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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin


    Reason why I set myself an 11pm laptop shut off time... Set a routine, follow it to seriousness, then eventually the body will adapt... Simple stuff...
  2. DAT RIDE OPENING! God our parks are so turd at times...
  3. I'll also mention that ride staff aren't always efficient with changing queue time boards... This is very obvious at the end of the day when the queue time is 10x higher than the actual queue, meaning a quicker turnover and hometime...
  4. Benin


    Why do we need one of those when we have Storm Surge?
  5. In other small parks getting an immense dark ride section on their small coasters making the UK's look like crap news... Bellawerde's Huracan is open!
  6. Benin


    I'd rather see NWO as an Intamin Blitz...
  7. ALL HAIL THE GLORIOUS OVER-REACTION! Seriously, these trains are actually MILES different design wise to the old style EuroFighter trains (each row is actually separate, a la B&M)... In a way, this may cause even GREATER difference to them and hence judgement reserved till later... And of course, not every ride (Gerstlauer or other) with OTSRs is rough...
  8. There will be set path for all trucks to take... 5 trucks at a later point should hopefully mean around a 1000 pph mind...
  9. It looks a bit... Meh? I guess I was expecting an unique storyline, rather than a tour of certain scenes from the shorts and film... To that level, it's slightly disappointing... On the plus side, the scenes they have look exceptionally well done, and whilst have some staticness to a few of the characters, has a LOT more moving components than most (if not all) Merlin dark rides... I'm sure it'll be a well-received ride...
  10. The irony being that 90% of this forum probably took an instant dislike after the first few posts...
  11. The animal situation is something that will actually come in time, it's an unavoidable issue with such an attraction... But give it a few months and they'll be more sociable and interesting in the long run...
  12. Benin


    So it's still NWO? Or could Thorpe not be bothered to remove the old signage? I'M SO CONFUSED!
  13. This, so damn much... If you're gonna go on the hunt for actual info, front of line staff are not the place to go, because they get told absolutely nothing bar the minimal info required (I.e. Runaway and Falls will be closed for the forseeable future, yada yada)...
  14. If this has happened it's damn well ruined Nicky's trip report... FFS MODS STOP PICKING ON NICKY!
  15. Benin


    So apparently the light show is nice, but not much has actually changed... Why are people getting so hyped up for this change? Just out of interest when all that was promised were forward facing trains and lights?
  16. Benin

    The Smiler

  17. I don't find the possibility of being burnt funny...
  18. Benin


    Surely that's something not too surprising if Thorpe is reasonably busy... Especially with a lower height restriction now, X is going to be pretty busy throughout the year...
  19. Does Crash Pad even get ERT? Heard nothing of the sort...
  20. Wait, you mean when you refurb objects of theming they last for a longer time? If only Chessie realised that...
  21. Benin

    The Smiler

    One would assume that the station platform will be higher than these so you step down into the train... Quite logical really...
  22. Are they trying to make Fury's queue of BURDEN less burdenous by simply making Vampire god-awful? I miss 3 trains... I miss efficient people working on it... Sigh
  23. Eh, I wouldn't hold your breath JUST yet, as Runaway hasn't been touched yet and that's pretty much confirmed as being ripped apart... [/pessimism]
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