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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I totally agree with you on this, but I always find myself asking at this stage "What more could they have done?". That section is meant to represent the chaos of loads of people being murdered, whilst rushing around a facility. A lot of the deaths occurred in the facility's corridors and the like, which aren't much more than white corridors! There's certainly other things they could have done, like adding in a trashed office scene for example, but obviously space is a limitation. So yes, whilst I see what you are saying, it's true to the film and is basically the best they could do given the constraints. Dreamland's mazes look great from those photos, and the reviews sound even more promising. Funnily enough, one thing I almost immediately noticed in one of the Dreamland photos was the unthemed ceiling, much like in many of Thorpe's mazes too. A lot of Thorpe's mazes have shown great set design and the like, not too dissimilar to Thorpe's I expect. tl;dr - Thorpe have shown they can create some very good themed mazes. So have Dreamland. Yay.
  2. I assume that's your list from favourite to least favourite Benin, since I can't work out any other logical ordering for them? If so, glad Baron is high up on the list! How on earth do you manage to rank so many coasters though?
  3. If the rumoured high investment costs of this thing hold true, then I don't think a trackless dark ride is outside the realm of possibility to be honest. I think it's doubtful given we've got an attraction which surely takes place over two floors, but I don't think it's necessarily a laughable option. Just looking at the building makes it seem like there's so much structure and so little room for much actual hardware, which throws out so, so many possible ride choices that we know of. I'm just curious as to what on earth it could be..
  4. I see what you are saying, but given a new one will last a good number of years and Samurai is still a popular enough ride (when it is open), I would say it is worth it. Of course, the ideal would be to get rid of the ride altogether and invest the money in something else which will help improve the park and the like, but getting a new topspin would be an alright, medium-term, solution for the park all things considered.
  5. Teacups / restaurant building update... And for all you mid and dirt enthusiasts... Source: http://plopsafansite.be/Nieuws/2015-10-15/nieuwtjes-in-plopsaland-de-panne-14-oktober-2015/
  6. My thoughts exactly. A way for getting some very tall screens in (and out) possibly?
  7. JoshC.


    MarkC, Graw, imindetonator, toofpikk...
  8. JoshC.


    At least it had a good run - opened end of May and operated every day until this week I believe? Definitely seems like one of the best continuous opening times for the ride in recent years... With reduced merch and it's closure, it does at least give more fuel to the 'Is it going?' discussion. It'd of course be a shame to lose a ride to the line up, but as I've said countless times in the past, I'll be glad to see the back end of it.
  9. An overhead shot of the layout has appeared online... (Found image on CF, don't know the original source). Looks positively ridiculous. Can't wait for next year though!
  10. With an attitude like that, the only thing you'll be able to pull is one of these leaflets from your local community help centre...
  11. I was actually glancing over all your previous FN reviews before seeing you'd added a review of this season, and that really is one of the most damning comments , and review in general, you've made against a Thorpe maze! It's clear that Big Top wasn't ready this past weekend, and that Saturday in particular was an awful, awful day for the attraction. It's a real shame too, as it does have a fair amount of potential. What worries me the most is the lack of actors in it on Saturday though - surely they can't have planned things that poorly to only have a handful of actors in the maze at any one time? From what I understand, the maze has been having some more work done to it the past couple of days, with some tweaks to some sections, and possibly even more theming on the inside (and it does need it). The first tent altogether needs a bit of a rethink too. With those two things sorted, it would be a fab attraction in my opinion. But then, with such a tried and tested theme, why didn't they get things right in the first place?
  12. JoshC.


    Interesting giving it such a high rating - wonder if it's solely because "YOU WILL BE MADE TO WEAR A HOOD SO IT IS SCARY" or if it's something more. I'm curious to find out what End Games will be rated, as I felt like that would be the more 'extreme' of the two. On a complete off topic note, I'm surprised Thorpe never gave one of their mazes an 'Unrated' rating (or even advertised Face it Alone like that). It would have suited the film theme perfectly, and would be a great way to get people talking.
  13. You've hit the nail on the head here as to why it's a bad idea to compare the two. Star Wars is a massive brand with a huge, huge following. Quite a large percentage of people who will watch the film are probably following any and all updates prior to the release, and will probably also jump at the chance to buy some merch. Thorpe is different. Of all the people who will ride the ride next year, only a very small percentage are following construction and build up in a similar way. And of those following, not all will be inclined to buy a t-shirt about it I expect, especially when it's so generic. So doing a bit of a reveal about the ride (not a full reveal of course) may help raise more awareness about the ride, and encourage more people to buy this merch. A much more sensible comparison is to Smiler's logo merch that was sold in 2012. That worked well, but I personally think that's down to the fact the logo was so in itself quite cool and interesting to look at, and the fact that the logo was plastered all over the park at the time. Those pieces of merch worked well as something complete separate from theme parks. This I'm not so sure has the same power.
  14. Towers most certainly do get those types of visitors. There's well known 'Traveller Days' where the atmosphere on park is very different, and there's a noticeable increase in security. Then again, this also occurs at Thorpe.
  15. A visit to Madame Mephisto should help us answer this question... The future is unclear, with many outcomes possible. If you take a trip to the Carnival for the full day, you will likely experience all of the fairground rides, experience some movies up close and personal, and be able to visit the Figaro Brothers. Only fate knows for certain...
  16. Good to see! Clearly they've noted the success of Smiler's advertising campaign and want to build on it. I'm intrigued to see where they go from here. Selling some merch is surely an indicator that the the next clue coming towards the end of this month will give some sort of substantial info?
  17. Something which I don't think has been mentioned in the thread yet is how there were random power outages on park yesterday. This is what led to many closures. This also happened Thursday night apparently, which was why Containment didn't open to the press. Of course, it's hard to say whether these power problems are just very bay luck or if Thorpe are at some sort of fault. I wonder if Thorpe investing in some back up power sources is in any way feasible / viable?
  18. After checking frightnightsjobs.com , it appears there's no acting jobs left, so presumably they've filled up all their slots. The park have general FN job adverts which advertise all possible roles (actors, rides staff. F&B. etc), of which many non-acting jobs are still available. This is why there are still adverts for jobs. --- As for tonight, doesn't seem good. I heard of many problems throughout the evening (though can't be quite sure how true some of them are), and it is a worry. I did notice on social media many people complaining and asking for free Fastrack tickets - even many enthusiasts were doing this! - which is a complete joke to be honest. I did notice Thorpe didn't respond to these requests specifically though, so hopefully that's a good sign...
  19. JoshC.


    I think it closes around this time of the day on Fright Nights dates for checks.
  20. Views from last night featuring some spoilers...
  21. Also worth noting how Thorpe are now advertising it as a world first (I don't think they have up until now?): (From TPG Live) Be interesting whether this is a "World First *Insert IP here (if there is one)* Attraction" a la I'm a Celeb and AB4D or whether it will be a more substantial thing.
  22. In theory, it was only press who had signed forms who were allowed to film / photograph inside the mazes tonight. ----- Tonight was fun. Managed two goes in each of the mazes... -BWP was fantastic. Great atmosphere and use of effects! -Big Top was a bit of a mixed bag. First run through was bad, second run through much better. More theming is needed though. Apparently the maze was only signed off at 3pm today and actors went in for the first time shortly after. -Saw was great, with a ton of actors. -Cabin again was great, just needed for actors at the end. -Once again MBV wad the worst. Needs a major redesign really. Roaming actors were good fun and in general, the quality of the acting was top notch. A few things need settling in bit I'm sure it will be a great FN this season!
  23. http://youtu.be/J6pAxF2br_U
  24. New image from the park's Facebook... That angle makes it clear to me that there is no inversion there. Then again, or makes the element look a lot larger than the lift hill (even taking into account perspective and whatnot).
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