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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Something along these lines maybe?Its simple but nice to look at
  2. StevenVig

    Bad Injuries!

    *Vomits*I can feel the sheer pain! Sorry to hear that.
  3. I'm in the stealth queue at the moment. Thorpe have a new system for the queue times. The times are now displayed by a key, as follows.1 - 0-30 (Quiet)2 - 30-60 (Average)3 - 60+ (Busy)how stupid is this system, so now the led boards will say either a number (1-3) or Busy/Quiet. How useless >__>P.S master iskandar wants me to let you all know I'm at the park with him today! Lolz
  4. Its pretty much inevitable of getting some sort of comment from someone in London, especially in the more Urban areas. But it doesnt matter to me, to be honest I enjoy it. That ma sound crazy, but I love listening to how stupid people sound, they should listen to themselves.
  5. I Dont see why not. Obviously there would be a fee for members to pay to have it made and then the authorisation from the Admin Team
  6. Nothing really, they would just look pretty. A Symbol of being a TPM Member? lol
  7. Well the title explains itself really. Having little badges or cards with your username on it and a nice little TPM Logo would look rather cool tbh. Who agrees?
  8. How & Where do you plan to have your maze? I want to go in it!
  9. You are correct. The back 2 rows are for Exit Pass Users only
  10. Also what Fright Nights offer compared to The Dungeons is different. The Dungeons is there to scare you yes, but its main focus is to educate through horror. If anyone has ever visited The Dungeons, you'd know what I mean. The Actors aren't there to jump out at you from corners and ceilings, like Scare Mazes. Fright Nights is purely there to scare you, there's nothing educational about them.Hope that makes a little more sense
  11. I was feeling a little bored, so I thought I would create a mockup of the Audio Panels used on most of the rides.This 'version' features tracks from Colossus.Just click the link to download it. It requires Flash Player, which most of you will have. If it doesnt open after a double click, just open it with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Opera.Enjoy!http://download784.mediafire.com/vua0ljexm...Audio+Panel.swf
  12. Today was a very good day, I really enjoyed myself. It was good to see some new faces too! I managed to snap a few photos, theyre nothing special, but thought I'd still share them. I also managed to record a short video from the Rush Queue, available for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!Left to Right: Peaj, Chris, Ellerby (Chris looking quite unamused and unhappy to be with some of the best people!)Left to Right: DanJ, Smartguy, Peaj, Chris, Ellerby, Jack The SackEllerby, pretending to be camera shy. Can you spot Ryan? The Video (Clicky) http://www.mediafire.com/file/y4gmwz5xzhe/IMG_0352.MOV
  13. StevenVig


    Media Studies - BEnglish - CEnglish Literature - DScience - C (Double Award)Drama & Theatre Studies - BFood Technology - CMathematics - DReligious Studies - DStatistics - D
  14. StevenVig


    I do hope your employer is being fully compliant with Child Worker Laws and that you have a permit to be working at the age of 14
  15. HEY JESS!

    OMG Loving the picture with the Hocus Pocus Glasses. hehe.

    Cant really think of anything else to say, but I have left a comment as I said I would

    Nuff Love


  16. StevenVig


    Doesnt this guy look alot like Jade Goodyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2_PJhhLMXo
  17. Thorpe Park do not offer Work Experience placements unfortunately
  18. I love you sweetheart!

    Cant wait for Wednesday!


  19. StevenVig


    Internet Tethering on the iPhone 3G S is amazing! I'm actually typing this whilst in my car on the way back from my holiday. I see heathrow atm!
  20. Lets stay on topic please, that was totally irrelevant
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