit some how!

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From what I've heard, there is meant to be a Minion movie out at some point in the future. Not sure how they'll work it, but I'm sure it'll be a hit some how!

One of the reasons I first watched the Despicable me series. Minions, and I wanted to watch the sequel after seeing Agnes(one of the children), love her, and the minions.

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I think what works so well with Despicable Me is :-

1) The Minions - Fun, lovable little yellow creatures, that are humanised yet still have something that makes them intriguing.

2) The Children - The way they are before and after they are adopted shows how things can actually change and what being an orphan must feel like.

3) We get to see the Villains side of things through Gru, and how that all changes after the inclusion of the children.

I just love both films!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I watched Rush the over day its a fantastic film, it really show how intense the fight between James Hunt and Niki Lauda was and It was great getting the perspective from both drivers and the fact it wasn't 1 sided was brill, and the hi octane race scenes were fantastic.

Great Film very worth seeing!


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Just remembered I was gonna post in here about the 2 Blair Witch films...

Blair Witch Project

Alright film I guess. I like the fact it doesn't show any sort of monsters or anything actually (as it's something I've disliked in films like Insidious and Paranormal Activity). However, it's no where near as scary as it's made out to be. Tense, yes, and a couple of good scenes, but not hide-behing-the-sofa scary.


Blair Witch 2

Dear me, I wish I didn't waste 90 minutes of my life watching this heap of rubbish. It doesn't 'fit' with the nice story BWP created, and doesn't make sense either. The characters feel very typical of a cheap and easy horror film. It mixes between handheld and 'proper' cameras, meaning you don't get a feel of if you're there, or if you're just watching a film. It doesn't make sense, and it is just rubbish. Do not watch.

2/10 (Quite probably the worst film rating I've ever given...)

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