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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.


    Yes, here's a photo from yesterday (from TPM's FB): It'll probably be a while before it reopens (it will have a lot of testing to go through before it can be signed off presumably).
  2. Didn't even know it had been closed, but according to the park's Twitter, only Slammer is closed.
  3. EDIT: Spent too much time trying to find a vaguely decent original gif. :/
  4. Heide Park seemingly have launched their own version of Towers' 'Big 6' campaign... Pretty decent idea really!
  5. Glad that's now been confirmed, mostly because that's when I arrive at Efteling.. Excited is an understatement; just to see this thing will be incredible!
  6. JoshC.


    Even though Detonator is (loosely) in Angry Birds Land, it still is a great thrill ride and really does pack a punch. The drop on it is very good; I found it better than Apocalypse at Drayton, which is almost twice as tall. Whilst taller drop towers have the intimidation factor, Detonator has the edge of being able to provide a better ride experience. There's also the problem that Thorpe at restricted in how tall they can go, which would make a ride like Falcon's Fury more difficult to achieve.
  7. With regards to the lack of roof theming... I think it's natural to 'look up' when in the maze; you're in a jungle with trees and such, it's something people will do. It's definitely disappointing that they didn't disguise it. But when I first went through it and noticed it, I didn't actually care. I was having fun within the maze and it didn't detract from my experience really. It certainly would have added to my experience if the ceiling was themed, but we have what we have I guess.
  8. They're fun, little collectible things which are free. Anyone would be happy with them, even if they're geared towards a younger audience. Also, just because a child is too small to go on a ride, it doesn't mean they won't want a badge with that ride on (especially if they've collected others from Chessington/Legoland).
  9. Pop badges are becoming more of a thing at Thorpe now...
  10. Jeez, how has that gone unnoticed / unfixed for so long? Fixed.
  11. You missed out Rumba Rapids repaint, Intamin Aquatrax and "Slammer has had a bad season, I think it should be removed" comments. EDIT: Matt posted essentially the exact post. Is closed season really THAT predictable
  12. JoshC.


    Posted by ScareTour on their Facebook: ScareTour are usually very reliable, so I'd be surprised if this turns out to be wrong. Will be good to have a decent amount of investment pumped into the event with 3 new attractions.
  13. A few more sections being painted... From UK Theme Parks FB Certainly an odd thing to being doing in May. One really has to wonder what the reason for it is at this stage? But hey, could be a positive sign?!
  14. That video, as well as the two Experiment 10 ending videos from 2012, were posted on the previous page. The company who made them (I forget the name) recently made the videos private on their YouTube account. TPC presumably either downloaded that video before their removal or for their hands on it some other way.
  15. I still feel like the 'Merlin will build no more wing riders' is a bit of a non-statement. A wing rider wouldn't fit in at any Lego park or Chessington, and it seems unlikely that Alton would invest in one given their planning constraints and the like. Which rules out all other possible places for a wing rider instantaneously.
  16. Yeah, 2011 was their best ever year attendance-wise I believe. It's a bit difficult to judge, as I don't think Merlin release exact figures any more, so the ones published in things like the annual TEA Attendance Report aren't wholly accurate.
  17. Reports are suggesting Baron is to open on July 1st: Saucey - http://www.looopings.nl/weblog/3821/Openingsdatum-nieuwe-achtbaan-Efteling-uitgelekt.html Exciting stuff!
  18. Looks like we'll have to rename this thread Bantersialand...
  19. From PH Fans: Crossing over itself 58 times! For a comparison, Smiler and it's crazy layout 'only' crosses over itself somewhere between 23-25 times. Going to be one crazy coaster; that's for sure!
  20. Some more Fin's related stuff... Interior has been themed a bit more: (Photos from TPM's FB) A new themed sign has appeared in the dome too: Photo from TPG's FB Looking nice. Does show that the interior of the dome is really outdated though and needs some more work doing to it!
  21. JoshC.


    Might be my memory playing tricks on me a bit / over-exaggerating some downtime, but I pretty certain it hasn't done a full season without being down for at least a month or two.
  22. JoshC.


    You misspelt eleventh.
  23. JoshC.


    Definitely reduces the complexity of the ride, but then means you have to build a ~40ft deep pit to house it, which is expensive and, in many cases, impractical. The sky swat design just never really worked out; it's just one of those things really. Sure, they could spend a whole lot of money to improve it and create Sky Swat 2.0, but the concept of it just doesn't really work. The rides themselves aren't particularly popular either.
  24. Warning: Swear word ahead...
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