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Everything posted by Benin

  1. You mean the video that says 'UNOFFICIAL' at the very start?
  2. Probably because the current 'proper' walkthroughs we saw posted on here from Inside the Magic and the like were done on Media days by relative professionals with prior permission from the park... Tough potatoes really, as no-one here can really condone the breaking of park rules, especially when can't even take photos of the backstage tour event...
  3. Dollywood They did need a middling coaster between the kiddie one and Thunderhead/Mystery Mine and this certainly fits the bill... EDIT - Image of the full layout...
  4. Because Chessington... As for the Goblins, yeah not surprising they're covering them up, they make little sense to the new storyline and as such having them around (probably with half of them still broken) is best for them...
  5. £2 million is not enough to fix up the entire park... Especially when most of their problems cannot be fixed by throwing money at it...
  6. Depends if they get Rameses and Runaway Train open for March next year... And improve parkwide operations... And invest in improving the state of the park... And build something new... And improve throughputs... And theme Dragon Falls... A refurbed HPH would be sticking sellotape over the ever-increasing cracks...
  7. From what I've heard they're really pushing the boat out for it, weird for what is only a temporary attraction... Unless HPH refurb is gonna happen, which I doubt anyone would say no to, since it's crap...
  8. Most of the obvious mistakes are down to the theme park portion of it, rather than the actual safari side... Like, between leaving the station and the rhino paddock is decent enough (driver interaction would of course improve things, hell even zoo staff sitting in the front on a much louder PA system would improve matters), but everything else surrounding the ride is one big mess... You can see the inspiration, but the design errors just as much...
  9. Come on guys, break the park rules! What kind of enthusiasts are you not risking getting chucked out and your MAP revoked in order to get a crappy low-light video of some dark corridors and people jumping out at you?
  10. Benin


    http://usvsth3m.com/post/53834366536/benedict-cumberbatch-hates-liquids Benedict Cumberbatch is disgusted by this coffee Benedict Cumberbatch is angered by this brandy Benedict Cumberbatch is infuriated by this tea Benedict Cumberbatch resents this water Benedict Cumberbatch momentarily thought this Darjeeling was OK - then realised that, no, he hates that too Benedict Cumberbatch is frustrated by his own salty tears
  11. Back in 2001... Wonder what he'd think of the park now
  12. You know it's Halloween when enthusiasts complain about the use of floodlights <3
  13. Day 3 And lo, the final day approached as we groggily awoke for one last B&M whorage session. However there was some unfinished business to attend to first, so we checked out the hotel, dumped off our bags and headed in to Baco once more. It was announcing technical difficulties… This turned out to be the addition of the second train however, so we waited it out and before long we were winging our way out of the station on the front row. The pre-show began, the brake fins dropped, the tension built... We didn’t move… Baco seemed keen to not be out-done by its B&M brethren who had both suffered breakdowns prior to today, so decided enough was enough or that it was too early to be working (to which me and Mark agreed) after a late night. #BacoFace We were rolled back into the station before being told to get out and wait by the exit. After some time, we left, not being arsed to hang around a broken Intamin when there were B&Ms to ride. And so the whoring session began, with 3 goes each on Khan and Shambhala; jumping between the two in the process and enjoying every moment of them. We then decided to head back towards Baco because I didn’t want it to be the last ride of the trip and leave a bad experience in my head, so we headed around the park via El Diablo, some ice-cream and some more Halloween characters for one last attempt at Baco. Back on the front and it miraculously worked this time, though how good a miracle it was not really agreed upon. Many say it’s better in the front/inside seats, it is really, but does that stop it from being several seconds of pain, bounce and wondering why we wanted to give it a second chance (clearly, our trip to Bakken taught us very little)? The answer is a resounding no, and we longed for the apparent roughness of Khan once more. Post Baco Red Ear A quick train ride later, and that’s exactly where we were. Though Shambhala took more precedence this time as it was much easier to re-ride compared to Khan, but that’s down to the heavy load of g-force more than anything wrong with the ride. So after 4 more goes on Shambhala (bringing the total rides of it to 20) it was back on the train to the entrance and time to venture back out into the real world of delayed flights and rubbish European airports. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q77/s720x720/563137_10153314757995220_127835768_n.jpg " /> So the final thoughts… The park is very good really, though lacking in dark rides is the main issue here, as it mostly has a decent assortment of flat rides spread (thinly) around the park. Hopefully the 2014 is a nice big indoor attraction of SOME kind, regardless of what it ACTUALLY is (aside from a splash battle, but I’m not too sure if it is one). Out of the big 4 coasters, 2 are fantastic, 2 are rough as hell, with El Diablo, Tomahawk and Tami-Tami decent supporting cast to them. The shows are excellent across the board even with the language barrier existing as they are pretty generic in theme/story, but all those involved in the shows were entertaining and deserve plaudits. This especially rings true to those walking characters, who when they could on the quieter Friday put in a hell load of effort into their interactions, whilst the Halloween ones put in just as much. The Express Pass however, was an absolute god-send to us, especially considering the situation of queuing in Spain. And it allowed us to take our time around the park instead of just standing in stuffy cattlepens being walked past. The interesting thing is that despite the cheapness of the unlimited and the one-shots, there were no queues for Express to the degree we see on busy days in the UK parks; perhaps they really limit the numbers over there due to the hotels? Or is it just that the country is broke? Regardless, an excellent weekend away, and a rather excellent park really. Good theming, good shows, (some) good rides. Good job Port Aventura.
  14. Playdays? Annoying? That show was
  15. Yeah for some reason at the start of the season they decided to change it to selected outlets... Not one of their best ideas...
  16. For the potential food poisoning I'd want a Merlin one...
  17. Lack of park theming is to be expected when it's a staff only driven thing... Would've thought the deal would have allowed a few film props to be added about the place...
  18. It's a day many thought would never come, then again it was built with minimal plans due to the age of these rides and every test seemed to result in something going wrong... Well done to the park for finally getting it complete and rideable...
  19. Decent idea, guessing it's two portions or sommat of their ribs, one is not exactly Man Vs Food...
  20. Baco made my eyes water, but probably for different reasons than the usual wind in face experience on most rides...
  21. People consider Detonator no longer having THAT FN music/announcements a plus?
  22. Benin


    Or possibly replacing the cables and gears for new ones... Or even just starting winter maintenance and stripping the entire ride down now since it won't open this season...
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