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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer


    1. AJ


      I have just noticed this comment and as it's now 2 years old - I have no idea what I means!

    2. Mer


      I'm not sure either! :o

  2. What happened to your laptop?!
  3. Mer


    He's a time traveller!
  4. Mer


    It will be running forwards this year
  5. Mer

    The Smiler

    They're modifying Enterprise so that it runs backwards.
  6. When I'm posting on my phone, when I press enter it doesn't move onto the next paragraph. Due to this issue these squiggly lines will represent a paragraph ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also Dara I hope that issue gets looked at soon!
  7. The back row would be enough but I've just realised it's the back TWO rows. So we can't even settle for the second to back row I feel sorry for those who haven't ridden it yet and will never experience the awesomeness of front facing back row. I just fear going backwards will take some of that intensity away
  8. Mer


    It's not a joke, but: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-25-funniest-autocorrects-of-2012 Just given my stomach a proper workout by laughing at this for the past five minutes! That last one, it gets me so much! GAAH the pain! But laughter really is the best medicine though!
  9. Mer

    The News

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-21108337 Me and my brother can't stop laughing at this The fact that the episode was aired given everything revealed about Savile recently is awful of the BBC, but so awful it's funny. Especially the picture in the article! According to The Sun, they sang "One Finger, One Thumb"…oh gawd!
  10. EDIT: Just tried it on my PC and the quote works fine, although rather than having the usual [*quote] stuff in it [*/quote] withtout the * it just had the quote in it's little blue-ish bix without any codes. Not sure if that is any help or not but just thought I would share it
  11. Or just pigeons in general... They already live in Saw's station building and IU've seen them in Depth Charge too (in the queueline in this small space underneath the slide)!
  12. Sidders I have the same as you when quoting a post, but it only seems to happen when I'm on my phone (Android), regardless of whether I'm using the mobile or full version. I've not noticed it on my desktop but maybe I've never quoted a post on it I will have a try later. I also get it (again on my phone) when editing my signature.
  13. Mer

    Youtube Videos

    Omg pluk I was literally about to post that! Absolutely brilliant!
  14. Mer

    2013 Changes

    This idea of Vengeance coming to Thorpe is getting silly now... 1) Just because it's not going to the new Dungeons, and Thorpe have a possible empty space in Time Voyagers, does not mean it will come to Thorpe. 2) It is such a slow moving queue line for something pretty mediocre (especially for a theme park aimed at thrill seekers), it would be a ridiculous idea IMO 3) As far as I'm aware it has never been hinted or suggested that it is moving to another Merlin attraction, especially Thorpe, it was forum speculation that has gone a bit too far now. Sorry if this comes across as ranting
  15. Haha I know I'm just assuming it will be on the 24th, that way if it isn't then it'll be a nice surprise
  16. Gah I'll still be away on Sunday 24th I think, but Disney/Paris/Belgium > Thorpe . Not sure what time I'll be back Sunday but I imagine I'd be too tired etc to come. Shame as I'll get to miss seeing you lovely people Will be odd missing a Thorpe trip!
  17. Just going to get marmalised in the shower...
  18. Absolutely loved reading your trip report/story Peaj Thanks for taking the time to do it! Usually by now the excitement of a meet would have died down for most but this has kept the excitement up Gaaaah can't wait for Guildford!
  19. Mer


    Ok so since being introduced to M83 by Ben (Valentez) and Sidders, I am totally in love with their music. Their most "recent" video/song releaed is this: Steve McQueen, taken from the album "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" The song is good but I love the video even more I think; I love the feeling I get from it! It's kind of a mixture of joy and freedom, and the part where the toys "gallop" across towards the house reminds me of being a child and having fantasies about these kind of things It also feels like some highly exciting dream I'd have as a kid; not necessarily involving what happens in the video, just one where something truly amazing or exciting happens and you're overwhelmed with positive emotions. The whole album is fantastic, as is all their music IMO, well worth a listen. And this is a beautiful end to an album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuEVFfQnQUs Ahh just love it Fills me with so much emotion!
  20. Alton Towers opening weekend in March, then off to Disneyland Paris a few days after that :D FINALLY GOING TO DISNEY!! Plus the usual Forp trips innit...and hopefully moar Chessie! That's all I have planned for now
  21. Ooft Boris I'll be back for him again next year! After seeing all the uploaded pics on Facebook just now, I can't wait for parts 3-5 to be posted here
  22. Air (4) Duel - The Haunted House Strikes Back (4) Hex: The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (6) Duel + Air -
  23. Woo love it In terms of my photos, I uploaded them to Facebook then linked them into my post. Are you adding them straight into the post via the forum thingy? That's probably why they've gone small Even though it takes a little longer, uploading them to Facebook (or Photobucket or something if you didn't want to clog up Facebook with all the pics you took ) will mean they are "nice and big"
  24. Right, time for my trip report! Got up later than planned due to going to bed late, so I missed the train I planned to get but luckily didn't miss the next one (which I thought I would)! Got to Waterloo just before 10 and met Peaj, Mark9 and Luke, then Tommy, Daniel and Dan. No sign of Marc...derp. We decided to make our way to the Eye and SeaLife first as we were already at Waterloo and wanted to save The Dungeons until last. Not really much to say on these really, had a nice chat on the Eye though! And something random about cheesecakes and muffins with spinach in SeaLife wasn't too bad, one of those attractions you can only do once in a while. The layout is different and seemed more interesting than the last time I went and the penguins are cool! Walked over to Westminster tube station which was nice as it was midday and we went past Big Ben chiming, it was like it was New Years Eve all over again! Oh and gotta love Peaj banging his head on the ceiling of the train when we arrived at Baker Street! Next up...Madame Tussauds! Love this place! Spirit of London gaaah! Some random photos from the ride: Plague scene: CREEPY FIREMAN! Not so creepy when his mouth is covered up though... Samuel Pepys (random) Peeps! I know the flash ruins the pic, but Luke is there! Moar peeps in the final scene Peaj enjoying himself on the taxi ride! Luke's onride photo was brilliant - he was on his phone, should have taken a sneaky photo of it! After this we went to eat at Nandos, which was nomaliscious! Really quick service too! Was absolutely stuffed afterwards! After mentioning it before in chat, Peaj taught me a few steps of the jive, but I ended up feeling a bit silly, being in a restuarant an' all Now it was time for the Dungeons! Really enjoyed it a little more than usual, probably because it's the last time I'll go there at London Bridge. Gah I even love the name "Tooley Street"! I won't go through it all in detail as most of you here will know all the scenes and it was the same as usual, I just personally enjoyed it more. However it was a shame the light and smoke effects in the Great Fire of London scene didn't work (the video cracks me up though - "FIIIIREEE!") and the Freeze Fog scene was just...what. Where was the fog?! LOL it was lights out, random inflatable things appearing around us and some audio about a lost boy. The actor beforehand was funny though, deliberately talking in a voice where we couldn't understand what he was saying, like mumbling etc, can't really explain it hmm. Oh and Vengeance...ugh. So glad it's not going to the new Dungeons, the queueing experience is just horrific and too hot and arrgh! On a lighter note, Extremis was a great bundle of fun as always, really do love the whole experience I always get nervous before it, as nervous as I do before Detty, because the drop always gets me I really hope it remains as decent at the new location! Scariest part of the Dungeons was this: Mwuhahaha! Met Jaymie outside the Dungeons then it was then time for Winter Wonderland, where we to be joined by Pluk, his "unsociable friend" and Holly, woo! Had loads of fun here, love the atmosphere and everything. We did Wild Maus, Air and Alpine Hotel. Wild Maus - well, it really was wild! Not as intense as Blackpool's wooden one but deffo the best steel one I've done. The queueline is like a mini fun house, loved it! The ride was as I said, pretty insane, I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole ride, so much speed, great drops and tight corners! Glad I tried it out! After this we did Air. Now, I'd already done Bling once at Blackpool and found it really dull, lacking in speed and intensity. But after hearing positive things about Air, I decided to give it a try and I'm glad I did! It was FAR better than Bling, pretty intense and again, I couldn't stop laughing! So much fun! Attempted to jive again whilst queueing (as you do) but I went all shy again Oops! We then had a sit down and some drinks in the awesome Carousel Bar and sat in the waltzer seats, yay! Good laugh in here, they played great 90s music too! Had a laugh when Luke was randomly joined by a group of girls in his waltzer seat, and when this little baby came up to him! Finally we did Alpine Hotel. I've done this once before with my step brother and thought it was great, but as I was with friends and wasn't having to look after a child, I appreciated it much more this time around! Loads of laughs in there, like abusing people with that punch bag thing after the bit where you walk through the ropes (best description I could give!). The scenes after the fun house part are random and the puppet in the pub scene is rather creepy! Big lips Well themed throughout though and so good how long it lasts! We then said goodbye to Pluk and his friend and went off to search for a pub, woo! Dropped Luke off at Marble Arch, then said goodbye to Dan and eventually found a Wetherspoons that had an empty table! Not really much else to discuss on this, was a nice way to chill at the end of a long day though. So yeah, after that we gave the goodbye hugs (woo!) and trotted off home! A few final words: Firstly, it was really lovely to see everyone and again and to meet new people Secondly, I'm not sure why but I feel like I should say this; I really do love spending time with you people on here And also really hate having to say goodbye and go home :'( And finally but most importantly; thank you again to Peaj for a fantastic meet and thank you to everyone for sticking together, and to everyone for all the laughs in general BRING ON GUILDFORD!
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