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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin

    The Smiler

    It was significant when Thorpe did it... Better secret element than a washing machine...
  2. Not even that, they can just look at what they took down two weeks ago...
  3. They don't really NEED new suggestions, just use the original concept and ideas... Job done...
  4. I don't think any other park in the UK does have a Wild Mouse anymore (bar Blackpool, but as that's made of wood, different situation altogether)... Sure someone's who worked on Rattlesnack can give us a fuller answer as to why it closes in the cold, as Vamps and Fury are pretty standard (along with Skyway in any form of crap weather)...
  5. This... For what is the in-house design team, they are a ridiculous burden on the parks that should be using them straight off... Charging stupid amounts for signs and what-not...
  6. Benin

    The Smiler

  7. Benin


    It's probably a case of it actually being ABLE to run at the maximum speed, rather than slower in case it tears itself apart... Throwing caution to the wind...
  8. I used to use TinyPic, but only for RCT related pictures... I don't think I could handle posting 100 photos onto there just for trip reports...
  9. Because those two are the rides unable to work in the cold for definite hence it's best to inform guests about it (as it's not the clearest of things)... Any other closed rides are due to whatever else...
  10. Photobucket? But I used Facebook... FFS, can't be arsed to do that...
  11. I've noticed that a lot of older topics (trip reports mainly) seem to have lost their links to photos, there a reason behind this? Is it fixable (as the photos in question still exist)?
  13. In other news, the Pope is Catholic...
  14. God they abused the hell out of that Halloween music didn't they? Was so sick of it after like, a year of it being used across half the park... The oompa music suits the whole Bavaria realism vibe they're going for now anyways... It didn't affect me over Zoo Days, I doubt it'll affect me Sunday (indeed, it seems that the area music is the least of the worries in that area right now)... Dunno what this toning down thing is though, more getting these areas into a more realistic/down to earth (ish, purple building was silly in that regard, though dunno how it looks in real life) look and feel... Hence why Burger Kitchen is no longer another castle on the outside (and extremely bland on the inside it seems)...
  15. Weren't Pixar meant to be doing a Dinosaur film? (Answer, yes, as well as 3 other original stories over the next 3 years) To be fair to them though, at least their sequels for the most part (Cars 2 is the one exception, but that was Disney going IT PRINTS MONEY!) are actually pretty decent... In fact Toy Story aside they've not done many sequels/prequels (Research tells me that this would only be their 3 non Toy Story related sequel)... I'm not sure if Nemo was worth a sequel though...
  16. Benin


    He means one working swing... As in where you sit...
  17. It's so simple TPR could do it...
  18. I enjoy playing the pedant game...
  19. Pixar really do have an obsession over sequels/prequels atm... And STILL no Incredibles one? FFS...
  20. The soil being different to the expected was the issue, hence the concrete walls that suddenly appeared unexpectedly... Either that or Merlin are following other trends, as the UK is rare in that majority have their rides open with the parks themselves... Europe and USA don't tend to do this for major rides...
  21. Feet don't make the difference; length of leg does... Hence I can't sit in the back rows because I'm not a bloody contortionist (even then the front rows are a struggle)...
  22. Dragons Playhouse... [/end discussion]
  23. I'd suggest re-wording your post then Safe to say that first drop is good though... Clearly is world class since Expedition G-Force does it too
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