alton thorpe, I went there a few months ago and was not really impressed.there's a pirate land, and as far as I can remember, it only has pirate falls and a gold mining thing where you get a medal.there is also a driving school, where you can learn to drive cars, boats, fire trucks... but again, it was not really my cup of tea at all. new for 2009 is viking land, which kind of interested me, I enjoyed the long boat actually, but did not ride the viking river splash.apart from that, there are 2 main shows, johny thunder, and some boring thing in a theater...a little dinosaur ride, a train ride (2) if you include the hill train which is a way in to the park, fairytale brook( which I love!) the dragon and dragons apprentice both diffrent rides, but in the same building.I think that is just about it