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Everything posted by Dan_Rush

  1. james, I am not sure what website you are trying to upload your music, but it won't work for me. I've got more spam than actual links to the files. I hate pop ups soooo much!;)please use www.sendspace.com, or www.yousendit.comsorry that I'm complaining, it's just really slowing me down. there the right files anyway
  2. does anyone have the music fo time voyager or pirates 4d?I can't find it anywhere on thorpe park mania
  3. Dan_Rush


    thanks johny, always getting those words mixed up!;)education nowadays;)
  4. mine is computer technology. ;)I was always pretty good at that, as well as english and music
  5. Dan_Rush


    when it comes to members joining a forum, there are 3 things that anoy me:1. people sign up, and never even visit the site2: people that visit the site, but to post the same advert, or other spam in multiple areas and spoil it for everyone else.3: people that can't spell, and none of there posts make any sense
  6. Dan_Rush

    Pepsi or Coke?

    coke all the way for me, no questions asked
  7. chineese here. really hate curry
  8. Dan_Rush

    This Or That

    2p onesdentist or doctor
  9. as the thread title states, talk about the 2008 haloween event here!;)any dates or anything been confirmed. I've looked at the site, and all I can really note is the hocus pocus hall bewitched
  10. Rameses is always a nice themed ride, no matter what time of the year it is. but, riding in the dark does make it slightly better, I agree.what's happening new this year?. do tell?
  11. Dan_Rush


    I noticed that too:Pwe seem to get a lot of members just lately
  12. I was tempted to say the same thing when a new member started a thread for rumba rapids.:Pbut who am I to complain at them, I'm not an admin.does anyone have a good guess then, of when the sponsor will end?
  13. Dan_Rush


    exactly, that's a good explination james. couldn't have done better myself
  14. Dan_Rush

    Forum Posts

    I know exactly what you mean, I've seen people do that (and people with really bad spelling too)sorry if I ever posted something not relevant
  15. Dan_Rush

    This Or That

    saturdays. :Pchristmas with family or christmas alone
  16. okay I am uploading it now. :Pkeep an eye on your messages
  17. Dan_Rush


    well, I'm glad I didon't bother with viking river splash!nice to find another fan of fairytale brook, I'd go back just to ride that
  18. fave sound is the sound that rush makes, both at the start and at the end of the ride. sounds like a train ariving at the station.
  19. yes, and people who cause trouble on rides as well. I've been on rides where people have tried to stand up, break the rules, and 1 time even tried set fire to the atraction
  20. those are good songs, yeah. I like the song "oh carol" and the other one "oh baby that's what I like"the jingle is awsome too!
  21. for me, it does not matter what beno land gets rethemed in to, just as long as the swings are still there!. note about bash street, when I went the area around it was cordened off. maybe they are closing it after all.personally, I'd like to see a 4d theater (kind of like time voyagers at thorpe), a new ride in place of peaking heights (it always seems to me it's closed) but I soon find that it's because no one's in line for it. I'd love an extention to hocus pocus hall, restoration of the old bubbleworks, and maybe (if it can fit) a new coaster in the mexicana area.what I've wondered, is what they are going to do about toomb blaster. as much as I love the ride now, I don't think it's as good as some of the older rides (terror toomb, 5th dimention), I would love to see the return of that thing where you put your hand in and the air comes out. not sure where it went in the end, I think land of the dragons
  22. well, I think it will be a close competitor with thorpe. tbhorpe have many interesting rides, and once were the home of some firsts.. take x, tidal etc. I think though, algton may just do it, since it always seems the more talked about (to me anyway) and they just seem way ahead of thorpe in some ways
  23. Dan_Rush


    alton thorpe, I went there a few months ago and was not really impressed.there's a pirate land, and as far as I can remember, it only has pirate falls and a gold mining thing where you get a medal.there is also a driving school, where you can learn to drive cars, boats, fire trucks... but again, it was not really my cup of tea at all. new for 2009 is viking land, which kind of interested me, I enjoyed the long boat actually, but did not ride the viking river splash.apart from that, there are 2 main shows, johny thunder, and some boring thing in a theater...a little dinosaur ride, a train ride (2) if you include the hill train which is a way in to the park, fairytale brook( which I love!) the dragon and dragons apprentice both diffrent rides, but in the same building.I think that is just about it
  24. I see a copy of the music has been linked to below, how ever if you are having problems I am willing to upload mine
  25. I agree. . not really as thrilling as fury or vampire. still a great ride and a nice sensation when you're up in the air!
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