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Posts posted by Dan9

  1. Given the reports of the roughness in row 4, I would hate to see it if there was a row 5!

    I've ridden it more times in row 4 than any other and I've not experienced any extra roughness at all.

    Not surprising to hear about Oblivion, it wasn't being run well at all on Sunday, with every car stacking on the brake run and half the station being allocated to fastrack. What should have been a 15 minute queue was more like 35. It's a big shame to have a ride that can theoretically eat through queues ruined by silly operations; firstly Vampire, now this... I hope it doesn't become a Merlin *thing*.

  2. I was just posting it as news, not suggesting anything else.

    It wasn't aimed at you, more so those suggesting it's dead or calling for its head (he-hey) after it's been down one day.

  3. I just can't fathom how its cost them £9mil surely this money could be better spent around the park for, oh I don't know refurbishments as some rides **cough cough Colossus cough cough** look awful at the moment and like someone ( I can't remember who said it) said thorpe is usually seen as a park that often regenerates itself by adding new rides and attractions so if the isnt going to be for a long period of time the people are going to loose interest and go to the likes of Chessie and Alton Towers.

    Go to Chessington instead? Because Thorpe haven't been investing enough?... Chessington? ;)

    I guess the decision to spend more on the Crash Pad will have been thought through using data collected from the year so far. Whilst it's painful to see such funding available but not for refurb, they must be looking at the long term benefit the extra units will bring. If there were already any plans to refurb rides or areas of the park, I doubt they'd be stopped purely as a result of this.

  4. Warning over-hyping etc. I'll keep this as brief as possible for now as I've only just got back, full blog will inevitable come soon...

    Having never watched a video of Dreams nor never even watched a Disney show in my life, nor really being aware of what it was about, I can't even put into words how much of an utterly breath-taking, awe-inspiring, mind-blowing experience it was, watching it live for the first time. I proceeded to watch it four nights in a row, even if that meant staying behind by myself. It was so perfectly put together and executed I just stood there completely lost for words every time. Regardless of what else happens, events like this are what really makes a theme park experience special. You really felt that you were a part of something incredible. I've always thought now that I was older that my first Disney wouldn't have as much of an impact as it would if I was younger, and that as an enthusiast I couldn't get so caught up in things like atmosphere and 'magic' anymore, that it was lost for good in the process of growing up and learning about 'reality'. Then along came Dreams... I'd finally found that magic that makes theme parks and Disney in particular so special.

  5. Stealth has wormed its way back into my affections slightly this year - I've noticed that every ride recently I've come off like 'damn...'. Obviously not every launch coaster can be Blue Fire, but for Thorpe it does a fantastic job.

    EDIT: Also why are my posts not beginning at the start of the line?

  6. Just so you know before you all jump on the ride staff for being incompetent. Queue times are regulated every 30 minutes or so to Control Operations which manually change the time. A lot of the time Control are busy doing things for every department in and around the park and don't have time to update the queue boards. If you want to blame anyone it's Operations Control.

    I appreciate that they may be busy, but if they are doing other things so often why have they also got the responsibility of informing the entire park of queue times? Surely the job should be done another way to make it more efficient. The new queue boards do look really good and they were working fairly well on Friday, and I do think it was a positive change for the park, but if what you're saying is true then I definitely think the system needs to be changed to work properly in the long term.
  7. Why are people hating on The Flume? It's the best Merlin log flume by far (bar Tidal Wave), and at the moment the only intact one!

    I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't constantly throw you from side to side just by going around any turn.
  8. I find detonator just to be a pathetic ride for the park to have now, it was only ever intended as "part time" ride, something to fill the void after the fire and is long overdue being replaced, I find it incredibly lackluster and want/need a replacement that surpasses it and this is similar to the suggestion idea I had in another topic, so I really like the idea, plus rides all have to be replaced at some point and it's a boring ride.

    Having been on a few others, including the 300ft+ Hurakan Condor, none of them hold a candle to Detonator and as you can see from this topic there's many others with a similar opinion. Maybe you just aren't a fan of drop towers?

  9. Been a while since I've done this due my natural indecisiveness, but I do love a top 10. Based on visiting the Merlin jaunt, Europa Park, Phantasialand and Port Aventura. (albeit the last two were a fair while ago now)

    1. Blue Fire

    2. Nemesis

    3. Black Mamba

    4. Wodan

    5. Oblivion

    6. The Smiler

    7. The Swarm

    8. Nemesis Inferno

    9. Dragon Kahn

    10. Euro Sat

    The nearly made it's: Silver Star, Euro Mir, Air, Dragon's Fury

  10. Yeah but with all the aim towards families, I would rather see this as a well done theme park catering for all ages of The south and I want them to bring back themed areas for 2014, do something with Time Voyagers, a possible lowering Height Restriction for Vortex, and A spruce up of Loggers leap and maybe a rename of Saw lower that Height restriction. Because Isn't Oakwoods Eurofighter like 1.2 or something , it would be a nice thrilling Coaster for youngsters like Corkscrew was for Towers.

    If I was looking for a 'nice coaster for youngsters', Saw would NOT have been my first idea...

    I wouldn't go expecting an enormous change in priority. Sure they might not only install big coasters, but they won't want to lose the 'nation's thrill capital' tag. Can't see this becoming a major thing.

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