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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Bloody hell. Give it a few years, and we won't have benefit sanctions anymore. We'll have benefit hangings instead The only positive thing that came out of this election was Nigel Farage losing his seat. Oh how I chuckled! Also, Project LC - you're not Iain Duncan Smith in disguise, are you?
  2. Have requested the weekend off, if I can get it off then I will be attending!
  3. *Blows dust off topic* I'm thinking something along the lines of Phill calling for help due to an out of control teacup Fire away, peeps!
  4. Will actually upload my pics tonight and the videos soon Just not found the time - only had 3 days off work since the meet, two of which I was busy on with other things, and then today I was tired/hanging a bit after a social last night! £2 Jägerbombs! Plus it's taken time to go through the videos and get photos from them Worth it though, as there's some great moments captured! Filmed a tiny bit of the Bubbleworks fountain finale, Flying Jumbos, Buccaneer on ride (!) and carousel, with that insane teacup spinning! Oh and yeah, the meet was fab as Chessie meets always are EDIT: BOOM photos are up! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10155397423985391.1073741867.792210390&type=1&l=802f4d2726
  5. Hang on...I might be able to get staff discount at the resort hotels (I say might because I don't know if it excludes weekends, pretty sure this was the case years ago anyway) Oh and the poll is still showing as open for me I won't try and vote obviously, but erm yeah, @Peaj, you might wanna fix that! EDIT: @CoasterDude's reply below - haven't looked at that specifically yet, but I'll message you or something rather than discuss it here
  6. Oh damn you, Peaj I was going to vote later on today as I might be able to find out at work today what my weekends off in June are... Hopefully I can get it off if I need to. But if the polls are always going to close this early then I can't really vote accurately, as I only get my rota monthly and won't know what my days off are that far ahead, boo! I imagine this is the same for a lot of other particular members here Announcing early is great, but having only 2 weeks to vote feels a little short for those who can't plan that far ahead.
  7. Eighteen words later, Lez Cougan has been taken by Merlin PR team, because he was slightly loopy and smelt of fish! So he was disinfected with soap by Bubbleworks' ducks
  8. Mer


    Apparently Digger Challenge is going? That's the best thing there
  9. "Yo ho! Yo ho! A pissheads life for me!" How is the Creek coping??
  10. Mer

    London Eye

    https://www.londoneye.com/NewsAndEvents/CurrentNews/FreeRotationToWillAndKateCouplesToCelebrateRoyalBabyNumberTwo/Default.aspx Anyone know any Will & Kates?
  11. Pretty sure there will be actors! I think the video is just to give you an idea of what to expect It's definitely not anything like a studio tour - it's based around a new story which has been created purely for this attraction. And, what with the Dreamworks thing, it'd need to be a high standard of theming etc.
  12. Damn you! I was literally thinking of starting this earlier Nice photos etc in that video, was wondering when they would appear online...
  13. Yeah I know anyone could have a bad experience anywhere, and it's been fine before! And I should've seen that coming, Josh
  14. ^ Hmm maybe it was mentioned in person at the last meet, I'm certain there was something about it. Unfortunately I've been put off The Monkey Puzzle after hearing about someone's unpleasant experience there, where they bit into their food and discovered fingernails inside... Sorry for that negativity, but I would've mentioned it at the meet anyway!
  15. Where are we eating afterwards - could've sworn I saw/heard something about eating at the hotel restaurant? Really looking forward to this meet
  16. As I'm sure people are aware, Vampire is only running one train and has time slot thingies at the moment. They go pretty quick, and it's advisable that we go there first to book slots before they all go! And yes Matt, I remember that moment It was like, "Yep, that's definitely a fanboy approaching!" I'm excited for Amazu (as is Paige ) - I want to fly out that slide Barry Scott style!
  17. ^ TPM After Hours? That certainly rings true
  18. These two are my favourites!
  19. I've found the opposite - both my current iPhone and my old iPhone 4 have/had a great battery life, and I'm someone who uses their phone a lot! I got my iPhone 4 in 2010, then in 2012 my mum had it, and it's lasted all that time, up until a month or so ago when she got a new phone - partly because, after 5 years of reliability, the battery did finally start playing up! The usage and standby times since the last full charge were almost the same even when it hadn't been used, and it would drop in chunks - which is what my HTC One X started doing after only 2 years, and the battery life in general was awful compared to the iPhone! I'm sure people are aware of these sorts of things to help save battery: I have the background app refresh off for most apps, and the only ones which I allow to always use location are things like the weather app. Turn wifi off when I don't need it on, same for mobile data. Auto brightness obvs. Also things like push for emails can use more battery. Apparently it's not always beneficial to close apps from multitasking, especially if they're ones you use a lot because it will use more battery to open them or something, although that's probably not something which would have a major affect like location or background refresh The main things that drain battery for me are games, camera/videoing, and using mobile data and location when travelling to/from work.
  20. Mer

    This Or That

    Dec Strawberry or blueberry?
  21. What Dodge2002 said. Also, all the London attractions now require a form of ID when collecting any prebooked tickets, to help prevent fraudulent activity as there has been an increase in this. in addition to the payment card, you'd need something like a drivers/provisional license, passport, student ID or the like if you're a young'un, failing that, a utility bill etc. This will all be in the confirmation email and explained over the phone, but just a heads up I don't know if they would accept a MAP, as I don't know how strict it is exactly, so best to bring something else incase!
  22. Can I take a moment to make a suggestion? Instead of just replying with the next three words, the story could be copied and pasted into your post, then you add your three words (in bold text or something if you want). This is how I've seen it done on other forums, and it makes it that bit more fun, actually seeing the whole story rather than just a random three words and having to scroll up/back through pages to make some sense of it. I mean, I know it's not meant to make *that* much sense, but at the moment it feels a bit too ongoing and not much like a story Also it would benefit the next person who posts! And then every so often, start a new story, to keep things fresh plus it would end up a rather long post! So, if we start it from Matt Creek's post earlier...(and feel free to add punctuation as necessary ) And then yeah, next person would just copy and paste my post and add their three words, simples! ___________________________________________________________________ Eighteen words later, Lez Cougan has been taken by Merlin PR team, because he was slightly loopy and smelt of fish!
  23. Mer


    ^ Umm, okaaay... Here's mine for today. I've collected a few too many of these (bus tickets)...and one of them will serve my dinner for today. As well as Maltesers egg for breakfast. Nom!
  24. Well with that in mind, I now wish to remove my votes for the first 3 days on the poll
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