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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    Youtube Videos

    I know she talks about American Subway stores, but I get all these issues almost every time I go into any of my local Subways... Maybe not the cookie thing though.
  2. I've never understood it when parks do this. It's no bad thing but it's just a little inconsistent - you'd expect Merlin to care about that kind of thing. Also, why does that now-clichéd image of Stealth look like it has a shoe at the top? Could they not use one of the billion other images where there is actually a train at the top?
  3. I doubt the tiled floor will actually look better with age - I don't see how chewing gum and bird poo are going to make it look more destroyed by an alien race?
  4. The interior of that station... Dayum.
  5. Let's get this straight people: this is a B&M. The restraints won't break. Don't let's be silly.End.
  6. Voted for October, as it's the only month I'd be able to do it.
  7. It's going to be positioned over the entrance to the queueline, which in turn puts it over the point where the train exits the station too. It's going on top of that station structure, with talons outstretched so as to give the impression it is swooping down to pick up the riders.
  8. Would it not be easier, thi13teen (lest we ever say anything to deter from Rihanna's high and mighty omnipotence) to simply remove the Top 40 music? Nobody likes it at a theme park because it's an attachment to reality - theme parks are meant to envelope their guests and make them believe they've escaped for a few hours. Also, we won't need to refurbish the entrance that way.
  9. Sidders' Friendly Tip: For your personal item, do not bring a music player/device. It's just a little predictable and many people do it.
  10. 50ft wing-span and a weight of 800lbs! Looks awesome!
  11. Sidders


    Anonymous makes a statement when they take down a website. It's sending a message to Robb Alvey if anything... Kudos to them I say; they're the ones who permanently disabled the Westboro Baptist Church's first website and protested against SOPA's boycotting of online piracy by rephrasing their bill to mean almost exactly the opposite of it's original intentions.
  12. Received, and your new signature is ready to go
  13. For some reason, the number of images allowed in member's signatures has reverted back to zero, and on top of that, many members are having trouble finding their "Edit Signature" button to start with! If there's any adjustments you'd like to make to your signature, I can do so in the Moderator Control Panel if you send me a PM of the new content. :)I'll talk to Marc and Ian about rectifying the signature feature.
  14. Shambhala's lift hill is complete. Credit to PAC.
  15. Sidders


    Luv dis sawng. Just the right length to get the message across well.
  16. Yeah Neil, but Merlin don't want to go replicating the parks now, do they...? ;)Oh wait...*looks at Nemesis Inferno and Nemesis**looks at Stealth and Rita**looks at Saw and Oblivion**looks at Saw and SW7*Hmmm...
  17. Sidders


    He is ****ing awful isn't he? Just skip him and watch Grist.
  18. Agreed with Saz. Photos from as early as late December show the other station façades as being a darkened, bullet-strafed beige colour. The pristine whiteness on the one wall just looks out of place to me.
  19. I want to see that currently white-washed wall painted!But yes hooray B&M n' all that jazz.
  20. I take it they're not up there for the much-needed repaint?
  21. Nice to know they do all the important stuff before the track leaves the fabrication plant...
  22. Key Stone Thrills have spotted an s-bend on SkyRush. And what and s-bend it is!Looking awesome, if you can ignore the colours. And considering SkyRush's newly-modified lap-bar restraints, riders' necks might be preserved until the end of the ride in a world's first for Intamin.Oh, and some funky-lookin' doohickey thing is clamped onto the track for whatever reason.
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