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  1. Yesterday
  2. It's purely aesthetics
  3. Saw being added to the unavailable list for tomorrow soon I would imagine, unless it's quicker to get the parts in than it is get them out! EDIT: I might have spoken too soon - both the lifting clamps/struts have now come back down from the lift hill so maybe we are in luck.... fingers & wings crossed.
  4. Out if interest, does the water make any difference to the ride drop, or is it purely for athletics? As long as there's water at the bottom I suppose it doesn't make a lot of difference, otherwise that turn in to the station would be a bit sharp! Loggers occasionally didn't run any water down the drop, and to my mind it always seemed a lot faster (it was like a bloody rollercoaster going down without it). Could very well be my imagination though!
  5. The fact that Saw was only added to the ride availability page late yesterday to be closed today may suggest they could be a bit behind schedule, I guess it'll all depend on how they get on today. Fingers crossed!
  6. Indeed. I would anticipate that if Saturday is off the table, they would update tonight ideally, tomorrow at the latest. Not that I'm searching Hyperia on X on the daily (spoiler: I am), here's the latest: Someone else on Twi...X has spotted that the train has water dummies loaded on it already....
  7. I’m hoping Hyperia reopens on Saturday, and by my own visit on 10th June. From what I’ve seen, I think it could go either way at the moment… but I do think that a Saturday reopening is still very possible. They’ve got one last day with the crane today, which would in theory leave two days to test the ride before Saturday. Given that the ride was tested comprehensively before it opened, I think this should probably be enough. I’m currently taking the view that “no news is good news”… given that Thorpe Park have not pushed the 8th June date back yet, I’m inclined to believe that all is hopefully going to plan so far. Thorpe Park will surely want the ride open as soon as possible. I can’t imagine they’d be hanging about unnecessarily given that this is their big “new for 2024” draw.
  8. The water was on when I saw it on Monday
  9. Last week
  10. A couple weeks ago in fact lol
  11. Maybe the fire effect is on if the water is off 🤪
  12. When was this video taken? It got fixed a couple weeks ago, strange if its off again...
  13. No water running down the drop this year, wonder why. video_20240506_102718.mp4
  14. Just cos you're an influenza M8 and have been on it already and had your golden moment....
  15. As will those hoping to ride next Tuesday, ey Matty?
  16. SAW remains closed tomorrow, ride availability page has been updated. Those chancing it for Saturday will be getting nervy...
  17. hey diddle diddle, the track and the griddle, the ride jumped over the lake, the little vlog laughed to see such sport, and the chain ran away with the guard
  18. At thorpe park now, seems like they might be taking the sprocket out or something. Might be completely wrong.
  19. I think the the baggage holds were always a bit daft on Saw, and it was the same with Stealth. They're too close to the batching area, meaning all of a sudden everyone has to get to the bag window then immediately be batched. It is always too much of a rush and too much going on at once. on the likes of Swarm and Wickerman they were built in a better place, because there's plenty of time between bag faff and station faff. So it could all get delayed at the bag window, but there wouldn't be any effect on the station.
  20. Good to see! Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly the next couple days and they can get it testing and open asap!
  21. Funnily enough, I noticed the exact same on my last visit on 24th. Was in the SRQ and just assumed that the batcher couldn't keep up as noticed trains sitting there at points waiting for riders. As I got closer though, I noticed it wasn't the batcher but it was the baggage hold that couldn't keep up causing a delay in getting people through. Never seen that happen on SAW before in all my years of visiting so was a strange one.
  22. They aren't messing about! Park isn't even open and the crane is up already!
  23. Yep, very true - I'm hoping Saturday 8th is a worst case scenario so they are managing expectations - I'm due to visit on Tuesday 11th so would be good if it does open at least a few days before then so I can see what kinda queues to expect!
  24. Went against yesterday to raid the Nemesis shop and the CBeebies event. Weird day for queues, still a bit of an issue with staff not signing RAP correctly or at all in some cases. Reliability of rides not great but Galactica was being operated superbly and was walk on in the afternoon. Blivvy and Smiler both got evacuated in the day and we were fortunately walking past X Sector when Blivvy reopened. Was still having problems so loads left but waited about 15 mins for it to start up. Rapids were down all day (as well as the 3 rides advertised as such). Wickerman and Nemesis both running outstandingly well. CBeebies event was cute and lil one enjoyed it. Can't ask for much more. Good day all in all.
  25. Due to me being forced during a break in Stealth operation, I ventured over to Saw. I used the SRQ but the whole operation was extremely slow taking at least thirty minutes. There seemed to be people all over the place but not progressing anywhere. Turns out it would have been quicker to use the normal queue, but baggage and loading queues seemed to be constantly vying with each other. Several times, trains partially empty were sat waiting.
  26. On Stealth today, a chap who I sat beside had his two very young children on the row in front of us. As is my way, and establishing that this was their first time on the ride, I asked if he'd given them any advice? He then called out to the kids shouting "it'll be alright!". It was, but I personally thought he could have done better.
  27. Finally, after thousands of launches over several years, the one thing I never wanted, I had a rollback today. Within a couple of hours of telling several people that I never wanted one, it happened. The power of the launch failed about half way down the run and we barely rose three quarters up the vertical. Still they could not get me a cuppa..........and after rolling us back to the platform, we were off within fifteen minutes.
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