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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Just like Thorpe Park....... oh wait
  2. But its not being based on a film......
  3. I'm partially colour blind, yet I can still see that the area is not grey, its Beige.
  4. This sponsorship doesn't phase me at all. It's not *actually* that bad, I mean really lets be real here, do you really go out of your way to pay attention to the pipes in X-Sector? And Oblivions Entrance doesn't hit you in the face, its simple. Really makes no difference to me.
  5. AA Emergency Breakdown Cover? I Actually like this idea, could easily be implemented without making it too obvious, and Slick Motor Oil could tie in with it too
  6. Not really, when I was at towers they were the first thing I saw when I went to the till. Right at the front of the counter they were
  7. It really was, after I saw Oblivion Condoms being sold in Splash Landings Hotel, I thought it wouldn't be long until they hit Stealth
  8. I think its quite sad to go on your own really.But hey, I guess thats just me.
  9. StevenVig


    Use and abuse, thats all its about. That slug is a whore
  10. Unfortunately, due to the way my college works, this Monday is a college day.Was looking so forward to going, but there ya go *sigh*
  11. StevenVig


    http://gobarbra.com/hit/new-5d3a55e42d1aa8f3d02c93c05c84f6b6Best thing ive found in AGES
  12. *Bump*So Duncan James asked me for some popcorn today, which I had to refuse to him, since we were closed.He is butch
  13. if they get rid of the boring movie, you know the one with the pictures of the prostitutes? That film bores me to death. Then I will be happy
  14. StevenVig


    No No No NoThis ride has overstayed it's welcome, first it just got crap, then it just became boring, and now its just ridiculous. It's got to go.
  15. That much is certain, I remember when they struggled to get 1k in on an off-peak day, it was something like 850.
  16. Surely if their failing to hit capacity during Open Season, then they're not as popular as you think
  17. Lets not forget though, that the capacity level is dramatically reduced during Zoo Only, as alot of the main park is shut, it's also half term so all the little ones are off school!
  18. Well this place has just surprisingly hit capacity.
  19. StevenVig

    Logger's Leap

    This is where I would have to disagree. Loggers barely gets you wet at all anymore. Some boats, yes, will flood with water, but almost everytime I ride, I only ever get a few drops of water on me. The soaked shoes can be solved by simply lifting your feat up, which infact adds to the airtime on the drop.
  20. StevenVig


    It's February 15th today.FAIL.
  21. Kudos to Faherty for this, a class post. :DOn another note,Tom Faherty says: Thats some good shi t right there
  22. Nothing wrong my end.JPEGS work fine.
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