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About MattyMoo

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  • Favourite ride
    Stealth is bae
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Jart

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    United Kingdom

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  1. To be fair, just deleted and reinstalled the app and Hyperia has now appeared. Great stuff at the moment...
  2. Hyperia seems to be having a cracking start to the season after having 5 months off. Inexcusable really. Also, love the trick of not having Hyperia on the app so they can pretend it doesn't exist 😶‍🌫️
  3. There is always the point, that just because solar panels are there, doesn't mean they are actually working, of course.
  4. Also have to wonder if/when the Galactica retheme is going to happen, as it was seemingly planned for this year... it sticks out just a tad now...
  5. Yes, this decision troubles me greatly 🙃 Selfishly, am of course hoping Stealth is sorted for my visit in 2 weeks!
  6. 100%. You have to take a step back from being an enthusiast and see what the public see. Nemesis is still Nemesis, as good as it is.
  7. I hope that being friends and family, they are understanding and caring today...
  8. The SilkyBoi said it was a nice mix of woodchips and grass now, implying that the F&B side isn't getting anything else added imminently anyway. Odd that the stage bit has had nothing done to it at all, agreed - not sure what that is about, looks like a very dead bit of space.
  9. WE HAVE A FENCE! 😮 Also - they might want to repaint that column again on the right considering the paint is already coming off after 1 year...
  10. RIP to the Apple Fries. Underrated but apparently unloved. I rarely have a SWEET TREAT to quote Shawn Sandwich, but I did like those. I'm planning to visit THE ISLAND on 31st March as I'm neither a friend, nor family, nor influenza.
  11. I fear for the HyperiaTurf if a fence isn't installed before park opening - but one would imagine a fence isn't coming because you probably wouldn't put the turf in first (although there is a gap where I guess one could be put in before start of the season. Hope so...) I will not allow any complaints about a lack of splashdown effect on Hyperia until the new fire effect on Tidal Wave is operational, as this should be Merlin's - as a whole company - number one priority at this moment in time. The 2025 season depends on it.
  12. Going once, twice, 10 times and SOLD, auction has finished and there's money in the (paint) pot. That track is a right bobby dazzler. Orange? No, just rust.
  13. Please don't say such things 😥 The only thing I want them to tack on is a proper fence around the "landscaping".
  14. At what point in closed season is it safe to assume Colossus is going to stay half painted for 2025, so it will look even more out of place when the other half is (maybe) painted for 2026?
  15. MattyMoo


    Things left behind = eAstEr EgG and definitely NOT laziness or cost cutting.
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