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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Really looking forward to seeing the Boomerang go up; genuinely think that could be a little gem of a ride! Loving the advertising signs Paultons have got going too.
  2. Possible spoilers...
  3. Random thought and genuine question - are there any companies which allow you to make a refundable deposit online using a bank card? I've of course heard of deposits in person where you hand over a set amount of cash, or give you card details, and they're then returned to you in person. But wouldn't it be more awkward (and require more details) to ask guests to pay a deposit online, only to give it back to them once they've visited? If so, that would surely explain why they can't take a deposit
  4. People are putting words in Thorpe's mouth here - it is NOT a £1 charge to enter the event, it's a £1 booking fee. It's not uncommon of we're honest in many places (many travel companies charge booking fees on their cheap fares for example). Pretty sure that in the past they have had booking fees for online transactions, so it's not a new thing either. It's inconvenient, but this is a case of the minority ruining things for the majority.
  5. It's a bit frustrating, but then again, it's more frustrating if people are booking and not showing up. I'd rather not be charged anything, but I guess I'd rather go than not go at all.
  6. Hmmm, I can't find this anywhere; have you got a link? The website says the mazes open at 3. This PR is probably either old or was copied and pasted with some details not updated.
  7. Nice find ProjectX! The building doesn't give me vibes which would fit in with a name like Galactica / Intergalactic to be honest. And the marketing we've got so far doesn't really fit in either. Interesting that the trademarking fits in with other major attractions. Wonder if this is just a massive curveball though just to throw us geeks off the scent?
  8. Today is / was the last day of the beach being open according to the website.
  9. JoshC.


    Step 1: Post an old rumour for last year, add "I had this idea myself" to it to make it sounds like an original idea for the future. Step 2: Post a contradictory rumour for last year, which is utter rubbish. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit.
  10. Ooh, thanks for that - couldn't remember the exact wording and was too lazy to check. I've always interpreted it as it will hold machinery for the attraction, though yeah, definitely open to interpretation. Either way, it just confuses matters more as to what on earth this could possibly be!
  11. The plans indicate that it's a maintenance area.
  12. MBV is a weird one, as it seems to just get progressively worse in terms of theming and number of actors as you go through it. After the forest scene, all I can ever remember is darkness and encountering one actor. Compare that to the decent introduction to the maze, and the hospital and mine scenes, which usually have a good few actors in them, it just feels very...weak. Maybe the effect of scare mazes has worn off me a bit, but a dark, enclosed area with an actor doesn't impress or scare me as much as a themed area with loads of actors. That's why I really loved Studio 13's ending, as I had about 3 or 4 actors in the final room before being chased out by a chainsaw, in an ending which fitted in with the whole story of the maze.
  13. Even the builders are stumped...
  14. JoshC.


    This I think is the most important thing. Thorpe want to be a family park, but also want to still have some focus on the thrills. So they need a proper coaster which families can do. Okay, X really isn't the best example of a family / junior coaster, but it's still going to be the first 'proper' (non-powered) coaster many kids will do once they're tall enough. So in that sense, X really has a place in the park at the moment. Thorpe would be mad to get rid of something like without putting in a suitable replacement, even if it was for shows and events.
  15. JoshC.


    There were rumours towards the end of last season that X would be closed down, and the space turned into an events arena. It would have held not only MOS, but plenty of other events (indeed, such a space would have been ideal for Island Beats). However, the idea didn't go through (obviously) and fingers crossed that it remains for a while yet. I'm sure this was actually mentioned on the forums previously.
  16. Personally, I've always felt that Thorpe have been too samey with their endings to mazes lately. Experiment 10, MBV and BWP all had / have endings which relied on a loud, scary noise happening, all in a similar vain to Freezer/Asylum/MBV. Saw Alive relies of the sound of the air gun to try and get people running out. Cabin tries to get loads of actors for the finale, but ultimately it just feels like it ends too soon. A chainsaw ending is memorable, but it's not very original and easy to know the ending from outside the maze. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's a great ending to a maze experience, and having it one maze out of 5 at Thorpe isn't something I'd be against. But I'd like to see something original and different. BWP does a good job in terms of keeping with the story and building on the tension created, but the free-flow experience ultimately works against itself!
  17. I don't it's been confirmed anywhere that the mirror maze is the end to The Big Top, just that it has a mirror maze? The Press Release would at least suggest that the mirror maze isn't the finale. Will be interesting to see what they decide to do, but it would certainly feel...odd not hearing a chainsaw revving around at Fright Nights..
  18. Hope everyone has a fab weekend. Hopefully this can be the start of some more TPM European trips.
  19. I couldn't see that on the website; any chance you could give a link please? --- On a random note, I did have a look at the press release again and love how they refer to The Big Top as a 'Carnival Like No Other', fitting in with the 'Island Like No Other' tagline!
  20. From what I've heard, MBV was actually planned to go behind Swarm last year at one point, so that clearing work could take place for WC16 with more ease. However, it was decided that it would be easier / better for it to just be left in the Arena. If that's true, I guess it's possible the memo didn't trickle down to the people who update the website when the Fright Nights bit went live last year?
  21. JoshC.


    As well as the Escape Room experience, there are two other 'VIP' experiences available at Scarefest; the extreme version of mazes returns, along with the chance to experience the mazes alone, and there's a 'RIP tour', giving people access to all 3 mazes during the day, plus some extra experiences between experiences the mazes. All details from TST: https://towersstreet.com/news/2015/scarefest-vip-package-details-released/ EDIT: The prices of the extreme mazes are £20 in a group, or £30 to 'Maze it Alone'.
  22. Depends on how many people do it and how quickly the queue disappears, but you should be finished by no later than 11
  23. Good to hear! Still trying to win tickets on their game; held second place for a morning once before being blown out the water..
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