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  On 10/19/2016 at 8:57 PM, ChessingtonSam said:

I dont get this one, probably because my chemistry teacher barely speaks broken English...






pure hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will explode if heated to boiling, will cause serious contact burns to the skin and can set materials alight on contact.



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it starts like huur, huur, then it grows like HUUUR, HUUUUR, then it won't like HHHHHUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRR, HHHHHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRR



then you all think oh wow, this is going to be really quite something



then in the next stage it goes whooosh, whistle whistle, do dur do dur dooo, dur dooooooooooooooooo, r, oh that's what happened, and then you're like oh dear, oh dear oh dear, oh oh oh oh dear dear dear dear dear dear dear dear dear

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the, the, trumpet, the, the, trumpet, oh the, the trumpet plays no more, again, the, the, trumpet, the, the, trumpet



OHHHHHH well I came online at a half past 9 and at half past 10 I went off again. then I sad bap bop and a mozzle map mop and I had a lovely pittle pattle day



before the first bit it was like oh, I can't wait, then after it was like woah, it was quite good, then the middle bit was a mixed bag, but then after that, oh no, what the heck, it was a complete and utter, polly wally doodle all the day krindkekrax disaster! (transport)



oh well I went online at a half past 10 and at half past 11 I thought 2007, then I went back on, and I went pom, pom, and the launch cable went on the screen as well

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